This organization shall be known as the Kansas State University Amateur Radio Club.
The purpose of this organization is to promote interest in Amateur Radio and related areas, to provide operating facilities for its members, to provide members of the University family with an additional means of communication in times of need, and to promote amateur radio in the local community.
Membership will be available to:
Membership may be terminated:
A yearly fee is required of each member, as stated in the bylaws. Membership for KSU students is free. Fees, once paid, are not refundable for any reason. The rights of operating membership, including the right to participate in club meetings, to vote, and to use club equipment, are given to those whose membership, once conferred, is now in effect. Persons from outside the University family and those who are not members of the organization may attend meetings as guests, but they are not eligible to vote or to participate in any other manner unless requested to do so by the officer in charge.
The president shall preside at all meetings and conduct the same in accordance with the rules adopted; he or she shall enforce due observance of this constitution and its bylaws; decide all questions of order; sign all official documents which are adopted by the club--none other--and perform all customary duties pertaining to the office of the president. He or she shall aid and direct the other officers of the club in performance of their duties. The secretary-treasurer shall keep a complete and orderly record of the proceedings of all meetings, keep a roll of members, carry on all correspondence, read communications at each meeting and preside at all meetings in the absence of the president. He or she shall provide the activities manager with all pertinent information received so that it may be posted while it is current. He or she shall keep accurate records of all club income and expenditures and report same at each regular meeting, and pay all bills by the proper authorization of the club. He or she shall, upon leaving office, turn over materials and funds belonging to the club to his or her successor. After the second meeting of each semester, he or she shall check the list of people who hold keys to the club station and compare this list with that of paid-up members. Except for the adviser, trustee and faculty members of the college in which the station is located, he or she shall contact everyone who has a key but has not paid fees, informing them that they must pay fees or turn in their key by the next meeting. He or she will check again after the third meeting, and turn over the names of any who have neither paid fees or returned their key to the adviser for further action. The station manager shall be responsible to the trustee for all matters pertaining to the control of the club station. He or she shall see that all equipment is maintained in proper operating order and is operated in accordance with FCC rules and regulations. He or she shall be required to hold a general class license or higher. The activities manager shall be responsible to the trustee for activities undertaken by the club, and for all publicity of the club. He or she shall encourage participation in special events such as contests, and various amateur and MARS networks. He or she shall also be responsible for organizing and obtaining club programs throughout the year.
The club shall have a station trustee under whose name the station license will be held. He or she will represent the club on matters pertinent to the Federal Communications Commission. He or she shall be a faculty/staff member of KSU who holds a general class or higher license, preferably extra class. He or she shall renew the club license along with his or her own personal license. The trustee shall be responsible in all matters pertaining to the general operation and control of the club station. The trustee remains in this position as trustee until leaving the university, his or her license expires, or he or she asks to be relieved. At that time, the club will initiate a search within the faculty to find a replacement. The new trustee should be approved by a vote of the club membership.
This person may be the same as the trustee or a different person. He or she must be a licensed amateur and a KSU faculty/staff member. He or she will represent the club to the university, and may also represent the trustee on day-to day operations and management of the club station. The adviser will serve until he or she asks to be released. Both the adviser and the trustee may use the club station and may participate in club decisions, but will not be required to pay fees or assessments of any type. They do not vote, but rather outline the limits of decisions which would be acceptable to the university. The club then chooses between the allowable choices. The adviser and trustee may veto those decisions which, in their opinion, could seriously damage the club. If the trustee or adviser are not performing their jobs properly, in the opinion of the club, the club should seek advice from other radio amateurs on the faculty as to how to proceed. If at least two faculty members who are radio amateurs feel the complaints are substantial, then the trustee or adviser may be asked to resign. If he or she refuses, then the usual university channels for dealing with complaints between a faculty/staff member and a student may be followed.
The Executive Council will consist of the president, secretary-treasurer, station manager, and activities manager.
The treasury shall consist of all monies received by the club from the payment of fees by its members, or from any other source. The secretary-treasurer may spend ten dollars per month without a majority vote. If the amount is over ten dollars, then a majority vote will be required. The club may acquire, own and dispose of electronic equipment and other personal property necessary or convenient for the furtherance of its reasons for existence as it sees fit, the value of such property to be considered part of the treasury.
The word "majority" as used in the constitution means an affirmative vote of fifty-one (or more) percent of the votes cast.
This constitution may be amended by the following procedure:
Robert's Rules of Order, as interpreted by the officer in charge, shall govern all parliamentary procedure during business meetings. Nothing in this constitution or its bylaws shall be construed to conflict with any rules or regulations which are or which shall be established by Kansas State University, the State of Kansas, or the United States of America. Other rules and regulations established by the club shall also be binding upon its members, such rules and regulations to be agreed upon by a majority vote at any regularly-scheduled meeting.
At the first meeting of spring semester, elections will be held. The least amount of time an officer can hold an office of the club is one semester. This can only happen when the nominee will be graduating at the end of the semester. At the end of a one-semester term, the club will hold elections for the office vacated. If all the officers graduate, the elections will be conducted by the adviser--otherwise the highest elected official left over from the previous semester will conduct the elections. This includes elections at the beginning of the school year. For a nominee to win the election, he or she must poll fifty-one percent of the votes cast, and pay fees at the first possible opportunity. Additional non-executive offices may be created as deemed necessary by the club.
A time and place for meetings convenient to the majority of the club members will be chosen at the beginning of each semester. Such time and place may be changed at any time by a majority vote at any meeting, notice of such change to be sent to each member not at the meeting at least one week before the effective date of change. All members are expected to have some form of electronic mail to keep informed about meetings and other club activities. The Executive Council shall have the authority to change the time and/or place of a meeting if it is found to be in conflict with some all-university activity, such change effective for one meeting only.
Persons wishing to join at the start of summer will pay the next school year's fees in advance. Membership for KSU students is free. Fees may be pro-rated for members joining or leaving mid-academic year. Membership fees may be paid in advance, for as many years as requested by the member, at the current annual membership rate. Graduates of Kansas State University wishing to become alumni members shall pay an annual fee of two dollars, with a minimum of five years. Members who desire access to the club station must hold a valid FCC amateur radio license, and shall pay an additional annual fee of eighteen dollars, or twenty-five dollars for alumni members. The annual fee of eighteen dollars for station access will be waived for the license trustee, club adviser, and officers. A one-time key deposit of ten dollars is required for club station access. The deposit will be refunded upon return of the key, up to one calendar year after termination of membership. A club member may, at no cost, check out a key to the KSUARC station from the Electrical Engineering office. The key would be loaned for a maximum of twenty-four hours each time, with a limit of five checkouts per semester. The key may also be borrowed on a Friday, if returned on Monday.
This organization may sponsor such activities as are desired to further its purposes for existing. These activities may include, but are not necessarily limited to, transmitter hunts, code and theory classes, auctions, hamfests, etc. Under proper supervision it may make its equipment available to its members for such events as DX contests, Field Days, Sweepstakes, and other amateur activities; traffic handling and other net or individual participation may also be included in the club's activities. const. revised September 19, 2001
![]() ksuarc@ksu.edu
![]() modified 9/26/06 |