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  4. »Reducing barriers to student success

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

April 26, 2018

Reducing barriers to student success

Submitted by Lisa Last

The Committee on Academic Policy and Procedure has established a new subcommittee to review the impact of student policies and procedures on student retention. The sub-committee charge includes investigating the following:

  1. The impact of holds on student persistence.
  2. The date holds are applied to a student's account and the impact.
  3. The development of a policy regarding the creation, maintenance, placing and removing of holds.
  4. Conduct an audit of holds to address redundancy, monitor impact on a student account, explore alternative platforms that could notify students of actions needed regarding their student account.
  5. Explore waitlist issues and identify course offering limitations that are roadblocks to graduation.

The committee members are Bente Janda, Stephanie Bannister, Heather Reed, Jan Elsasser, Bill Harlan, Jo Maseberg Tomlinson, Fran Willbrant, Larry Moeder, Monty Nielsen, and Peggy Schmidt. The sub-committee will work through the summer and report findings to CAPP in August. If you have any comments regarding the work of the committee, please let one of the members know. We welcome your thoughts on these topics and additional topics regarding barriers to student persistence.

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