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K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

February 24, 2020

Legal Speaker Series: Mock Law Class

Submitted by Cadence Ciesielski

The Office of Pre-Law Advising will host a Mock Moot Court Class from 6-7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25, in 123 Leadership Studies Building. The event is open to everyone. 

Ever wondered what law school is like? Interested in exploring appellate litigation? Want to know more about current Supreme Court cases? Join Pre-Law for a dynamic Mock Moot Court Class hosted by KU Law Professor Lumen Mulligan. 

Last semester, we hosted Mulligan's Mock Law Class in one of our most popular legal speaker events to date. More than 50 pre-law students discussed pending cases before the United States Supreme Court and came up with arguments for both sides, all while getting to know other pre-law students.

"It's a very relaxing environment that helps me think about what a law school class would be like," said Tom McClain, junior. 

This semester, Mulligan will be mixing it up and discussing oral argumentation and present new cases to the class. 

Mulligan teaches predominantly civil litigation courses. KU Law students have recognized Mulligan for his excellent teaching many times. His engaging legal speaker events are always a favorite of the pre-law program.