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  3. »KSRE Tuesday Letter
  4. »Kansas Radon Action Month, January 2022

KSRE Tuesday Letter

December 21, 2021

Kansas Radon Action Month, January 2022

Submitted by Brian R Hanson

On November 23, 2021, Governor Laura Kelley signed a proclamation naming January 2022 Kansas Radon Action Month (KRAM).

The Kansas Radon Program (KRP) encourages all Kansas residents to test their homes for radon gas in the January to March timeframe. Chronic, long-term exposure to elevated levels of indoor radon increases our lifetime risk of developing lung cancer. Residential radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer death in the United States.

The KRP encourages local extension offices to include radon education into their Winter 2022 programming. KRP personnel are available to schedule either live webinar-based or in-person public education programs on radon.

Due to the initiation of a new contract with our radon test kit provider, radon test kit costs to Kansas Extension and Health Department offices are immediately being raised to $7.50 per unit (this includes our shipping costs to your office). The listed cost also still includes the return shipping cost by USPS and the cost of the device analysis.

To order radon test kits for your clients or to schedule radon programing with the KRP, please contact Brian Hanson at 785-532-4996 or at bhanson@ksu.edu.