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  4. »2022 Kansas 4-H Program Rally

KSRE Tuesday Letter

December 21, 2021

2022 Kansas 4-H Program Rally

Submitted by Beth Hinshaw

We are excited to share updates regarding the Kansas 4-H Program Rally.

Kansas 4-H Program Rally
January 25, 26, and 27
Lyon County Fairgrounds, Emporia, Kansas

The rally will be hosted in Emporia this year. We are grateful to Lyon County for making their space available free of charge.

There are several important dates that are important to be aware of:

January 9 – Proposal Submissions Due

January 13 – Registration Opens

January 14 – Proposal Notifications Made

January 19 – Registration Closes

January 25 – 4-H Program Rally Begins at 12:30 p.m. with an optional lunch available at 12 p.m.

January 26 – 4-H Program Rally All Day

January 27 – 4-H Program Rally Ends at 12 p.m. without a lunch option

We are taking proposals for Workshops (45-minute sessions) and Spark Sessions (10-minute session led multiple times) at the Rally! Please consider sharing some of your good work! Proposals need to be received on or before Sunday, January 9.

Submit your proposal here.

Also please know that we expect registration to open on the 13th of January and close on the 19th of January. This short window of time is necessary for catering and other deadlines.

Registration is $60 and will cover lunch on Wednesday and snacks Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, speakers, materials, etc. There is also an option for lunch onsite Tuesday for $13.

We will have both a Folder in Teams and information on the Kansas 4-H Staff Resources website. Detailed schedule, hotel blocks and other information coming after the new year.