About Us
The Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) exists to ensure that adequate health care is provided for the students of Kansas State University. SHAC is an advisory committee appointed by the Student Body President and works with both the President and Student Senate. Members of SHAC meet at least biweekly throughout the fall and spring semesters to fulfill these purposes:
- to advise the Director of Lafene Health Center about student health care needs.
- to assist the Director in setting priorities that have the interest of the students in mind.
- to support the staff of Lafene Health Center in their development of adequate services for fee-paying students.
- to promote health care and the services offered by Lafene Health Center.
- to communicate and cooperate with the Student Governing Association regarding issues of student health care on campus.
- to increase student awareness of resources available on campus.
- to ensure student access to updated health education materials.
Members of SHAC include:
- the Director of Lafene Health Center and representatives from the Health Promotion Department.
- additional nonvoting student members who have previously served on the committee or others who are exceptionally qualified.
Subcommittees within SHAC in which students may participate include Public Relations and Marketing.
Learn more about how you can become involved in SHAC. E-mail your comments and questions about SHAC to healthy@k-state.edu