
Modern Languages is dedicated to fostering proficiency, cultural understanding, and academic exploration across a spectrum of languages, preparing students for a variety of careers ranging from translation to international business, and much more.

The Department

mlangsModern Languages is a vibrant and dynamic place where we foster a multilingual and multicultural awareness and a sense of belonging and identity that prepare students to become global citizens. Our approach is a collaborative one that brings together students, faculty, and staff in the pursuit of a deeper understanding of the world in which we live by investigating the ways in which people express themselves in their languages and how societies conceive of themselves through their cultural objects.

Our graduates are well-versed in their language of study and in the cultural realities of the places where those languages are spoken. They develop an appreciation for how being bilingual or multilingual positively impacts one's life. Our faculty are teacher-scholars who work in many languages, including Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Latin, and Spanish.

We offer engaging and interdisciplinary courses like "Translation & Interpretation in the Community," "Old German Script", "Literary Portraiture & Modern Spain," "Theories of Second Language Acquisition," and a variety of special topics in literary and cultural studies and linguistics. We are also home to the international, peer-reviewed scholarly journal, Studies in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature (est. 1976).

Recent graduates are currently working in a range of fields: K-12 education, Translation & Interpretation, Higher Ed, and International Business. K-State Modern Languages graduates make a difference in their community, whether it in Kansas, throughout the US, or abroad.

Dr. BenderWe invite you to join us in Modern Languages, where we will work with you to design projects and coure plans that highlight your talents and skillsets in order to meet your individual professional goals. Please reach out with questions or if you simply want to learn more about what we do. We're looking forward to working with you!

Dr. Rebecca Bender, Interim Department Head & Associate Professor


Discover our comprehensive range of languages and explore the diverse array of programs available to suit your learning goals.


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Did you know that research isn't just for grad students and faculty? Get involved in undergraduate research in languages and related fields today!