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Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I learn another language?
Thousands of K-State students have recognized the value of pairing a degree in agriculture, engineering, architecture, physics, journalism and many other fields with a second language to enhance their career plans . Students in Modern Languages may become teachers, translators, interpreters, or language consultants. But many graduates also pursue careers in travel and tourism, computer and software services, project management at a variety of national and international companies, advertising and marketing, social and health services, or legal fields, as well as many positions in the State Department and other areas of government and diplomacy. For more information about possible careers for Modern Languages students, please visit the Career Center , and check the salary offers for K-Staters in Arts & Sciences .
Knowing a language also makes you a stronger candidate for many prestigious scholarships.
What languages can I study and how do I enroll?
Modern Languages offers a variety of languages, courses and programs in Arabic, Chinese, Classical Studies, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. All languages are offered from true beginners to advanced levels, and each class is designed so that students advance in reading, listening, writing, speaking, and cultural proficiency.
Find out where you should start and talk to your advisor to enroll. Keep in mind that if you have some experience with a language, can test into a higher level and successfully complete the course with a "C" or better, you will receive FREE credit for the preceding courses, on a "take one class/ receive credit for one class" basis, and you can finish your language sequence, minor or major quicker. You can fill out a retroactive credit application form, or in the Modern Languages Office (207 Eisenhower Hall).
- For example, if you successfully complete Spanish II at K-State, you can receive retroactive credit for Spanish I. You can receive retroactive credit in all languages for levels 1 through 4 (up to 12-14 hours of credit depending on the language).
Can I get credit for my high-school or other college language courses? What about AP, IB, CLEP, Seal of Biliteracy?
- If you have taken a language in high school, chances are you can start at K-State at level 2 or above. Through retroactive credit (see information below), you can earn FREE credit for that language.
- If you earned a Seal of Biliteracy Certificate in high school and received the Silver Seal (Intermediate Mid), you will start with the fourth semester of the language sequece (for example, SPAN 301, Spanish 4). If you received the Gold Seal (Advanced Low), you will start with fifth-semester courses at the 400 or 500 level (ex: SPAN 410 (Spanish Composition and Grammar). In both cases you will be able to receive retroactive credit (free credit) for the previous levels (Spanish 1 through 3 or 4) once you've completed Spanish courses at K-State (one course for one course).
- You can receive credit for your high-school language if you take the AP, IB or CLEP exam. Please check K-State transfer information for these exams.
- You can also transfer language credit from another college, please visit K-State Transfer Information page.
What is Retroactive Credit?
- For example, if you successfully complete Spanish II at K-State, you can receive retroactive credit for Spanish I. You can receive retroactive credit in all languages for levels 1 through 4 (up to 12-14 hours of credit depending on the language), thus completing your language course sequence, your minor or major faster.
These forms are reviewed once a week and processed on Wednesdays. Please be aware that this process may take several weeks, if you do not see any changes in your DARS list within a month of submission, please contact mlangadvising@k-state.edu.
Can I study abroad?
We strongly encourage our students to study abroad. Our faculty offer regular short faculty-led programs to Germany, Mexico or Spain, and are planning to develop more. The Office of International Programs also offer a great variety of programs ranging from a week to a semester or academic year, some include community service program, or homestays with host families. Whichever program you choose, one of our faculty will go over how credit earned abroad will transfer back to K-State and apply to your minor or major. There are abundant scholarships available for studying abroad. Pursuing studies overseas can be an enriching experience, adding excitement and setting you apart in the competitive job market.
Want to know what a language course looks like?
When scheduling your campus visit, ask the Admissions Office to visit a language course, or contact Modern Languages (modlang@ksu.edu).
What is a Foreign Language Waiver?
Native or near-native speaker of a language other than English may be granted a waiver of the International Overlay (level 4 of a foreign language) requirements for any B.A. in Arts and Sciences. To see if you qualify, please contact modlang@ksu.edu.