Resources for Public Engagement

ICDD's mission is to build community capacity for informed, engaged, civil deliberation. Our vision is stronger democracy through enhanced public deliberation.Below are resources from national partners as well as ICDD's own discussion guides used in Kansas communities.

Topical Guides for Group Discussion and Deliberation, National Partners

At the heart of a strong democracy is an active citizenship. To be an informed and engaged citizen invites the opportunity to participate in civil deliberation with others. To make this possible, ICDD shares resources from partner organizations that have developed discussion materials. This includes the National Issues Forums Institute and the Interactivity Foundation. There are topical discussion guides as well as process guides.

Interactivity Foundation''''''''


ICDD Guides

Campus Carry: How Will Concealed Carry on Campus Affect Us? What Should Be Done?

Health of Kansas Reservoirs - Milford Lake Discussion Framework

Civility and Inclusion in the Workplace - A Communication Workshop

ICDD Resources

ICDD offers resources to faculty, students, and community for enhancing the practices of democratic engagement through:

* Facilitator Workshops and Trainings

* Academic Courses