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[an error occurred while processing this directive]K-STATE BUDGET FORUM HELD, ANALYSIS UNDER WAYDuring the first open budget forum Friday, K-State President Kirk Schulz answered questions about a variety of topics, including consolidating various campus units and the proper role of a land grant institution. The forum, sponsored by the Faculty Senate, was the first held following the publication of a list of budget remedies compiled from a recent campuswide survey.
On CampusNOV. 19
For previous issues click here The next issue is Dec. 2 |
A task force working to help Kansas City stay competitive in a new economy has recognized K-State's contributions to the region, including the K-State Olathe campus.
The dean of Colorado State University's College of Applied Human Sciences has accepted the post of provost and senior vice president at K-State. April Carol Mason will join K-State early in 2010.
Noel Schulz, K-State's first lady and Paslay professor of electrical and computer engineering, has been elected to lead the IEEE Power and Energy Society, a worldwide, nonprofit association of more than 24,000 individuals engaged in the electric power energy industry.
In January, Noel Schulz will begin a six-year term with two years as president-elect, followed by two as president and two as past president.
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Virginia Moxley, dean of K-State's College of Human Ecology, was recognized Nov. 16 by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities Board on Human Sciences as the first recipient of the board's Public Service Award.
This award honors national leadership that advances the human sciences in higher education.
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A K-State faculty member has been appointed a national adviser to the Students of Agronomy, Soils and Environmental Sciences.
Dana Minihan, assistant academic coordinator and an instructor for K-State's department of agronomy, was recently appointed to a one-year term on the organization's national advisory committee. The Students of Agronomy, Soils and Environmental Sciences is the undergraduate organization of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America and the Soil Science Society of America.
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The dean of K-State's College of Agriculture and two faculty members from K-State's department of agronomy have received national honors from the American Society of Agronomy.
The awards were presented at the society's annual meetings in Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 2-5.
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Wendy Ornelas, associate dean of the College of Architecture, Planning and Design at Kansas State University, is the new president of the National Architectural Accrediting Board. Her 2010 term began Oct. 24.
As president, Ornelas is responsible for implementing the new conditions for accreditation, which were revised in 2009. The first schools to be accredited under these new standards will submit their self-study reports in fall 2010 and be visited in spring 2011. K-State will be among the first schools visited.
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PICTURE PERFECTMembers of the military stood guard outside K-State's Vietnam War Memorial on Veterans Day. For creative professional images contact university photographer David Mayes at 785-532-6304 or photo@k-state.edu For a gallery of Mayes' photos, go to: http://ksuphoto.zenfolio.com |
Author Robert Day will read from his Kansas-based works as part of K-State's Visiting Writers Series at 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 19, in Hale Library's Hemisphere Room.
Day is best known for his 1977 novel "The Last Cattle Drive," a Kansas tale that has been compared to Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn."
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K-State has received its largest number of Great Plains Region Awards from the University Continuing Education Association in a given year. Five awards were presented to K-State at the joint 2009 Mid-America/Great Plains Conference Oct. 29 in La Crosse, Wis.
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A special marketplace at K-State will offer shoppers a chance to get a head start on their holiday shopping and improve the lives of artisans from around the world.
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OPPORTUNITIES CLASSIFIED A recording of classified job opportunities is available 24 hours a day on the Employment Information Line, 785-532-6271. A list of employment opportunities is posted at www.k-state.edu/hr/ For additional information, call 785-532-6277 or come to the Division of Human Resources in 103 Edwards Hall. Applications are accepted 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays. UNCLASSIFIED A complete listing of vacancies can be seen at www.k-state.edu/affact/ For additional information, call the office of affirmative action at 785-532-6220 or come by 214 Anderson Hall. |
Editor: Katie Mayes
Coordinator: Julie Fosberg
Phone: 785-532-6415
Fax: 785-532-6418
E-mail: media@k-state.edu