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[an error occurred while processing this directive]ADAPTIVE LEADERSHIP TO BE FOCUS OF 14TH ANNUAL LEADERSHIP SEMINARHow to mobilize people to take on challenges and triumph in tough times will be the focus of the 14th annual K-State Leadership Seminar Wednesday, March 24. OPEN BUDGET FORUM FEB. 23
Schulz will discuss the university budget and any other topics the campus community wishes to discuss. An open forum also will be at 2 p.m. Monday, March 1, in the College Center Conference Room at K-State at Salina. Both forums will be streamed live and conferenced to each respective campus.
On CampusFeb. 19
For previous issues click here The next issue is Feb. 24 |
An initiative to bring women at K-State together is gaining momentum.
A K-State professor who believes in providing extensive hands-on learning opportunities for her students is the recipient of the 2009 North Central Region Award for Excellence in College and University Teaching the Food and Agricultural Sciences.
Kim Williams, professor of greenhouse management in K-State's department of horticulture, forestry and recreation resources, is among six winners from regions around the U.S.
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Eric Shappee, associate professor of aviation at K-State at Salina, has renewed his Master Certificated Flight Instructor accreditation for a fifth time.
Shappee, who has held the professional accreditation continuously since 2001, is one of only 19 flight instructors worldwide to earn the credential five times. He also is one of only 21 master certified flight instructors in Kansas, six of whom teach at K-State at Salina.
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A paper authored by David A. Dzewaltowski, K-State professor of kinesiology, and colleagues, has received the Lawrence W. Green Paper of the Year Award from the Society of Public Health Education's journal, Health Education and Behavior.
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PICTURE PERFECTFor creative professional images contact university photographer David Mayes at 785-532-6304 or photo@k-state.edu For a gallery of Mayes' photos, go to: http://ksuphoto.zenfolio.com |
Hackers have been very successful at tricking K-Staters into giving away their eID password -- in 2009 more than 430 K-Staters replied to phishing e-mails, sending their eID passwords to criminals who used them to log into K-State's e-mail and send thousands of spam e-mails. As K-State's IT security team, Help Desk and IT support staff have worked to prevent and slow such attacks, hackers' techniques have evolved accordingly.
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After serving in the office of K-State's president for the past 24 years, Charles Reagan will return to the faculty at the end of this academic year. He directly served Presidents Jon Wefald and Kirk Schulz during a K-State career that began in 1967. He began working in the president's office in 1986.
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Three films confronting racial prejudice highlight K-State Libraries' 2010 film series celebrating Black History Month.
The Libraries will host the films Feb. 23-25 in the Dow Chemical Multicultural Resource Center on the third floor of K-State's Hale Library. All films will be shown three times and are free and open to the public.
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OPPORTUNITIES CLASSIFIED A recording of classified job opportunities is available 24 hours a day on the Employment Information Line, 785-532-6271. A list of employment opportunities is posted at www.k-state.edu/hr/ For additional information, call 785-532-6277 or come to the Division of Human Resources in 103 Edwards Hall. Applications are accepted 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays. UNCLASSIFIED A complete listing of vacancies can be seen at www.k-state.edu/affact/ For additional information, call the office of affirmative action at 785-532-6220 or come by 214 Anderson Hall. |
Editor: Katie Mayes
Coordinator: Julie Fosberg
Phone: 785-532-6415
Fax: 785-532-6418
E-mail: media@k-state.edu