Emergency funds available for furloughed K-State employees through the KSU Foundation
Monday, June 15, 2020
The Kansas State University family highlights new KSU Foundation emergency response fund for furloughed employees. | Download this photo.
MANHATTAN — The Kansas State University family remains strong and committed to helping each other through hardships — particularly through the KSU Foundation's new employee emergency response fund.
Employees experiencing financial hardships because of COVID-19 furloughs may apply for grant funds — up to $700 — online at ksufoundation.org/emergencyfund/ or in the KSU Foundation's lobby, 1800 Kimball Ave. Priority will be given to those demonstrating need and awards will be reviewed each business day in the order of application with notification of status within three to four business days. Eligible employees may choose to pick up a check at the foundation or have it mailed.
Hundreds of K-Staters have supported the #KStateStrong Emergency Response Fund since it was established in March to address emerging needs of K-State students, faculty and staff as a result of COVID-19. In early May, university leaders faced the difficult decision to start implementing targeted emergency furloughs and now more than 400 employees are affected.
"The drastic measures K-State had to take to address the COVID-19 pandemic, while protecting the health and safety of everyone at the university and in our communities, have resulted in furloughs and other stressful impacts on our employees and their families," said university President Richard Myers. "The KSU Foundation’s employee emergency relief fund is an example of the K-State family coming together to help each other. Thank you to all our generous donors for their support during this difficult time."
A few generous donors made significant gifts to the #KStateStrong Emergency Response Fund specifically to assist K-State employees affected by university furloughs. Those gifts are dedicated to providing relief grants to furloughed K-State staff.
"During this time of uncertainty and financial hardship for many K-Staters, donors have sent a clear message of support to the entire K-State family through #KStateStrong Emergency Response Fund," said KSU Foundation President and CEO Greg Willems. "These awards assisting K-State staff are unprecedented and a prime example of how the K-State family always comes together to make our university community stronger."
Emergency grants and loans are also available to students experiencing financial hardships, which can be accessed through the Office of Student Financial Assistance. The KSU Foundation is accepting donations to many of these emergency resources.