Kramer awarded grant to establish cross-campus online curriculum for precast concrete
Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2021
MANHATTAN — Kimberly Kramer, director of graduate studies and professor in the GE Johnson Department of Architectural Engineering and Construction Science in the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering at Kansas State University, has received a grant from the Precast Concrete Industry Foundation and the National Precast Concrete Association to establish a cross-campus online curriculum for precast concrete.
Kramer will lead the four-year project alongside co-principal investigator Hayder Rasheed, professor in civil engineering at K-State, and collaborator Mohammed Albahttiti of California State University, Chico.
The project itself will utilize resources from the College of Engineering and its counterpart in California to establish an online curriculum in precast concrete while creating an online collaborative model for future studios and programs.
"We want to provide students with a fundamental understanding of practices in the industry through the two proposed courses while connecting students with industry partners," said Kramer, who also holds the G.E. Johnson construction science chair. "This will provide them with a hands-on understanding of precast and prestressed materials and their technology, fabrication, hauling, erection and construction."
Kramer also said the courses will equip students to manage, produce and design precast concrete members, which will encourage students to pursue jobs in this industry.