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Media advisory: Media invited to attend Greater Kansas City open forum, other K-State community visit events on Nov. 1 and 2

Monday, Oct. 24, 2022

This photo shows landmarks throughout Wyandotte and Johnson counties.

As part of the new presidential community visit initiative, K-State will host a community visit in the Greater Kansas City area on Nov. 1 and 2. (Photo credits: K-State Research and Extension — Johnson County, Visit Kansas City Kansas and Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas)



ANNOUNCEMENT: As part of the new Kansas State University presidential community visit initiative, K-State will host a community visit in the Greater Kansas City area on Tuesday, Nov. 1, and Wednesday, Nov. 2. The visit includes activities to engage with, listen to and learn from Kansans in Wyandotte and Johnson counties.

President Richard Linton and K-State Connected 'Cats students will lead several events, including community conversations, recruitment activities and events to highlight university partnerships and K-State Research and Extension relationships. The Connected 'Cats students include Rosa Cano, junior in human resources management, and Malik Jenkins, senior in life science and pre-veterinary medicine, both from Kansas City, Kansas; Stacia Mendoza, senior in finance, Lenexa; and Camden Mayfield, senior in mechanical engineering, Overland Park.

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: View a schedule with full details for the Nov. 1 and Nov. 2 Greater Kansas City community visit.

All events are free and open to all Kansans: community members, leaders, families, current and future students and parents.

Media are invited to attend multiple community visit events throughout the day on Nov. 2:

• Community open forum, 8:30-9:30 a.m., Forum Hall, K-State Olathe, 22201 W. Innovation Drive, Olathe. Linton and the K-State Connected 'Cats students will host a dialogue about university and community connections and the student experience.

• Urban food systems, 10:30-11:30 a.m., K-State Research and Extension — Johnson County, room 1070/1075, 11811 S. Sunset Drive, Olathe. Participate in a discussion surrounding urban food system issues and learn what K-State and others are doing to ensure a safe, equitable and efficient urban food system in Johnson and Wyandotte counties.

• Postsecondary access and equity luncheon, 12:15-1:30 p.m. Join a discussion with high school leaders, college access providers and community and workforce professionals who share a common goal of supporting students in understanding postsecondary options. Please email media@k-state.edu to attend this event or to receive information following the event.

• Responding to industry needs in the Kansas City region, 2-3:30 p.m., Kansas City Kansas Community College, Dr. Thomas R. Burke Technical Education Center, multipurpose room AA101, 6565 State Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. Take part in a facilitated conversation about ways that higher education in the Kansas City metro area is partnering to meet the needs of industry.

• Service project focused on food insecurity, 4-5:30 p.m., Harvesters Kansas City facility, 3801 Topping Ave., Kansas City, Missouri. The K-State team will volunteer with Harvesters Community Food Network to address food insecurity in the Greater Kansas City community.

• Calling all 'Cats in Johnson County, 6-7:45 p.m., Forum Hall, K-State Olathe, 22201 W. Innovation Drive, Olathe. Interested students and their families can hear from current students and experts to learn about the K-State experience. Registration starts at 6 p.m. and the program starts at 6:30 p.m.

Media also are invited to attend an additional event on Nov. 1:

• Calling all 'Cats in Wyandotte County, 6-7:45 p.m., Kinship Café, 719 N. Sixth St., Kansas City, Kansas. Interested students and their families can hear from current students and experts to learn about the K-State experience. Registration starts at 6 p.m. and the program starts at 6:30 p.m.

ARRANGEMENTS: Media members attending the Nov. 2 community open forum or other events throughout the visit should RSVP to media@k-state.edu or call 785-532-2535 by noon Monday, Oct. 31. View a schedule with full details for the Nov. 1 and Nov. 2 Greater Kansas City community visit.

MEDIA AVAILABILITY: A brief media availability with Linton and the K-State Connected 'Cats students will occur shortly after the open forum.

ABOUT THE COMMUNITY VISIT INITIATIVE: The new K-State presidential community visit initiative focuses on the people of Kansas and their communities. Every academic year, K-State will visit nine communities throughout the state to listen and learn from the Kansans who live there. Read the recent news release for more information.

QUESTIONS: Please contact staff with K-State News and Communications Services at 785-532-2535 or media@k-state.edu with questions.

Media RSVP

Media members attending the Nov. 2 community open forum or other events throughout the community visit should RSVP to media@k-state.edu or call 785-532-2535 by noon Monday, Oct. 31.

Media availability

A brief media availability with President Richard Linton and the K-State Connected 'Cats students will occur shortly after the open forum.

Note to editors

Rosa Cano is a 2020 graduate of Sumner Academy of Arts and Science. Malik Jenkins is a 2019 graduate of Sumner Academy of Arts and Science. Stacia Mendoza is a 2019 graduate of St. James Academy. Camden Mayfield is a 2018 graduate of Bonner Springs High School.

News tip

Johnson and Wyandotte counties, including Bonner Spri­ngs, Kansas City, Lenexa, Olathe and Overland Park.


Greater Kansas City community visit

Written by

Division of Communications and Marketing

At a glance

As part of the new presidential community visit initiative, K-State will host a community visit in the Greater Kansas City area on Nov. 1 and 2. Media are invited to attend multiple events throughout the day.