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K-State News
Kansas State University
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More than a home — K-State is among the best in setting students up for happiness and success

Friday, Aug. 30, 2024


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MANHATTAN — Kansas State University continues to be one of the best places in the country to be a student, according to a national survey by The Princeton Review.

The national survey of students — whose latest results were published in the annual "The Best 389 Colleges: 2025 Edition" earlier this week — shows K-State is No. 1 and 2 for friendliest and happiest students, respectively.

However, the university's not-so-secret formula for building that environment is in its top-ranking student success efforts and initiatives, several of which scored in the top 15 in the country.

Those create a great learning environment, said Thomas Lane, vice president for academic success and student affairs and dean of students. That's why K-State ranked No. 2 in the country for best quality of life.

"From the moment you meet our students, it's clear why our campus is renowned as one of the friendliest and happiest in the country," Lane said. "But the real purple magic unfolds when you witness the incredible effort we put into supporting our students, creating a vibrant campus atmosphere where they can thrive and be successful."

K-State's student support and counseling services ranked No. 2 in the country, while Lafene Health Center earned the university a No. 10 ranking for health services.

That's a testament to K-State's efforts to build a holistic culture of well-being through the Health-Promoting University Initiative, said Kathleen Hatch, Morrison Family associate vice president for student well-being.

To do well in the classroom, students need to be well, and that requires an extensive network of support programs and services, Hatch said.

"These rankings reflect K-State's commitment to challenging ourselves to every day think about how we can create the conditions so all of us can be at our very best," Hatch said. "Every day will be different, and we have to acknowledge that everything can't be perfect at all times. But there is a keen awareness and interest in making this be a place that is safe, where people can feel like they belong and is always helping them prepare for their future success."

Other top 15 rankings include:

  • No. 2 Town-gown relations
  • No. 3 Best career services
  • No. 3 Best athletic facilities
  • No. 5 Students love their school teams
  • No. 8 Best college dorms
  • No. 10 Best health services
  • No. 10 Students love these colleges
  • No. 14 Best campus food
  • No. 14 College city gets high marks
  • No. 15 Most active student government

These rankings are a point of pride for K-State students, said Student Body President Paige Vulgamore, and they give the campus a reason to smile.

"As you walk across campus, it's clear in the way that students are always laughing, waving, smiling and catching up with each other," said Vulgamore, a senior in agriculture economics, Scott City. "The joyful and welcoming atmosphere we have at K-State is truly something special — you feel it the moment you step on campus, and that feeling stays with you."

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