K-State College of Business Administration announces 2023 Mentor and Mentee of the Year awards
Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023
MANHATTAN — Kansas State University's College of Business Administration presented the 2023 Mentor and Mentee of the Year awards at a recent advisory board meeting, recognizing the excellence of one mentor and one mentee from the Executive Mentor Program.
The mentor program pairs mentors and mentees for a six-month duration, during which they are encouraged to engage in monthly meetings. Nominees for the 2023 Mentor and Mentee of the Year awards were put forward by mentees and mentors in the program.
The college presented the Executive Mentor of the Year Award to Joe Miller, retired senior vice president of the Institutional Energy Futures CITI Group. He was nominated by his mentee, Zach Millman, senior in finance, De Soto.
According to Millman, he and Miller have had a steady and open line of communication, with calls every few weeks and texts more often.
"My mentor has been great at answering my questions, whether about life, education, or advice," said Millman. "I feel that they really care about my success and me as a person, which is a really big deal. Even though my mentor lives in a different state, they are very involved with K-State and with this program, so we have been able to meet up twice this school year despite our busy schedules."
The college presented Alyssa Ansay, junior in professional strategic selling, Frisco, Texas, with the Executive Mentee of the Year Award. She was nominated by her mentor, Tressa Angell, chief operating officer at Jacent.
"Alyssa is driven to learn, grow and experience as much as she can to prepare for a demanding and rewarding career when their time at K-State is complete," Tressa said. "The mentor program is one of many things my mentee does to enrich the learning experience and establish connections while at K-State."
According to Tressa, Ansay has been a model mentee by proactively setting up meetings and having questions and topics prepared when the two meet.
"Alyssa's preparedness, desire to learn and grow, respect for relationships, and professionalism with an authentic realm of kindness and eagerness are qualities that make my mentee deserving of being mentee of the year! I would add that these are also qualities that will make my mentee successful throughout life!"
Initiated in 2011, the College of Business Administration's Executive Mentor Program facilitates structured, professional mentoring relationships among students, young alumni and alumni/friends associated with the College of Business Administration.
Mentors support their mentees in setting and achieving goals, honing professional skills, exploring career opportunities and building a professional network. Those interested in becoming executive mentors should email ementor@k-state.edu.