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K-State News
Kansas State University
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Media advisory: Arrangements for April 15 Landon Lecture with Thomas Donilon

Wednesday, April 9, 2014



OVERVIEW: Thomas Donilon, former national security adviser to President Barack Obama, will present a Landon Lecture at 11:15 a.m. Tuesday, April 15, at McCain Auditorium.

INTRODUCTION: Kirk Schulz, Kansas State University president, will give the lecture's introduction.

NEWS MEDIA SEATING: Media can find reserved seats in the front row on the right side of the auditorium and in the back row on the right side near the audio distribution box. News media photographers must remain seated during the entirety of the lecture. If you plan to attend the lecture you must email media@k-state.edu or call 785-532-2535 by 3 p.m. Monday, April 14, to reserve a seat.

NEWS MEDIA PARKING: Regional media should have been issued a campus parking permit that can be used for a parking space near McCain Auditorium.Other parking options around McCain Auditorium include the K-State parking garage, south of the K-State Student Union, where parking is $1.50 an hour on a space-available basis. Media without a permit may pick one up at the Dole Hall front desk. Please allow ample time for parking. An interactive map of campus with McCain Auditorium is available at: http://www.k-state.edu/maps/?show=M.

MEDIA AVAILABILITY: Shortly after the lecture, Donilon will be available to answer questions from the media for 15 minutes. Media will come to the front row of the audience seating area for this availability period. Media will not be allowed on the stage. An audio distribution box will be available. If video and audio equipment are needed for interviews, please allow ample time to set up equipment before the speakers return to the stage. Following this 15-minute availability, Donilon will leave promptly because of scheduled prior commitments.

CREDENTIALS: Although credentials are not required for the lecture, please bring your media identification with you in case it becomes necessary.

SECURITY: Media should be prepared to have camera bags, computer bags, etc., searched when entering the hall.

LECTURE TEXT: Because of the Q-and-A format, prepared text of the lecture will NOT be available beforehand.

STREAMING: The lecture will be streamed live at http://ome.ksu.edu/lectures/landon/.

NEWS MEDIA HELP: Staff with the university's news and editorial services can answer additional questions at the time of the lecture. Staff will be wearing lanyards with an identification card.


Thomas Donilon Landon Lecture announcement

Media RSVP

Media planning to attend the lecture must email media@k-state.edu or call 785-532-2535 by 3 p.m. Monday, April 14, to reserve a seat.

Written by

Greg Tammen

At a glance

Media information about the April 15 Landon Lecture. A 15-minute media availability will follow the lecture.