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K-State Today

Sources: Julie Lea, 785-532-7564, juliel@k-state.edu;
Amy Button Renz, 785-532-5050, arenz@k-state.edu;
and Jeff Morris, 785-532-1876, jbmorris@k-state.edu

News release prepared by: Megan Saunders, 785-532-1566, molitor@k-state.edu

Thursday, Dec. 13, 2012


MANHATTAN -- The Council for Advancement and Support of Education, or CASE, recently recognized the work of Kansas State University’s creative teams with 30 awards.

Each year, CASE awards recognize and celebrate outstanding programs and individuals. District VI includes Kansas, Colorado, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming.

Works from the K-State Alumni Association, Kansas State University Foundation and the Division of Communications and Marketing were among the award recipients. Jeff Morris, vice president of the Division of Communications and Marketing, said he was proud that his team’s work was recognized at this level.

“From the concept to final edits, our team is full of talented individuals,” Morris said. “The CASE awards validate the hard work and effort put in to strengthen the brand of our great university and tell the story of the K-State family.”

The Division of Communications and Marketing’s CASE awards for 2012-2013 include:

* Communications Excellence in Design: Covers — Bronze award for the McCain Performance Series

* Communications Excellence in Design: Books — Gold and silver awards for “Quiet Symmetry — The Ceramic Art of Yoshiro Ikeda” and the “Master’s in Fine Arts” book

* Excellence in News Writing: General News Writing — Bronze award

* Excellence in News Writing: Research, Medicine and Science News Writing — Silver award

* Individual Fundraising Publications: Annual Reports and Fund Reports — Bronze award for Conquest magazine for the Johnson Cancer Research Center

* Photography: Silver award for six entries in the category

 Special Constituency Magazines: Research Magazines — Gold award for Perspectives magazine

* Special Programs Publications Packages — Bronze award for McCain Performance Series

* Video PSAs and Commercial Spots: Traditional Video, DVD, CD or Film — Bronze award for a recycling PSA and “The Next Big Thing”

Amy Button Renz, president of the Kansas State University Alumni Association, said she and her team are honored that CASE District VI recognized the talents of their dedicated staff and volunteers who help alumni stay connected with the university.

“The awards affirm the success of our many initiatives that allow the association to provide students with scholarships and engage alumni with the university and with fellow K-Staters," Renz said.

The K-State Alumni Association’s CASE awards for 2012-2013 include:

* Alumni Relations Programs: Programming for Special Constituencies — Bronze award for Black Alumni Greek Reunion*

*  Alumni Relations Programs: Diversity Initiatives — Silver award for Multicultural Alumni Council

*  Alumni Relations Programs: Revenue-Generating Programs — Gold award for “State” T-shirt and membership campaign

* Communications and Marketing: Excellence in Design: Calendars — Gold award for 2012 calendar

*  Communications and Marketing: External Audience Tabloids and Newsletters: Web-Based or Electronic HTML — Silver award for @K-State

* Communications and Marketing: Individual In-House Publications - Periodicals — Silver award for K-Stater magazine

* Communications and Marketing: Video Fundraising Features - Non-interactive features using Flash — Silver award for Wabash CannonBall Video

* Fundraising Programs: Principal, Major or Special Giving Programs — Gold award for Fund a Wildcat

* Fundraising Programs: Annual/Regular Giving Programs – Gold award for Tradition Founders

* Integrated Advancement Programs: Individual Special Events — Silver award for K-State Wabash CannonBall

Julie Lea, associate vice president for communications of the KSU Foundation, said the foundation felt honored to be recognized with these awards.

"It is even more rewarding to know that all of these projects are true collaborations with the foundation staff and university colleagues," Lea said.

The Kansas State University Foundation’s CASE awards for 2012-2013 include:

* Excellence in Design: Editorial Design (Two-Page Spreads) — Silver award for Good for K-State magazine

* Fundraising Publication Packages: Gold and silver awards for the K-State Annual Fund Appeal and music brochures.

* Individual Fundraising Publications: Flyers, Pamphlets and Brochures — Silver award for K-State Telefund Follow-up Appeal

* Individual In-House Publications: Single-Page Pamphlets or Flyers — Gold, silver and bronze awards for K-State College Annual Fund Appeal, K-State Telefund Follow-up Appeal and choral music brochure.

* Individual In-House Publications: Periodicals — Gold award for Good for K-State magazine.

* Special Constituency Magazines: Special Interest — Silver award for Good for K-State magazine.

* Video Fundraising Features: Non-Interactive Features Using Flash — Gold award K-State 2011 "Thank You" video