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Big 12 faculty fellow to speak at K-State Salina on father-child relationship strategies

Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2014



SALINA -- The relationship between a father and his child is a special one, but many men don't have the connection with their children that they would like.

A presentation by Big 12 faculty fellow Jessica Troilo hopes to bridge that gap. Troilo will present "Strategies to Support Father Involvement" at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 26, in the College Center Conference Room at Kansas State University Salina. The presentation is free and the public is invited. Light refreshments will be served.

Troilo, an assistant professor in the child development and family studies program at West Virginia University, says there is considerable diversity in why fathers are parenting apart from their children, such as military service, divorce and single parenthood. This talk will discuss ways to support fathers who wish to maintain or improve their relationship with their children. Troilo also will share strategies for individuals who work with families but may be unsure how to specifically support fathers in their parenting skills.

Mindy Markham, an assistant professor in the family studies and human services program at K-State Salina, played a key role in bringing Troilo to the campus. She says the lecture is tailored for fathers and families in a variety of stages of life.

"Interactions between a parent and a child change as that child progresses through developmental periods, and this presentation will include activities that fathers can do with their children, from birth through adolescence," Markham said.

For more information about the presentation, contact Markham at 785-826-2929 or mmarkham@k-state.edu.


Mindy Markham


Kansas State University Salina

News tip


Written by

Julee Cobb

At a glance

Big 12 faculty fellow Jessica Troilo, assistant professor in the child development and family studies program at West Virginia University, will present "Strategies to Support Father Involvement" at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 26, in the College Center Conference Room at Kansas State University Salina. The presentation is free and the public is invited. Light refreshments will be served.