Sources: Nate Spriggs,; and Grant Hill,
Hometown connection: Riverton and Whitewater
Photo available:
Cutline: From left: Nate Spriggs and Grant Hill.
News release prepared by: Stephanie Jacques, 785-532-3453,
Friday, March 9, 2012
Wildcat victory: Spriggs to serve second term as student body president
MANHATTAN -- Kansas State University students have re-elected Nate Spriggs, senior in agricultural economics, Riverton, as student body president.
His running mate, Grant Hill, junior in accounting, Whitewater, will serve as student body vice president.
"I am humbled to have been chosen by our peers to represent the K-State student body for another year," Spriggs said.
"In the coming year we look forward to working with students and administration to enhance the overall K-State experience both within and outside the classroom," he said. "We look to establish a working relationship between a recently created administrative position, the vice provost for undergraduate studies, and student government to further improve students' academic advising and enrollment experience."
Spriggs said his administration and student government will also be active in the university's 2025 plan by looking at top 50 public research institutions to evaluate their student life programs and services, and determine areas where the university could grow, such as in student design services.
"We also will remain committed to engaging students from across campus and work to balance campus needs with affordability when reviewing student tuition and fees," he said.
In addition to serving as student body president, Spriggs is the chair of the Tuition Strategies Committee. He also serves on numerous campus committees, including the Campus Planning and Development Advisory Committee, Faculty Senate's Committee on University Planning and the university's Committee on Governmental Relations. He is a member of Mortar Board senior honorary, Economics Club, Student Alumni Board, the College of Agriculture Ambassadors, Agriculture Economic Club and Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. He also serves as a volunteer campus tour guide for new student services. Spriggs is a 2009 graduate of Riverton High School.
Hill is currently serving as student director of sustainability for the Student Governing Association, College of Business Administration student senator, Campus Outreach Committee vice chair and Greeks Going Green president. He has served on the Take Charge! Challenge Leadership team, K-State Student Foundation, Student Alumni Board, All-University Homecoming Committee, Student Technology Committee and All-University Recycling Committee. He is a member of Chimes, the junior honor society, and Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Hill is a 2009 graduate of Frederic Remington High School.