Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can I still play in the orchestra if I'm not a music major?
YES! The KSUSO represents 25 different majors from departments all over campus. Your membership in the KSUSO is contingent upon a successful August Placement Audition held at the beginning of each school year. All musicians are welcome!
Are scholarships available for orchestra members?
YES! Scholarships are available for both music majors and non-music majors wishing to play in the orchestra. To qualify for a scholarship you will need to audition for the K-State String Division no later than February 15. Check out the Scholarship Auditions page for more information.
When do I audition for the orchestra?
If you are wanting to audition for a scholarship, you will need to perform a Scholarship Audition no later than February 15. You do not need to audition for a scholarship in order to play in the orchestra.
All musicians wishing to play in the orchestra are required to perform a placement audition each fall prior to the first week of classes. Please visit the August Placement Audition page for more information about this process.
When will I find out about my scholarship audition?
Following the February 15 audition deadline each spring, scholarship offers are decided and then mailed to prospective students in early March. Once you have received a scholarship offer, you are encouraged to respond as soon as you have made your college decisions, with a final decision date of May 1st.
What is the time commitment for the K-State orchestra?
The KSUSO rehearses four hours each week. Preparation of your part through individual practice is also expected.
You should know...studies show that students who are active in multiple activities are often the highest achieving. Through the years, many students have told us that participation in the KSUSO was a great stress reliever and a welcome respite from the stressors of their other academic pursuits.
The KSUSO meets during the following times each semester:
Fall: Monday evenings, 7:30-9:30 p.m. and Tuesday/Thursday, 2:30-3:20 p.m.
Spring: Tuesday/Thursday, 2:30-4:20 p.m.
Any changes or additions to the above rehearsal schedule will be posted at the beginning of each semester, and/or within a minimum of two weeks notice.
What types of music does the orchestra play?
The orchestra plays a wide variety of repertoire ranging from the classics to classic rock. For more information on our most recent performances, visit our Concert Schedule page where you can access information about our current season as well as concert programs from previous seasons.
Does the KSUSO offer travel opportunities?
Yes! Members of the KSUSO have served as ambassadors of K-State on school sponsored trips to Atlanta, Alburquerque, and Kansas City, including a performance in Helzberg Hall. In addition, the ensemble has traveled to England and Ireland, and is planning a future trip to Italy following the spring 2023 semester.
What if I have a course conflict with orchestra rehearsals?
Since our university offers so many fields of study, course conflicts may occur from time to time. Please work with your advisor to find alternate class times that do not conflict with the rehearsal schedule. If conflicts cannot be avoided, however, we can still work with you to enroll in both courses. Please contact the director, Dr. Rachel Dirks, as soon as you think you may have a course conflict.
What other string ensembles may I join?
The K-State String Division offers a wide variety of ensemble experiences including string quartets, cello choir, and University Orchestra (a non-auditioned string orchestra). For more information, please contact Dr. Rachel Dirks.
Are private lessons available for non-music majors?
Yes, if there is room in the professor’s studio and you have their permission. You must be enrolled in Orchestra to take private lessons.
I noticed that scholarship students must help with String Fling. What is String Fling?
String Fling is an orchestra festival held on campus each January that hosts between 500-600 middle level string students. K-State scholarship students are required to help with the entire weekend event. Please visit our String Fling page for more information about this year's event.
Are lockers available? May I rent an instrument?
Yes! Lockers are available for all orchestra musicians. Please visit McCain #109 to check out a locker.
Bassists may secure a double bass free of charge, although students are strongly encouraged to bring their own bass. All basses (private or school owned) may be stored in a designated locked area.
If you have any further questions...
Please don't hesitate to reach out to the K-State String Division Team:
Prof. Madeleine Jansen (Violin/Viola & Chamber Music) mjansen@ksu.edu
Dr. Rachel Dirks (Orchestra, String Education, & Cello/Bass) rdirks@ksu.edu