K-Staters in the news — April 2017
Some of the top stories mentioning Kansas State University are posted below. Download an Excel file (xls) with all of this month's news stories.
Friday, April 28, 2017
K-State President Myers comments on anti-Semitic message
04/27/17 KMAN
Kansas State University President Richard Myers Thursday is commenting on a poster with an anti-Semitic message that was taped to a utility pole near Ahearn Field House. President Myers stresses this type of message is unwelcome at Kansas State University.
Research conferences on mitochondrial disease start Monday
04/27/17 The Kansas City Star
The Kansas City Life Sciences Institute’s goal is to link human health researchers with animal health researchers along the Interstate 70 corridor that stretches from Kansas State University in the west to the University of Missouri in Columbia in the east.
Effective Vaccination Programmes Offer Excellent Payback
04/27/17 The Pig Site
In the example of Circovirus, he notes, a Kansas State University study showed at least a two to one payback on every farm, in farms that had significant challenges it could be seven to one but on average it would be four to one so when you spend the time to get it right it's a really good investment and it can hurt you if you don't.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
*K-State to inaugurate Myers as 14th president
4/26/17 Manhattan Mercury
Almost a year after he took over the job, K-State will inaugurate President Richard Myers as the university’s 14th president.
*Study: Teff Hay Could Serve as Drought-tolerant Forage for Dairy Cows
4/26/17 Dairy Herd Management
Researchers at Kansas State University may just have found a safety net for dairy producers during times of limited water availability or drought.
*Safety guidelines to dine without worry of food poisoning
4/26/17 ABC News Chicago Channel 7
Researchers from Kansas State University viewed 100 cooking shows with popular chefs and found common unclean food preparation behaviors. Twenty-three-percent of the chefs licked their fingers while they were cooking and 20-percent touched dirty clothing or their hair and then touched food again.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
‘Unity (1918)’ a good way to round off the year
4/25/17 Manhattan Mercury
Among the other things that can be said for the K-State Theater production of “Unity (1918),” it is also a nice rounding off of the year. This is the anniversary of the U.S. entrance into World War I.
*Kansas State to have inauguration for president
4/25/17 Lawrence Journal World
Kansas State University is having a formal inauguration ceremony this week for President Richard Myers.
Why You Can’t Remember Life Before Greek Yogurt
4/21/17 The Kitchn
Luckily, there are some key things to look for on labels to make sure you're getting the best stuff, according to a 2015 report out of Kansas State University. While most Greek yogurt is produced through the straining method, some manufacturers instead add protein concentrates and thickeners to regular yogurt in order to make "Greek" yogurt, explains Mary Meck Higgins, a nutritionist at Kansas State.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Pest control on fruit trees
4/24/17 Sabetha Herald
The following are a few hints from Kansas State University Horticulture Specialist Dr. Ward Upham about how to manage your 2017 Pest Control program...
Those dreaded itchy oak mites are tormenting people extra early this year
4/24/17 The Kansas City Star
Funding is needed for research on how the mites survive winter, what food sources they might have beyond galls, and how various summer weather might affect their survival, said Raymond Cloyd, an entomologist with Kansas State University.
Bruised beef: Causes and prevention strategies
4/24/17 Progressive Cattleman
Kansas State University (KSU) researcher Daniel Thomson has reported some of the causes of carcass bruising in finished cattle at several industry meetings. He reports that producers are feeding cattle that are larger and taller than they were even five or 10 years ago, but the trailers used to haul them are the same size.
Monday, April 24, 2017
*Kansas State to have inauguration ceremony for president4/24/17 U.S. News & World Report
Kansas State University is having a formal inauguration ceremony this week for President Richard Myers.
* Indian-American named dean of Kansas college
4/23/17 The Indian Express
Amit Chakrabarti’s appointment as the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences by the Kansas State University was announced on April 14 after a national search, a statement by the university said.
*K-State extends campaign to raise $1.4 billion by 2020
4/21/17 KMAN
The Kansas State University Foundation’s board of trustees and K-State President Richard Myers announced the Innovation and Inspiration Campaign has surpassed its $1 billion goal ahead of schedule, and that a new goal has been set: $1.4 billion by 2020.
Friday, April 21, 2017
For Arbor Day, plant a seedling and watch it become a superhero
4/20/17 Napa Valley Register
And it's possible there won't be a return at all. Charles Barden, professor of forestry at Kansas State University, is researching the effect of windbreaks on yield and has found that the percentage of fields with windbreaks that saw a statistically significant increase in yield varies from 17 to 45 percent. Yield isn't the only benefit, but it's the one that's reflected in the farm's bottom line.
Top food safety on the go
04/20/17 KSAT (San Antonio, Texas)
Researchers from Kansas State University viewed 100 cooking shows with popular chefs and found common unclean food preparation behaviors.
Drinking Beetroot Juice Can Keep Your Brain Young and Boost Muscle Power
04/21/17 NDTV
A study done by Kansas State University stated that the nitrate found in beetroot concentrate increases blood flow to skeletal muscles during exercise by almost 38 percent to fast-twitch muscle fibres - the ones used for explosive running. The study also found that in addition to improving athletic performance, beetroot can also improve the quality of life for those who have suffered heart failure by improving their blood flow.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Already Dreaming About How to Spend That Tax Refund?
4/18/17 NBC News
"Your windfall could be a start to helping you have a $1,000 emergency fund or $500 emergency fund if something happens to your car or a home repair," says Kristy Archuleta, program director of personal financial planning at Kansas State University. "The three to six months of living expenses is for if you or someone in your family loses their job."
MYOS RENS enters into agreement with Kansas State University to study impact of Fortetropin® on reducing muscle loss in dogs after joint surgery
4/18/17 Yahoo! Finance
MYOS RENS Technology Inc. (MYOS) has entered into an agreement with the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University to study the impact of Fortetropin® on reducing muscle loss in dogs after ligament tear repair surgery.
Landmark Environmental Book Influences Scientists 55 Years After Its Release
4/18/17 e! Science News
Fifty-five years after the publishing of "Silent Spring," Kansas State University researchers are continuing their work in keeping the environment safe and the food supply secure.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Trying to rein in water use: With their wells declining, Finney farmers look for answers with LEMA
4/17/17 Kansas Agland
A lecture at Kansas State University last fall made Roth realize “we can make a difference. We can do this.”
K-State university grain science department head Gordon Smith named Institute of Food Technologists Fellow
4/17/17 Milling Journal
Gordon Smith, whose successful career with global food companies led to his current job as department head of grain science and industry at Kansas State University, has been named a Fellow by the Institute of Food Technologists. The IFT Fellow is considered one of the world’s most prestigious food science awards, recognizing exemplary professionalism in that field.
Monday, April 17, 2017
Spring cleaning can bring health and wealth
4/17/17 Arizona Republic (via USA Today)
“Clutter tends to induce stress,” says Sonya Britt, an associate professor of personal financial planning at Kansas State University. “Individuals under stress are less able to make rational long-term decisions.”
Contagion® adds 30 editorial advisory board members
4/17/17 Yahoo! Finance
Jean Paul J. Gonzalez, MD, PhD, is the deputy director of the Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases based at Kansas State University, which is a Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence specializing in prevention of emerging, zoonotic, and transboundary threats to US agriculture. He also mentors postdoctoral students on the Ebola virus and other hemorrhagic or highly infectious viral diseases.
Dr. Pepper surprises lucky college student with her own soda fountain
4/15/17 Breitbart News
Kansas State University Student Clair Daniels tweeted in December saying she wished she had a Dr. Pepper fountain installed in her house to save money on her favorite soft drink.
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Kansas State University to remember soldiers who died in WWI
4/10/17 U.S. News and World Report
Kansas State University is remembering 48 students who died fighting in World War I as the nation marks the 100-year anniversary of entering the global conflict.
KC researchers testing dog vaccine for use against child brain cancer
4/10/17 The Kansas City Star
It’s the beginning of what Children’s Mercy oncologist Doug Myers hopes will be a long and fruitful partnership between Kansas City’s human health researchers and the vaunted KC Animal Health Corridor that stretches from Kansas State University in the west to University of Missouri in the east.
*How to protect against food poisoning
4/10/17 16 WNDU
It's an appetite killer: Researchers from Kansas State University watched 100 cooking shows and found common unclean food preparation behaviors.
Monday, April 10, 2017
Don Rickles and Why the Best Friendships Are Based on Roasting Each Other
4/10/17 MEL magazine
Psychologists call this “prosocial” teasing and maintain that it’s healthy for friendships. “You take something about some individual and, in making a lighthearted comment, you’re accepting them, even loving them,” Mark Barnett, a developmental psychologist at Kansas State University, tells Quartz
Schilling AFB's 1965 closing gave Kansas community opportunities
4/10/17 Stars & Stripes
The Schilling Institute, which ultimately became Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus, and a vocational-technical school, now known as Salina Area Technical College, had also already been launched, and the first flights had taken off from the airport now known as Salina Regional Airport after it was relocated from what is now Markley Road.
*Kansas State Takes UAS Prep Course on the Road
4/7/17 Unmanned Aerial
The unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) program on Kansas State University’s Polytechnic Campus is taking its Part 107 preparation course on the road and heading south to Dallas.
4/14/17 Chronicle of Higher Education
Mary Rezac, director of major grant initiatives in the College of Engineering and a professor of chemical engineering at Kansas State University, to dean of the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture at Washington State University.
Friday, April 7, 2017
Kansas firefighters, sergeant help to rescue bald eagle that could barely fly
04/06/17 Yahoo! News/Good Morning America
Once Lockwood was able to examine the male eagle -- which he estimates to be able 3 years old -- he originally thought the issues was in its legs. Its legs now appear to be fine, so it is being sent to the veterinary school at Kansas State University for blood work and X-rays.
Ask Brianna: Is financial therapy right for me?
04/06/17 The Canadian Press/The Associated Press
Financial therapy can help you understand why you're stuck in the same patterns, such as overspending, even if you've tried to change. It also can help you explore the feelings that bubble up when you think about money. Gresham and Derek Lawson, a doctoral student in personal financial planning with a focus on financial therapy at Kansas State University, say financial therapy might be the right call if:
—Your finances make you feel depressed or anxious.
—You're consistently spending more than you earn or aren't saving any money.
—You've tried to change those behaviours, with no luck.
—You want to understand the root of your money troubles.
The Great American Eclipse of 2017 Events
04/06/17 Junction City Post
Kansas State University is celebrating the sight of a lifetime: the Great American Eclipse of 2017.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
*Global Agrigenomics Market to Rear Excessive Growth During 2016 – 2024
4/5/17 Military Technologies.net
Moreover, NGS is widely used for larger genomes where funding is limited in the agrigenomics industry. Also, crop researchers supporting the application of NGS in agrigenomics for genomic assisted breeding and genomic selection have been driving the industry. Researchers are exploring the agrigenomics industry by finding alternatives to curb diseases that causes huge food loss. One such development in the agrigenomics market was by the Kansas State University (KSU), which cloned genes resistant to Fusarium head blight disease.
Will Oak Mites Return To Kansas City In 2017? It Depends
4/5/17 KCUR
Talking to our Kansas State University entomologist, there appears to be little research being conducted around the country on the itch mite, even though its range has continued to spread. You might ask why there is not more research occurring. This mite is a human health issue. Well it boils down to another cliché, and that is “show me the money.” There does not seem to be funding either in the public or private sector pouring into fund top-notch research.
Rains bring most moisture so far this year
4/5/17 The Marysville Advocate
”The big advantage of this rain was the steady moderate rates,” said Mary Knapp, Kansas State University climatologist. “This allowed for penetration in the soils, and limited flooding. Some runoff will likely help recharge ponds as well.”
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
*Hays student helps K-State take second in national cybersecurity competition
4/3/17 Hays Post
Kansas State University’s Cyber Defense Club has earned top-tier recognition from Argonne National Laboratory.
Prospective Students Get Glimpse into College Life During KSU-Polytechnic Open House
4/4/17 AviationPros.com
Hundreds of prospective students, parents and alumni toured the Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus on Saturday, learning about different programs, clubs and services during the school's open-house event.
*Living a bug's life
4/4/17 KSNT
K-State senior, Patricia Melton said, ”I think by making this on a larger scale people are able to appreciate the beauty of it.” This as she held a stuffed cicada she made, to show people what life is like from the bugs point of view.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
*Cut carbs, not calories, for effective weight loss
4/3/17 Men's Fitness
Nutrition professor Mark Haub of Kansas State University proved that weight loss came down to calories in versus calories out when he lost 27 pounds on a diet of nothing but Twinkies, sugary cereal, cookies and Doritos.
*Video: Why is graphene so important to engineering research?
4/3/17 Engineering 360
A method for graphene synthesis by controlled detonation has been developed and patented by Kansas State University physicists. Unlike other approaches, researchers say this method is less energy-intensive and proceeds without the use of catalysts or dangerous chemicals. Hydrocarbon gas, oxygen, and a spark plug are all that’s needed.
Pet food sensory analysis provides competitive advantages
4/3/17 Pet Food Industry
Pet food sensory analysis can give clues about which products will please both pets and their owners, said Kadri Koppel, PhD, assistant professor at Kansas State University, during her keynote address at the Petfood Innovation Workshop held in Kansas City, Missouri, USA on April 3, 2017.
Monday, April 3, 2017
*10 ways to burn more calories during any kind of workout
3/31/17 Fox News
Exercising with someone just a little better than you can bring out your calorie-scorching best. In one study, researchers from Kansas State University found that people who exercised with a partner they thought was a little fitter and stronger than they were increased their workout time and intensity by as much as 200%.
10 of the dirtiest thing you touch every day
3/31/17 MSN
"Towels were the most contaminated of all the contact surfaces we tested, lead author study Dr. Jeannie Sneed, Kansas State University, told Prevention.
Rat bites boy at Naples park
3/31/17 ABC-7 (Fort Meyers-Port Charlotte, Florida)
That wasn't good enough for Mihailoff, so she shipped the rat to Kansas State University which agreed to test it for her.
*Note: Asterisks indicate clips that resulted from recent news releases or pitches from Communications and Marketing.
See more K-State faculty, staff and students in the news in the clip archives.