K-Staters in the news — June 2017

Some of the top stories mentioning Kansas State University are posted below. Download an Excel file (xls) with all of this month's news stories.

Friday, June 30, 2017


Kansas wheat harvest mixed amid disease, storm damage
06/29/17 Associated Press/Miami Herald
Cash wheat prices at grain elevators around Hutchinson closed as high $3.91 per bushel on Wednesday, compared to $3.54 per bushel for the same time a year ago. Expectations are that prices could go higher, said Dan O'Brien, a Kansas State University Extension market specialist.

* Graphene Aerogel Now Holds Guinness World Record for Lightest 3D Printed Structure
06/29/17 3dprint.com
The record goes to a graphene aerogel developed by Dong Lin, assistant professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering at Kansas State University; Chi Zhou, assistant professor of industrial and systems engineering at the University at Buffalo; and Qiangqiang Zhang, associate professor at Lanzhou University. The material, which weighs 0.5 milligrams per centimeter, was developed in February of 2016 and will be featured in the 2018 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records.


Kansas State halts display of 'corpse flower' after bloom
06/30/17 Associated Press/Kansas City Star
Kansas State University has closed its display of a rare stench-emitting "corpse flower" now that the plant has closed out its first-ever bloom.


Flower frenzy a reminder of K-State's research efforts
06/29/17 Manhattan Mercury (editorial)
The long-awaited blooming of a rare flower this week at K-State was a reminder of the extraordinary things that go on behind closed doors every day on the university’s campus.

KSU Polytechnic now offering UAS night flying in curriculum

06/29/17 Salina Journal
Students will now be able to experience night flying of unmanned aircraft, thanks to a three-year waiver granted by the FAA to the Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus Applied Aviation Research Center.

Thursday, June 29, 2017


*Guinness World Records names graphene aerogel as world's least dense 3-D printed structure
6/28/17 Phys.org
The record-breaking material is 3-D printed graphene aerogel and it was developed by Dong Lin, Kansas State University assistant professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering; Chi Zhou, assistant professor of industrial and systems engineering at University at Buffalo; and Qiangqiang Zhang, an associate professor at Lanzhou University in China.


K-State’s corpse flower done blooming, display closed
6/28/17 Topeka Capital-Journal
An estimated 1,000 people came to see Kansas State University’s “corpse flower,” but its short-lived bloom has run its course and the display is now closed.


Nearly $1 million grant to help university researchers develop prediction models for determining best new winter wheat varieties
6/28/17 Junction City Post
A nationally funded project by Kansas State University wheat researchers could help determine more quickly which new candidate varieties of wheat will produce superior yields and baking quality.

K-State continues leadership lessons for African fellows
6/28/17 The Manhattan Mercury
Bauer, an instructor for the K-State’s Staley School of Leadership, used that experience to illustrate how people naturally react to certain situations, and help the students understand each other’s personalities to work together.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


* Friend or foe? Manganese concentration in drinking water needs attention, researchers say
6/27/17 Phys.org
In the world of heavy metal poisoning, arsenic may have found a sidekick—and it's one that needs more research to understand its influence on human health, according to Kansas State University researchers.


Rare corpse flower begins long-awaited bloom late Tuesday afternoon in K-State greenhouse
6/27/17 Topeka Capital-Journal
One of the rarest, largest flowers in the world, which earned the nickname “corpse flower” — because it emits a dead-animal stench — began to bloom late Tuesday afternoon at Kansas State University.


Wheat producing good yield, still not profitable
6/27/17 Manhattan Mercury
The K-State Agricultural Economics documents estimate the price of wheat at $4.02 per bushel for northeast Kansas.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Exclusive - China's COFCO likely to sit out global grains race as it digests acquisitions
6/26/17 Euro News
“For the past year I’ve expected that it would be COFCO that would go after Bunge. This may motivate them further,” Jay O’Neil, an agricultural economist at Kansas State University, said last month.

Nutritional Outlook
6/26/17 Nutritional Outlook
And in ready-to-drink protein beverages, Maningat says, lightly hydrolyzed wheat proteins stand out for their water solubility and protein quality—delivering about two times the peptide-bonded glutamine concentration of soy or whey. That gives wheat protein an edge in reducing muscle soreness and in aiding muscle recovery post-exercise, Maningat says, citing Kansas State University research.

Winter wheat: More fields abandoned due to Wheat Streak Mosaic Infection - DTN
6/26/17 Ag Fax
One Kansas State researcher, Bernd Friebe, has developed another source of genetic resistance to wheat streak mosaic. This gene, first found in wheatgrass, tolerates higher temperatures and should prove valuable to Great Plains growers, he told DTN.

*FAA authorizes drone night flights at college campus
6/26/17 UAV Expert News
The Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus is expanding its unmanned aircraft systems capabilities to now include flight operations after dark. Kansas State Polytechnic’s Applied Aviation Research Center, which houses the unmanned aircraft systems research program, has received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration to conduct UAS flights at night.


Truck-sharing app designed by K-State grads hauls new growth
6/26/17 KCTV
A new app which allows users to order pickup trucks and drivers for moves is now available for Android. Bungii launched last fall on the iPhone. Kansas State University marketing majors Ben Jackson and Harrison Profitt said the idea was sparked by annoyance. “One day I had four…four people ask me if they could borrow myself and my truck to move some stuff across town,” Jackson said. “I remember laying in bed that night thinking there has to be a better way.”


New survey can help with land lease negotiations
6/26/17 KRVN 880 Rural Radio
The Kansas Department of Agriculture and the Agricultural Land Use Survey Center, based in the Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics, has published the results of the 2017 Kansas Bluestem Pasture Survey. The survey was conducted over 14 counties in Kansas, considered bluestem counties, and has been a benchmark for negotiating pasture lease rates in Kansas.

Monday, June 26, 2017


Exclusive-China's COFCO Likely to Sit Out Global Grains Race as It Digests Acquisitions
6/26/17 New York Times
"For the past year I've expected that it would be COFCO that would go after Bunge. This may motivate them further," Jay O'Neil, an agricultural economist at Kansas State University, said last month.

How to get a flat tummy without diet or exercise
6/23/17 Harper's Bazaar
And if you want to work out, skip those gadgets that promise “miraculous abs in minutes”: A study from Kansas State University found most devices designed to target abs don’t live up to their promises. You’ll see better results with traditional exercise.


The Manhattan Project | Omaha couple is 12 years ahead of the tiny house movement
6/25/17 Omaha World Herald
The Huffs are alums of Kansas State University and devoted fans of the Wildcats, rarely missing a home football or basketball game. The Omahans also head to Manhattan frequently as trustees of the KSU Foundation and patrons of the arts in the Manhattan area.


* Study Finds K-State Top Value in Kansas
6/25/17 KSAL
For the third year in row, a national study finds Kansas State University is the best education value in Kansas.

Friday, June 23, 2017


* Flying drones at night allowed at Polytechnic in Salina
06/22/17 Associated Press/McClatchy DC Bureau
Kansas State University's Polytechnic Campus in Salina is going to be flying unmanned aircraft systems after dark.

How to make better ceramics
July 2017 issue Mechanical Engineering Magazine (Hard copy)
Singh, a professor of mechanical and nuclear engineering at Kansas State University, recently received a patent for a liquid polymer with the viscosity of water that transforms into a ceramic when heated. Several companies are already testing the material as a coating to prevent sensor damage in manufacturing and defense applications, and for making less expensive ceramic fiber reinforcements for ceramic composites jet turbine blades.


* Kansas State touts large capital projects in last 5 years
06/22/17 KCTV 5
Kansas State University says it has added or renovated more than 1 million square feet of space on the Manhattan campus in the last five years.


Alsop, Blenn win College Fishing Nationals
06/22/17 The Collegian
This year at the Fishing League Worldwide (FLW) College Fishing Nationals, the Kansas State University team of Travis Blenn, senior in park management and conservation, and Kyle Alsop, a December 2016 alumnus in mechanical engineering, took first place with 41 pounds and 12 ounces total after three days of the competition at Wheeler Lake in Alabama June 2.

Thursday, June 22, 2017


Hartford Funds’ Summer School is Back in Session for Advisors
6/21/17 Business Wire
Subsequent episodes will provide perspectives on a variety of topics from Hartford Funds’ suite of practice management experts as well as Dr. Kristy Archuleta, Program Director of Personal Financial Planning at Kansas State University and Hartford Funds Human-Centric Insights panelist.

At the Dr. Seuss Museum: Oh, the places they don’t go!
6/21/17 Boston.com
“I think it’s irresponsible,” said Philip Nel, a children’s literature scholar at Kansas State University and the author of “Dr. Seuss: American Icon.” “I think to understand Seuss fully, you need to understand the complexity of his career. You need to understand that he’s involved in both anti-racism and racism, and I don’t think you get that if you omit the political work.”


Ticks that can make you allergic to red meat are spreading in Missouri and Kansas
6/21/17 Kansas City Star
Researchers at Kansas State found the species is spreading from the eastern part of Kansas, where it was once contained, to central and western Kansas. The College of Veterinary Medicine reported its findings in 2016, also citing a warming climate as a contributing factor.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Breakthrough Medical Device Start-up Attune Medical Names Industry Veteran Keith Warner as COO
6/20/17 CNBC
Mr. Warner received his undergraduate degree in microbiology from Kansas State University and his M.B.A. from Pepperdine University.


ESU holds Summer Scholars program
6/20/17 Emporia Gazette
They assembled windmills from a kit that generated their own energy to light a lightbulb and traveled to K-State to visit the McDonald physics lab and several engineering labs. While there, the kids spoke with faculty and college students about their research involving lasers, fiber optics and high-speed photography.


*Alumni gifts launch new honors program at A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications
6/20/17 Junction City Post
Two signature gifts of $5,000 each will provide the resources for the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications at Kansas State University to launch the Journalism and Mass Communications Honor Program in fall 2018.

Tuesday, June 19, 2017


* Buddy up to get the best out of your fitness regime
6/19/17 Independent Online
Working out in a team or with a partner you believe is fitter than you can triple both the time and intensity of your session, a Kansas State University study found. Towards the end of a four-week period, the subjects who were part of a two-person team were able to use a spinning bike for 160% longer when competing against a better partner, and 200% longer than those who exercised on their own.


*Dog owners advised to vaccinate against new canine flu
6/19/17 Garden City Telegram
Any contact with the virus will infect 100 percent of the dogs involved, veterinarians said. Of those, 80 percent will show symptoms and the remaining 20 can carry the infection, Breault said. Mortality is low, at a rate at least less than 10 percent, said Susan Nelson, a clinical veterinary professor at Kansas State University.

A legacy bigger than CinemaScope
6/19/17 High Plains/Midwest Ag Journal
“The Chisholm Trail and the Texas cattle trade was vastly larger than any Hollywood cattle drive,” said Jim Sherow, Kansas State University professor of history. Sherow is one of many historians who have researched the western cattle drives, the men who forged the way and their influences on today’s agribusinesses and rural communities.


As university tuition rates increase, state spending per student slides
6/19/17 Junction City Post
This fall, a full-time semester at the University of Kansas will cost nearly $2,000 more than a decade earlier. The increase at Kansas State University has been similar.

Monday, June 19, 2017


* The not-so-bitter rivalry of Dean Baquet and Marty Baron
6/19/17 Politico magazine
Here’s Baron following in the footsteps of former presidents, world dignitaries and media barons (like Arthur Sulzberger Jr.) to deliver the prestigious Landon Lecture at Kansas State University on April 6. And here, later that month, being quoted by Bob Woodward during the Watergate legend’s White House Correspondents Dinner speech.

Body of WWII pilot returns home after 76 years
6/16/17 Stars & Stripes
Dean graduated from Kansas State University in 1938. Right out of college, he enlisted in the Navy. Because he was not quite 21, Lynn Evans said her grandfather, Guy Armstrong, had to sign for Dean to join the Army Reserve. He served as a naval aviator on the USS Ranger out of Norfolk.


Trump moves to keep DACA, but future status of program uncertain
6/16/17 Kansas City Star
Perez-Esquivel, who emigrated from Mexico when she was less than 2 years old, said she sold tamales with her mother to help pay her tuition at Kansas State University. With scholarship money running out as a college junior, she was approved to work legally under DACA and earn her degree. She will be applying to extend her DACA status for the second time within the next month.


* Kansas State University announces night with John Cleese among 2017-2018 McCain Performance Series
6/16/17 Topeka Capital Journal
Kansas State University announced Friday their lineup for the 2017-2018 McCain Performance Series featuring some big names from world of entertainment.

Friday, June 16, 2017


Regents approve tuition hikes for Kansas universities
06/15/17 Houston Chronicle
Resident and non-resident, undergraduate and graduate tuition will increase next year 2.5 percent at the University of Kansas; 2.9 percent at Kansas State University; 2.5 percent at Wichita State; 2.7 percent at Emporia State; 2.8 percent at Pittsburg State and 2.9 percent at Fort Hays State, under rates approved Thursday by the regents. Undergraduates at Kansas State Polytechnic will see rates increase 2.9 percent.


A worthy assessment: Kansas State University a leader in improving critical thinking skills
06/15/17 Salina Post
A recent analysis by the Wall Street Journal shows Kansas State University is one of the best schools in the nation for improving students’ critical thinking skills.


K-State Agriculture Dean Testifies Before U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee
06/15/17 Junction City Post
At today’s hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Dr. John Floros, Dean and Director of the College of Agriculture and Kansas State University Research and Extension, testified on agriculture research conducted at land-grant institutions.

Thursday, June 15, 2017


K-State Exploring Future of Aeronautics
6/14/17 AviationPros
"I wasn't so sure until I bought a new Yukon," Kansas State University President Richard Myers told members of the Salina City Commission and the community Tuesday afternoon. "It has all this lane-keeping, distance-keeping stuff on it. I was showing my wife and said, 'Look at this. You can take your hands off of the wheel.' You can see we are not very far away. They are getting there with that sort of stuff, and we want to take advantage."


Regents weigh smaller tuition hikes, fee for YMCA on WSU campus
6/14/17 The Wichita Eagle
The Kansas Board of Regents plans to vote Thursday on proposed 2017-18 tuition increases ranging from 2.5 percent to 3 percent at the six regents universities: Emporia State, Fort Hays State, the University of Kansas, Kansas State, Pittsburg State and Wichita State.


*K-State Office Park advances K-State’s vision
6/14/17 The Collegian
Kansas State University Foundation held a groundbreaking ceremony in honor of launching Phase II of the Kansas State University Office Park June 8.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Ghana is safe and stable, but its young people are still risking their lives to cross to Europe
6/13/17 Quartz India
Vincent Amanor-Boadu, a professor of agribusiness at Kansas State University and co-author of a study on Ghana’s chicken industry, says that perception is misleading. “The whole argument that imports are driving down the Ghanaian poultry market exists because people are looking at imports rising but not at what’s happening in the market,” he said. “Once you talk to [the farmers], you recognize that they’re not actually competing against importers.”


K-State exploring future of aeronautics
6/13/17 Salina Journal
Myers said during the special Salina City Commission meeting that a study exploring the global aeronautics initiative for Kansas State University and Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus in Salina is about half finished.


K-State's Jordan Floyd drafted by the Kansas City Royals
6/13/17 WIBW
Kansas State senior left-handed pitcher Jordan Floyd was selected on the 2nd day of the MLB draft on Tuesday.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Do mast cells contribute to more severe disease in dengue infection?
6/12/17 Medical Xpress
Coauthors Berlin Londono-Renteria, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, Julio Marinez-Angarita, Instituto Nacional de Salud, Bogota, Colombia, and Andrea Troupin and Tonya Colpitts, University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Columbia, SC, study how mast cells recognize and interact with dengue virus and how mosquito saliva may affect the degranulation response of and the local immune responses during infection in human skin.

K-State offers pneumatic conveying training course
6/12/17 Chemical Processing
Kansas State University is offering “Pneumatic Conveying of Powders and Bulk Solids” training at its Bulk Solids Innovation Center in Salina, Kansas. The continuing education course is scheduled for August 8-11, 2017.

US muscles in on our prized beef markets
6/12/17 The Land (Australia)
Agricultural economist with Kansas State University Ted Schroeder said the domestic US beef market was mature. “The best opportunities for demand growth for US beef is in countries with growing income and large population bases that are adopting more beef in their diets and high quality beef is likely to become a larger part of that diet,” he said.

*The world's many absolute X-ray laser lamp creates 'molecular black hole'
6/12/17 Latest Technology
“This paper shows that we can know and indication a deviation repairs in tiny molecules, so now we can envision what repairs we will get in other systems,” combined Daniel Rolles of Kansas State University, another author of a study.


USDA expects drop in Kansas winter wheat yield
6/12/17 6 News
Dan O'Brien, an agriculture economist at Kansas State University, says disease and unseasonable weather contributed to the drop in production. But he says farmers also planted less wheat this year.

Monday, June 12, 2017


* This Is Why You Always, Always Include Your Spouse When Buying a Franchise
6/9/17 Entrepreneur
No doubt you’ve heard this before, but money is the no.1 argument that couples have. In fact, a recent study by a professor at Kansas State University found financial arguments to be the top predictor of divorce.

WH Group scouts for beef, chicken assets
6/12/17 China Daily
Ted Schroeder, professor of agricultural economics at Kansas State University, said there is recognition that having products in beef, chicken and pork can diversify risk as well as increase overall brand equity.


USDA expects drop in Kansas winter wheat yield
6/10/17 Kansas City Star
Dan O'Brien, an agriculture economist at Kansas State University, says disease and unseasonable weather contributed to the drop in production. But he says farmers also planted less wheat this year.


*Kansas State Polytechnic offers night flight, UAS data imaging training in June
6/11/17 Salina Post
Pilots of unmanned aircraft systems, also known as drones, can participate in essential training with industry experts this summer. Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus, Salina, is offering several training options in June for UAS pilots to expand skills and certifications, including a course in night operations.

Friday, June 9, 2017


Kansas Wheat: Researchers Identify New Gene to Resist Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus
06/08/17 Ag Fax
Kansas State University researchers have identified a gene that will provide resistance to the wheat streak mosaic virus, a disease that is currently causing economic losses in Kansas fields.

* The world’s most powerful X-ray laser beam creates ‘molecular black hole’
06/08/17 Argonne National Laboratory
“This paper shows that we can understand and model the radiation damage in small molecules, so now we can predict what damage we will get in other systems,” added Daniel Rolles of Kansas State University, another author of the study.


Kansas Lawmakers Work To Resolve Differences Between Budget Plans
06/08/17 KCUR
The House plan boosts support for community mental health centers and services designed for seniors who need assistance to be able to stay in their homes longer. It also alleviates budget cuts at Kansas State University and the University of Kansas, which experienced steeper reductions in state aid than other Board of Regents institutions last year.

Largest Chinese animal company to add labs, offices in Kansas
06/08/17 Midwest Producer
The largest animal vaccine company in China announced May 31 that it will open a research lab and offices in the Kansas State University Office Park, which is on the north side of the Manhattan campus.


Kansas Quarter-Scale Tractor Team in Winner's Circle
06/08/17 Kansas Ag Connection
The Kansas State University Helwig Farms Quarter-Scale Tractor Teams, formerly Powercat Tractors, came home with two top-five finishes in the 20th annual American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers' International Quarter-Scale Tractor Student Design Competition.

Thursday, June 8, 2017


Does Your Dog Really Need to Eat Organic Food?
6/7/17 PopSugar
Unfortunately, being "organic" does not guarantee that food is good for your pup: Even if what you buy does contain organic ingredients, they may have been heavily processed in order to make the food shelf stable (thus stripping them of their nutritional value.) Plus, according to Greg Aldrich, PhD, research associate professor and pet food program coordinator at Kansas State University, it's difficult to secure the raw ingredients to produce a truly organic pet food within the framework of the AAFCO guidelines. So the food may be organic, but not nutritionally complete.

New Memorial in France Honors Native American D-Day Sacrifice
6/7/17 U.S. Department of Defense
According to Dutch anthropologist Dr. Harald E.L. Prins, of Kansas State University, 175 Native Americans landed on Omaha Beach on D-Day -- but only 55 have been identified. The memorial dedication to Shay and his Native American comrades is part of an ongoing effort to recognize the Native American contributions to WWII.

Study: Few college students graduate as better critical thinkers
6/7/17 Becker's Hospital Review
Here are the five schools with the largest and smallest improvements between freshmen and seniors:
Largest improvements:

  1. Plymouth State University
  2. California State University-Sacramento
  3. California State University-Northridge
  4. San Jose (Calif.) State University
  5. Kansas State University (Manhattan, Kan.)


Kansas House prepares swift move to tackle budget bill Thursday
6/7/17 Topeka Capital Journal
In Wednesday evening discussions, House Republicans discussed new spending and what could be potential sticking points as they begin budget debates. Rep. Troy Waymaster, a Bunker Hill Republican who chairs the House Appropriations Committee, said the proposed budget includes full funding of the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System; $11 million to build up community mental health centers; $6 million dollars to give raises to nonjudicial staff in the Judicial branch; and restoration of dollars that were pulled from the University of Kansas and Kansas State University in previous cuts.


Salina Adult Education Center honors 15 graduates
6/7/17 Salina Journal
Sean and Stacey said they plan to attend Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus. Sean plans to get his radio frequency engineering degree. Stacey hopes to obtain a nursing degree.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


*Kansas State Polytechnic offers night flight, UAS data imaging training in June
6/6/17 sUAS News
Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus, Salina, is offering several training options in June for UAS pilots to expand skills and certifications, including a course in night operations.

* The World’s Most Powerful X-ray Laser Beam Creates ‘Molecular Black Hole’
6/6/17 Before It's News
“For any type of experiment you do that focuses intense X-rays on a sample, you want to understand how it reacts to the X-rays,” said Daniel Rolles of Kansas State University. “This paper shows that we can understand and model the radiation damage in small molecules, so now we can predict what damage we will get in other systems.”

Value Colleges Releases Top 50 Best Value Bachelor's in Industrial Design Degrees, 2017
6/6/17 PRNewswire
Kansas State University - Manhattan, KS

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


*The best herbs to improve your health
6/6/17 Cheat Sheet
J. Scott Smith, Ph.D., lead researcher at Kansas State University, says that rosemary contains carnosol and rosemarinic acid, which are two antioxidants that are known to destroy the specific type of carcinogen produced from cooking meats.

A manual for creating and sharing online library instruction
6/5/17 American Library Association
An easy to follow tutorial for creating online library instruction with learning objects, “Creating and Sharing Online Library Instruction: A How-To-Do-It Manual For Librarians,” published by ALA Neal-Schuman, is written by Joelle Pitts, Sara K. Kearns, and Heather Collins, three librarians with the New Literacies Alliance (NLA). Pitts is Instructional Design Librarian and Associate Professor at Kansas State University Libraries. ... Kearns is Academic Services Librarian and Associate Professor at Kansas State University Libraries.

Researchers want farmers to know about camelina, a crop with many uses
6/5/17 Inforum
Now Obour, assistant professor of soil science at Kansas State University, wants farmers across the Great Plains to learn about the crop, too. He participated in a research project that provides more information on growing camelina in Kansas in particular and the central Great Plains in general, an area where the crop is largely unknown.

USSEC invests in raising professional knowledge of international soy traders in Eastern Europe
6/5/17 Public Now
Jay O'Neil, International Grain Program, Kansas State University, laid the foundation for the training event by presenting about U.S. grain and soy production and the marketing system.

Ending FIP, is there hope: Winn Feline Symposium
6/5/17 Steve Dale Pet World
Pedersen told me in a column a few years back about his idea of using a class of anti-viral drug, and he’s done just that by collaborating with Dr. Yunjeong Kim of Kansas State University to obtain the right protease inhibitor.

Monday, June 5, 2017


*K-State’s challenge course celebrates 10 years
6/4/17 KSNT
K-State’s ropes course has been serving up a challenge for the last decade.


Kansas State’s bass team wins another collegiate championship
6/3/17 Wichita Eagle
For the third time in five years, Kansas State University has won a prestigious national championship.


*St. Louis couple donates $2 million to Kansas State
6/2/17 Washington Times
A St. Louis couple, along with financial service firm Edward Jones, has donated $2 million to Kansas State University.

US, Chinese set for beef-import discussions
6/2/17 China Daily
Ted Schroeder, a professor of agricultural economics at Kansas State University, said the lifting of the ban will be an important development for the US beef industry.

Friday, June 2, 2017


K-State President to Address Salina City Commission
06/01/17 KSAL
According to the City of Salina, the city commission will meet Tuesday, June 13th, for a special meeting. Kansas State University President Richard B. Myers will address the commissioners and the public to announce a global aeronautic initiative being explored by the university and community.


Concealed guns make their way onto Kansas college campuses on July 1
06/01/17 KCTV 5
K-State’s website lists a timeline of communications to faculty and staff regarding the law. They encourage anyone on campus to check it out. The school has requested security measures at sporting events and select lecture spaces as well.


* X-Ray Lasers Make Atoms Act Like “Black Holes” in Molecules
06/01/17 Scientific American
In the new study scientists at Kansas State University (K.S.U.) and their colleagues experimented with the world's most powerful x-ray laser, the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory—a machine that can generate pulses delivering nearly 100 quintillion watts per square centimeter. That is roughly 100 times more intense than if all the sunlight hitting Earth’s surface were focused onto one thumbnail, says study co-author Sébastien Boutet, an LCLS staff scientist. The findings were published this week in Nature.

* Chinese Vaccine Lab To Move Into KC Animal Health Corridor
06/01/17 Veterinary Practice News
KC Animal Health Corridor of Kansas City, Mo., will soon be getting some new neighbors in its new K-State Office Park Phase II building.

Thursday, June 1, 2017


In Focus 5/31/2017
5/31/17 KMAN Radio
Today’s guest on In Focus was Associate Professor of Political Science at K-State, Dr. Nate Birkhead. The show was hosted by KMAN’s Brady Bauman.


*Chinese company to open first US site in Manhattan
5/31/17 Kansas City Star
The largest animal vaccine company in China plans to open its first U.S. location in Manhattan.

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/article153578629.html#storylink=cpy


Scientists use X-ray laser beam to create ‘mini black hole’
5/31/17 New York Post
Physicist Professor Daniel Rolles, of Kansas State University, said: “For any type of experiment you do that focuses intense X-rays on a sample, you want to understand how it reacts to the X-rays."