K-Staters in the news — August 2018
Some of the top stories mentioning Kansas State University are posted below. Download an Excel file (xls) with all of this month's news stories.
Friday, Aug. 31, 2018
Corn Harvest Headache
08/30/18 The Progressive Farmer
Growers in droughty parts of Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri will be at risk for the dangerous mycotoxin this year, which is produced by many strains of the drought-loving fungus, Aspergillus, said Kansas State University Plant Pathologist Doug Jardine.
Food animal research at Kansas State University receives investment from alumni couple
08/30/18 High Plains Journal
Kelly and Marcie Lechtenberg, Oakland, Nebraska, have created the T.G. Nagaraja and M.M. Chengappa Excellence Fund in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University.
KSU crop researcher gets $4 million grant
08/30/18 The Manhattan Mercury
A K-State professor studying wheat will lead a $4 million research project.
Agronomy professor Stephen Welch, along with professors from other universities, received a $4 million grant from the National Science Foundation improve crop yields, crop breeding programs and in-field management.
Thursday, Aug. 30, 2018
The Army is testing deceptive cyber technology despite past struggles
8/29/18 Fifth Domain
“The military does a better job than most, but it’s still just not adequate,” Scott DeLoach, head of the computer science department at Kansas State University, told Fifth Domain. “Deception can be a lot of different things. It’s anything that makes it more difficult for an attacker to figure out what your system really looks like.”
*Kansas State University and Topcon sign research agreement, start projects
8/29/18 KAKE
Kansas State University and Topcon Agriculture are collaborating to develop tools and systems to advance precision agriculture and support farmers.
K-State and Fort Riley celebrate 10 years of partnership
8/29/18 WIBW
Kansas State University and Fort Riley are celebrating ten years of partnership.
Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2018
Kansas State University experts confront African swine fever in Asia
8/28/18 Veterinary Practice News
Jürgen Richt, DVM, PhD, Regents Distinguished Professor, KBA Eminent Scholar, and director of Kansas State University’s Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases (CEEZAD), is providing guidance to officials in East Asia on the emerging problem of African swine fever.
One Health Initiative explored at meeting
8/28/18 High Plains Journal
Kansas State University Professor, Production Medicine/Clinical Pharmacology, Mike Apley said the talk about resistance and whether it’ll have an effect clinically or if a population of bacteria could suddenly take a lot more antibiotic to affect their growth is merited.
New bike share program coming to MHK
8/28/18 Manhattan Mercury
A second bike-sharing program is coming to Manhattan. The K-State Student Governing Association is contracting with the for-profit company VeoRide to bring nearly 400 bikes to campus this semester.
Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2018
*USAID gives additional funding to KSU research into ending hunger
8/27/18 World-Grain.com
Kansas State University scientists collaborated with the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium on the project. They said in a news release that the work will pave the way for wheat varieties better adapted to climate challenges with higher yields and better nutrition.
KSU again tops Money’s annual ranking of best college values in state
8/27/18 Salina Post
For the third year in a row, Money magazine is recognizing Kansas State University as the top university value in Kansas. The ranking is the second in recent months that highlights the university’s position as the best educational investment in the state.
In Focus – 8/27/18
8/27/18 KMAN
Monday’s guest was Dr. Timothy Shaffer, the Assistant Director of the Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy at Kansas State University.
Second KSUnite rally scheduled for October
8/27/18 The Collegian
In a letter released this morning in the K-State Today newsletter, chief diversity and inclusion officer Bryan Samuel announced that a second KSUnite is in the works for October.
Monday, Aug. 27, 2018
Researchers say they cracked complete genome of wheat
8/26/18 U.S. News & World Report
Kansas State University scientists collaborated with the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium on the project. They said in a news release that the work will pave the way for wheat varieties better adapted to climate challenges with higher yields and better nutrition.
Kristan Corwin: Scientific research stimulates Kansas economy
8/24/18 Topeka Capital Journal
As a physicist at Kansas State University, I develop tools that may improve agricultural yields. The project uses lasers to measure the gasses above fields of crops, helping agronomists better understand the interactions of plant genetics with fertilizer and water.
K-State receives $21M for hunger research
8/24/18 Manhattan Mercury
Kansas State University has received nearly $22 million for hunger and poverty research.
Taber looks to help K-State turn enrollment around
8/24/18 Manhattan Mercury
Charles Taber has his eyes on the ball. Taber is Kansas State University's new provost, the top academic officer.
Friday, Aug. 24, 2018
The cost difference between living on- and off-campus in the 48 biggest college towns in America, ranked
08/23/18 Business Insider
48. Kansas State University — Manhattan, Kansas
Off-campus median monthly rent: $667
On-campus monthly housing cost: $667
Cost difference: $0
How to Build a Healthy Burger
08/23/18 Consumer Reports
Adding rosemary extract to beef patties before cooking cut HCA formation by more than 90 percent, according to one study from Kansas State University. Other research has found thyme, black pepper, ginger, and garlic also inhibit their formation.
Generosity, compassion, fortitude, wisdom: The values of the 2018 Women of Influence honored Thursday night
08/23/18 The Topeka Capital-Journal
The fifth annual Women of Influence award recipients were:
• Community Service: Susana Ortiz Prochaska, graduate assistant in the college of education at Kansas State University.
Taber talks KSU enrollment, diversity importance
08/23/18 The Manhattan Mercury
Kansas State University Provost Charles Taber knows his job entails a lot of work.
Thursday, Aug. 23, 2018
How to brew the perfect cup of coffee
8/22/18 WSTale
Seven highly trained tasters from the Centre for Sensory Analysis and Consumer Behaviour at Kansas State University sipped various temperatures of coffee made from Arabica beans, Robusta beans or a combination of both.
Kansas City-Area Congressional Delegation To USDA: Move Your Research Here
8/22/18 KCUR
Their news release cited a large workforce, lower rent and utility costs and lots of interstate access. The National Bio and Agro-defense Facility will be close, too, with the facility on Kansas State University's campus expected to open in 2022.
*Novel wheat genetic improvements grown in our backyard
8/20/18 High Plains Journal
The station is separated into different plots grown and researched by scientists with the Wheat Genetics Resource Center and Kansas State University.
Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018
How to brew the perfect cup of coffee
8/21/18 Daily Mail Online
Seven highly trained tasters from the Centre for Sensory Analysis and Consumer Behaviour at Kansas State University sipped various temperatures of coffee made from Arabica beans, Robusta beans or a combination of both.
*Kansas State University experts confront looming threat of African swine fever in Asia
8/20/18 The Fence Post
Kansas State University experts are providing guidance to officials in East Asia on the emerging problem of African swine fever.
K-State researchers unveil new genetic resource to improve wheat
8/20/18 High Plains Journal
After a long-term study in which they evaluated massive amounts of information from the wheat genome, Kansas State University researchers and colleagues from Montana State University and the University of California-Davis have released a genetic resource that opens the door to faster and more efficient improvements to one of the world’s most-grown crops.
Tuesday, Aug. 21, 2018
The best value college in every state
8/20/18 MSN.com
Kansas: Kansas State University
*Kansas State scientists collaborate in wheat gene breakthrough
8/20/18 The Hays Daily News
A team at Kansas State University’s work with scientists from around the world has finally cracked the code for wheat genomics.
Rain contributing to more mushrooms
8/20/18 KWCH
Mathew McKernan, a horticulture agent for Sedgwick County K-State says mushrooms aren't harmful to most plant material in the yard, but if you're concerned for your health or your pet's safety, it's best to remove them.
K-State’s Safe Zone program trains faculty, students to help others with identity-based struggles
8/19/18 The Collegian
When walking through a dorm hallway or by a Kansas State faculty member’s office, it is not uncommon to see purple decorations. But one particular purple symbol — a circle with illustrated hills in shades of violet, reading “SAFE ZONE, Open Minds. Open Doors.” — signifies that person is part of the Safe Zone program at K-State.
Friday, Aug. 17, 2018
Moran to Speak About Global Security on 9/11 Anniversary
08/16/18 Associated Press/U.S. News & World Report
U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran is speaking at Kansas State University about global security on the 17th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
How an Experimental Online Course Helped One Anthropology Department Keep a Professor and a Half
08/16/18 EdSurge
When budget woes threatened faculty reductions in the anthropology department at Kansas State University, one professor decided to address the shortfall by teaching differently.
The professor, Michael Wesch, has a long track record of teaching innovation. He’s won a national teacher-of-the-year award and his viral videos about education earned him praise from Wired magazine. Throughout his career, Wesch has relentlessly refreshed his approach, at one point admitting that some of the tech he’s infused in his teaching wasn’t working and trying a reboot.
* Wheat code finally cracked; wheat genome sequence will bring stronger wheat varieties to farmers
08/16/18 High Plains Journal
Kansas State University scientists, in collaboration with the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium, published today in the international journal Science a detailed description of the complete genome of bread wheat, the world's most widely-cultivated crop.
North campus corridor project finalist for eco-devo award
08/16/18 The Manhattan Mercury
The master plan and progress on the North Campus Corridor project along the north end of the Kansas State University campus are receiving national attention.
Thursday, Aug. 16, 2018
*‘The next Greek yogurt’: Kansas State students win
national con
test with a cheesy drink
8/15/18 The Austin American-Statesman
Three Kansas State University food science graduate students hope so.
*Shawnee students make a ‘splash’ at K-State
8/15/18 The Shawnee Dispatch
Members of the Kansas State University Fountain Wars Team, a creative design team from the college of engineering, brought home third-place honors in a recent international competition.
*K-State outlines plan to boost enrollment
8/15/18 The Mercury
With a new provost in tow, K-State has outlined a plan to address falling enrollment by focusing on financial aid and scholarships, and recruiting out-of-state students.
*KSU tops magazine’s annual ranking of best college values in state
8/15/18 JC Post
For the third year in a row, Money magazine is recognizing Kansas State University as the top university value in Kansas. The ranking is the second in recent months that highlights the university’s position as the best educational investment in the state.
Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2018
Kansas Department of Transportation to Launch First Flight Under Drone Integration Program
8/14/18 The Drive
Today’s inaugural flights will be piloted by Salina’s Kansas State University Polytechnic, which received the first university waiver for BVLOS flights from the FAA in June.
2018 Inspiring Programs in STEM Award
8/14/18 Insight Into Diversity
Kansas State Office for the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering (KAWSE)
Kansas State University (KSU)
KAWSE facilitates 40-plus events designed to enrich the lives of women in STEM. Programming includes workshops, networking, and professional development and spans all age groups — from middle school girls to faculty members. Through the GROW and EXCITE programs, middle schoolers learn about STEM fields and careers, participate in activities, and tour KSU’s campus. Additionally, the SUCCEED program offers opportunities for undergraduate and graduate STEM students to mentor young girls, network with faculty and professionals, and more.
*University Selects First Cohort of NBAF Fellowships
8/14/18 Bovine Veterinarian
Kansas State University is helping meet that demand. Five graduate students from the College of Veterinary Medicine have been awarded National Bio and Agro-defense Facility Scientist Training Program fellowships. The awardees will receive tuition, stipends and funds for supplies and travel through a $1.6 million cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018
‘The next Greek yogurt’: K-State students win national contest with a cheesy drink
8/13/18 Bristol Herald Courier
Would you consume a tart protein drink made with fermented cheese? Three Kansas State University food science graduate students hope so.
Study: Discontinuing antibiotics could cost cattle industry billions
8/13/18 Food Dive
Eliminating metaphylaxis, or the mass administration of medicine to high health-risk cattle to eradicate or minimize disease outbreak, could cost the U.S. cattle industry as much as $1.8 billion annually, according to a study done by Kansas State University agricultural economists and veterinary medicine faculty.
Drama therapy director finds mission in program
8/13/18 Manhattan Mercury
Sally Bailey got into theater to try to change the world through art. Bailey, the director of K-State’s drama therapy program, believes drama therapy is her way of doing that. She said she has seen how it can help people. She tries to take her students into the community to bring drama therapy to as many people as possible.
College kids are back in town: Treat 'em right
8/13/18 Manhattan Mercury
But it also means that a certain vibrancy, a liveliness, is returning. Were it not for Kansas State University, Manhattan would be a tiny Kansas town at the junction of a couple of rivers. Nice and all, but, well ... that’s about it.
Monday, Aug. 13, 2018
Researchers develop machine learning method to monitor 3D printing process for defects
8/10/18 3DPrint.com
All sorts of issues can occur when a 3D printed part has a defect, and researchers around the world continue trying to find new ways to detect these defects before they cause too many problems. Now, two researchers from the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering at Kansas State University are taking on the challenge as well.
Latinx students bring new sorority, fraternity to Kansas State
8/11/18 Coed
new sorority and fraternity have been introduced at Kansas State University thanks to an effort led by Latinx students on campus.
K-State Office Park opens second building
8/12/18 Manhattan Mercury
Despite the sunny day, it “rained” Thursday afternoon at the K-State Office Park.
Historic flight launch from Salina area
8/10/18 KSAL
Over the next two years, the Kansas IPP team, including more than 30 industry partners, will support phased testing and integration of UAS operations over farms, roads, transmission lines and other infrastructure to collect data and gather community feedback. Kansas State University Polytechnic, an IPP team member, will fly the inaugural operation to test aircraft capability and reliability for continued beyond the visual line of sight operations.
RCPD warns returning K-State students to stay off phones while driving
8/10/18 WIBW-TV
Riley County Police want to remind returning K-State students to put the phone down while driving -- or face a fine.
Friday, Aug. 10, 2018
KSU selects first NBAF Scientist Training Program fellowships
08/09/18 Veterinary Practice News
Five graduate students from the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine have been awarded National Bio and Agro-defense Facility Scientist Training Program fellowships.
* IN PROGRESS: Hale Library recovery continues, K-State begins restoration planning
Although the cleanup of K-State’s Hale Library is ongoing, the university already has started planning how it will restore the building, said Lori Goetsch, dean of K-State Libraries.
* Hale Library's Great Hall is under restoration and rivals lend helping hand
08/09/18 WIBW
Restoration and clean up is well underway at K-State’s hale library Thursday-- a fire in May damaged most of the building and more than million books.
Thursday, Aug. 9, 2018
*‘The next Greek yogurt’: K-State students win
ontest with a cheesy drink
9/8/18 Kansas City Star
Three Kansas State University food science graduate students hope so.
Winter Canola Preplant School scheduled Aug. 28 in Wichita
9/8/18 High Plains Journal
Winter canola yields in Kansas were down in 2018 yet better than expected in some areas. On Aug. 28, producers can learn more about how canola performed in 2018 and what it takes to raise a successful crop, said Mike Stamm, Kansas State University canola breeder.
*K-State selects 5 students for $1.6M NBAF fellowship
8/8/18 Manhattan Mercury
Five K-State College of Veterinary Medicine graduate students have been selected as fellows for the National Bio- and Agro-defense Facility (NBAF) Scientist Training Program. The awardees will receive tuition, stipends and funds for supplies and travel from a five-year, $1.6-million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2018
Kan. Forest Service helps battle wildfires
8/7/18 Morning Ag Clips
Right now, KFS, which is a division of the Kansas State University College of Agriculture, has 18 personnel working fire situations in California, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon and Wyoming, including two staff members: GIS specialist Darci Paull and public information officer Shawna Hartman, who are assigned to the Ferguson Fire near Yosemite National Park. As of Aug. 1, two firefighters have died and nine have been injured battling the 62,000-acre blaze.
Food Recalls Abound This Summer, But Experts Say That's A Good Thing
9/7/18 KCUR
But things may not be as bad as they sound, according to Lana Nwadike, a food safety specialist with Kansas State University and the University of Missouri.
K-State extends deadline to make changes to class schedules
8/7/18 Manhattan Mercury
K-State students will have more time to decide if they want to make changes to their class schedules this year.
Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2018
The 20 Best College Dorms in America
8/6/18 Town & Country
16.) Kansas State University
*KSU Students Win Dairy Council’s New Product Competition
9/6/18 KSAL.com
A new creamy protein-rich dairy drink has Kansas State University success written all over it.
Former National Geographic editor tells KSU Foundation stories
8/6/18 Manhattan Mercury
When Marisa Larson was in college she wanted to be a foreign correspondent. Instead, life took her in different directions before she returned to Kansas to raise her son.
Monday, Aug. 6, 2018
*New Presidents or Provosts: American Jewish U, Contra Costa College, Florida Atlantic U, Highline College, Kansas State U, Keystone College, Marymount U, Meridian CC, Portland State U, River Valley CC, Tennessee Tech U, U of Alaska-Anchorage, U of Tulsa
8/4/18 Inside Higher Ed
Charles Taber, vice provost for graduate and professional education and dean of the Graduate School at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, has been named provost and executive vice president at Kansas State University.
*Separate bank accounts are the secret to a happy relationship
8/5/18 D'Marge
According to a Kansas State University study of more than 4,500 couples, money arguments are the numero uno predictor of divorce. This makes managing your finances crucial. Set aside one joint saving account (that you both deposit whatever you have agreed into), which neither of you can withdraw from, and perform day to day transactions with separate accounts.
Striving for student services nirvana: Will we ever arrive?
8/3/18 The evolllution
By Karen Pedersen, dean of Global Campus, Kansas State University.
Two years later, the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) produced the Guidelines for Creating Student Services Online. My current institution, Kansas State University, joined with Kapi’olani Community College (HI) and Regis University (CO) to develop this student services framework.
K-Staters are moving in all over Manhattan to prepare for the upcoming school year
8/5/18 WIBW-TV
School is right around the corner and K-State students are moving in all over Manhattan.
Friday, Aug. 3, 2018
The case for greater focus on mosquitoes, ticks in epidemiology
08/02/18 Science Daily
"Rather than focusing on managing diseases at the host or pathogen level, we suggest the focus should be at the environmental and vector levels, an approach known as integrated vector management, or IVM," says Natalia Cernicchiaro, DVM, MS, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Diagnostic Medicine and Pathobiology at Kansas State University and senior author on the report. "Management strategies applied at these levels tend to be more sustainable and effective."
K-State Polytechnic partners with Air Force Junior ROTC
08/02/18 Salina Post
The Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus has joined a new aviation initiative created by the Air Force Junior ROTC that is aimed at boosting enthusiasm for flying among high school students as well as contributing to the industry’s pilot shortage solution.
Kansas Forest Service helps battle wildfires in California, other western states
08/02/18 High Plains Journal
Right now, KFS, which is a division of the Kansas State University College of Agriculture, has 18 personnel working fire situations in California, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon and Wyoming, including two staff members: GIS specialist Darci Paull and public information officer Shawna Hartman, who are assigned to the Ferguson Fire near Yosemite National Park. As of Aug. 1, two firefighters have died and nine have been injured battling the 62,000-acre blaze.
Thursday, Aug. 2, 2018
7 Things You Should Never Do When Your Dog Is Overheated
8/1/18 Romper
Still, it's OK if you want to err on the side of caution. Although a giant cup of ice might sound refreshing to you, it may not be the best choice for your overheated dog. "It is better to offer cool water to overheated dogs and not ice cubes," said Dr. Susan C. Nelson, clinical professor at the Veterinary Health Center at Kansas State University, in PedMD. "They should be cooled down slowly." Ice might change your dog's temperature too quickly, so stick with water instead.
Three Ways to Wow Your Landlords
8/1/18 AgWeb
“In a recent survey, we learned that landowners care more about experience and reputation of a farmer than a rent payment,” says Mykel Taylor, with Kansas State University. “Financial was the last concern. These results are almost opposite of what most farmers assume.”
KRUG: The opioid crisis is real
8/1/18 Hays Post
Erin Yellend, a specialist with K-State Research & Extension, has written an excellent educational fact sheet titled, “The Opioid Crisis: What You Need to Know”. It covers all of the information I have shared today in great detail. You can download and print a copy by visiting the KSRE bookstore and typing in publication MF3404.
Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2018
TD Ameritrade Institutional Awards 12 Scholarships
7/31/18 ThinkAdvisor
Thomas Meek of Kansas State University
K-State professor: Questions outnumber answers in USDA’s tariff relief plans
7/30/18 Hays Post
Among them is Art Barnaby, professor of agricultural economics at Kansas State University, for whom the questions far outnumber answers right now.
Grandparents University helps K-State alumni share Wildcat passion
7/31/18 Manhattan Mercury
While waiting for another fun class to begin at the K-State Alumni Center, Marcia and Bruce Sebree admired and showed off the many university artifacts on display to their grandchildren.