K-Staters in the news — July 2019
Some of the top stories mentioning Kansas State University are posted below. Download an Excel file (xls) with all of this month's news stories.
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
USDA buying food from US farmers as food pantries struggle
7/30/19 Wisconsin State Farmer
Ted Schroeder, an agricultural economist at Kansas State University said that, even though these purchases are not intended to displace food normally be purchased for government programs, it may be offsetting other food items for hungry Americans.
Mix science and food? JoCo middle-schoolers discover that ensures a great recipe
7/30/19 Kansas City Star
Kate was one of 15 Johnson County middle-school students attending a food science camp at Kansas State University’s Olathe campus this summer. The students spent a week learning about the chemistry, concepts and practical application of food preparation in the classroom and in the kitchen.
Grandchildren make their own K-State memories at Grandparents University
7/30/19 Manhattan Mercury
As groups of grandparents relived their memories of their time on K-State’s campus Monday, their grandchildren caught glimpses of the memories they might make for themselves one day.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
3 Affordable Household Hobbies You Can Take on Right Away to Reduce Stress
7/29/19 Thrive Global
- Plants speed up recovery – studies undergone at Kansas State University and Texas A&M University have emphasized the importance of horticultural therapy for patients. A room with flowers and plants was perceived as more relaxing and bright and provided more satisfaction.
*New $2.7 million NIH grant extends Kansas State University researcher’s work on tick-borne disease
7/29/19 Junction City Post
The clock could be ticking for ticks. Roman Ganta, Kansas State University professor and director of the Center of Excellence for Vector-Borne Diseasesin the College of Veterinary Medicine, recently secured a new grant of $2.7 million from the National Institutes of Health to continue his longtime work on tick-borne disease.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Nature offers clues on when to harvest fruit
7/27/19 San Antonio News Express
"Once a crop is harvested, it is almost impossible to improve its quality," Kansas State University Cooperative Extension Service horticulturists say in a fact sheet. "Losses of horticultural crops due to improper storage and handling can range from 10 to 40 percent."
Burns & McDonnell elevates 16 to senior leadership group
7/26/19 The Street
Ken Schaefer, senior project manager for the Construction/Design-Build Group in Kansas City. Ken has represented Burns & McDonnell on a number of commercial office projects, including the Burns & McDonnell world headquarters, where he has overseen all aspects of the preconstruction and construction process to ensure accurate estimating, scheduling and predictable results. He has a bachelor's degree in construction management from Kansas State University and an MBA from Drake University
Governor announces appointment to Midwestern Higher Education Compact
7/26/19 Hays Post
Otto currently serves as the acting assistant county manager and executive director for the Johnson County Airport Commission. Previously, Otto served as city administrator for Roeland Park and worked in the Kansas State Treasurer’s office as assistant state treasurer. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in political science from Kansas State University and received a master’s degree in public administration from George Washington University.
Area students among those receiving scholarships from KSU Global Campus
7/27/19 Salina Post
Kansas State University Global Campus awarded $38,850 in scholarships to 45 students across the U.S. and abroad for the summer 2019 semester.
Friday, July 26, 2019
The Swamp Strikes Back: Trump administration's plan to relocate federal workers hits resistance
7/25/19 The Washington Times
“We offered an ideal location for the USDA operations,” said Ms. Kelly, a Democrat, in a statement. “The new facilities will be strategically located close to a top agricultural research institution in Kansas State University. The quality of life we offer also was a strong consideration and selling point.”
To properly water your lawn, you have to know your sprinkler output. Here’s how
7/25/19 Kansas City Star
Dennis Patton is a horticulture agent with Kansas State University Research and Extension.
Governor appoints three to Kansas State Fair board
7/25/19 Junction City Post
Dylan Evans, Lebo, is the owner of Farmers State Bank of Aliceville and DWE Livestock. Evans received his master’s degree in food science, a bachelor’s degree in animal science and industry, and a bachelor’s degree in food science and industry, all from Kansas State University. He succeeds Steve Abrams.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
*Talking to Partner about Money
7/24/19 The New Nation in Bangladesh
According to new research by Kansas State University's Sonya Britt-Lutter and colleagues (2019), "Financial stress, communication, and frequency of financial disagreements are all factors contributing to reduced relationship satisfaction and increased likelihood of divorce". Communication is the key to all good relationships but, as the Kansas State University researchers point out, communicating about money is particularly challenging. "Of the sources of couple conflict, money consistently ranks at the top of the list". Fortunately, there are ways to neutralize this emotion-laden topic, as these researchers discovered.
*K-State receives $2 million to study water-efficient crops
7/24/19 Kansas Farmer
Researchers at Kansas State University just scored a $2 million investment to help them find ways to increase the yields of water-efficient crops such as sorghum.
Reaction to Mueller’s testimony, “I don’t really think we learned anything”
7/24/19 WIBW
“I don’t really think we learned anything today that we didn’t already know yesterday,” said Kansas State University professor Nate Birkhead.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
K-State urges producers to plan for animal heat stress
7/22/19 Western Livestock Journal
Kansas State University Beef Veterinarian A.J. Tarpoff is sounding the bells for livestock producers to take some extra measures to protect their herds during temperatures forecasted to top 100 degrees.
New record low set in Hays after 100 years
According to official records from the K-State Agricultural Research Center, the overnight low was 52 degrees.
K-State prepares to open doors to renovated Hale Library after damaging fire
7/23/19 KSNT
K-State crews are busy at work preparing for Hale Library to open its doors for the first time in more than a year.
K-State cutting budget and positions
7/23/19 KSNT
K-State is making difficult cuts and after a tuition hike was recently rejected by the Kansas Board of regents.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Dollar stores sweep America, opposition grows for discount chains in low income areas
7/22/19 ABC7Chicago
"Some communities see that dollar stores are very serious competitor to their local retail and grocery," said David Procter, director of the Rural Grocery Initiative at Kansas State University.
3 Ways to Have Better Conversations With Your Kids
7/22/19 Thrive Global
As Kansas State University research showed, teens of divorced parents who communicated frequently via FaceTime and text with a noncustodial parent were able to maintain supportive relationships with them.
Auburn-Washburn school board hears proposal to allow chicks in classrooms
7/22/19 Topeka Capital Journal
Making the change would allow third-grade teachers to bring chicks into the classroom — with rules about safety and handling. The change would enable them to participate in the Shawnee County K-State Research and Extension Office School Enrichment Program unit on chick embryology.
*K-State hosts international Fulbright students for crash course in American life
7/22/19 Manhattan Mercury
The crash course in America is part of the Fulbright English for Graduate Studies program. K-State is one of a handful of universities across the nation selected by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Cultural Affairs to facilitate the program, where international Fulbright students learn about U.S. culture, norms, laws, and the education system before heading to their universities of study.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Rogue weedkiller vapors are threatening soybean science
7/19/19 NPR "All Things Considered"
Soybean researchers are, in fact, having problems at other universities. In response to NPR's inquiries, soybean breeders at the University of Nebraska, Kansas State, and the University of Arkansas confirmed that they've also seen symptoms of dicamba exposure in their test plots.
5 stressless ways to talk to your partner about money
7/20/19 Psychology Today
If you and your partner find yourselves on the other side of your own financial disputes, you know how much these disagreements can erode your own relationship satisfaction. According to new research by Kansas State University’s Sonya Britt-Lutter and colleagues, “Financial stress, communication, and frequency of financial disagreements are all factors contributing to reduced relationship satisfaction and increased likelihood of divorce”.
Study: K-Sate ranked best value for higher education in Kansas; KU comes in 2nd
7/18/19 Lawrence Journal World
A study by SmartAsset, a financial technology company, recently ranked K-State as the best bang-for-your-buck university in the state. KU, often regarded as the state's flagship university, was ranked second.
No sweeping under the rug': KC Renaissance Fest women speak up about sexual assault
The measures are a great first step but are not perfect, said Clara Kientz, assistant director at the Kansas State University Center for Advocacy, Response and Education, a university office that seeks to prevent sexual assault on campus.
Marlin Fitzwater to receive K-State Alumni Association award
7/20/19 Manhattan Mercury
Marlin Fitzwater will receive the K-State Alumni Association’s Alumni Excellence Award this fall.
*KSU faculty, alumni edit text on school funding
7/20/19 KSAL
Five education leaders with ties to the Kansas State University College of Education have edited a book positioned to become the nation’s preeminent text on preschool through grade 12 sch
Friday, July 19, 2019
8 Healthy Benefits of Indoor Plants, According to Horticulture Experts
07/18/19 Prevention
In fact, researchers at Kansas State University found that patients with plants in their rooms required less pain medication, had a lower blood pressure and heart rate, and felt less anxiety and fatigue when recovering from surgery than patients without greenery in their rooms. Some plants even provide physical healing benefits. For instance, aloe vera can be used to heal sunburn and other skin irritations.
K-State's Global Campus helps teacher open new doors
07/19/19 KMBC
This elementary teacher says Kansas State's online education is helping him reach his career goals.
Study: K-State ranked best value for higher education in Kansas; KU comes in 2nd
07/19/19 Lawrence Journal-World
A study by SmartAsset, a financial technology company, recently ranked K-State as the best bang-for-your-buck university in the state. KU, often regarded as the state’s flagship university, was ranked second.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Is Corn Bad for You? Here’s Everything You Need to Know
7/17/19 Yahoo Lifestyle
2. It Could Aid in Digestion
The insoluble fiber in corn feeds good bacteria in your gut, which aids in digestion and helps keep you regular. But warding off constipation isn’t the only benefit of dietary fiber. In addition to protecting against gut issues, an increase in dietary fiber has been linked to a lower risk of several diseases, including heart disease and some cancers, per this studyfrom Kansas State University’s Department of Human Nutrition. Unlike many other grains, corn is a naturally gluten-free food, making it a good option for people who avoid gluten but want to consume grains.
Amid tariffs and floods, a farmer finds hope in the next crop of Kansans
7/17/19 Christian Science Monitor
Mr. Brunkow has been involved in 4-H since before he graduated from college, and recently was selected to help choose the state leaders for the FFA (formerly Future Farmers of America). At the recent FFA state convention, where more than a thousand young people dressed in blue corduroy jackets with white dress shirts and black slacks or skirts gathered at Kansas State University for four days, he was impressed to learn that many of the top-performing youths wanted to become teachers.
K-State Professors Earn Animal Science Awards
7/18/19 Kansas Ag Connection
Three Kansas State University faculty members in the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry were presented awards by the American Society of Animal Science at its annual meeting in Austin, Texas.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Flight attendants keep getting sick. It’s likely because of their uniforms
7/15/19 Vox
Historically, flight attendants are part of what is known as a pink-collar profession, which is heavily dominated by women, says Phil Tiemeyer, an associate professor of history at Kansas State University. “Pink-collar professions have suffered in two ways. One, they’ve been lower-paying with fewer job protections than other professions, and, two, they’ve been very susceptible to being used for what you call branding purposes,” Tiemeyer says.
Inspiring Acts of Kindness Land College Football Players on 2019 Allstate AFCA Good Works Team® Nominee List
7/15/19 PR Newswire
Denzel Goolsby, Kansas State University
Effects of this year’s budget cuts lie in the hands of division leaders
7/15/19 The Collegian
As a result of the Kansas Board of Regents’ decision to keep tuition flat for in-state undergraduate students, budget cuts will reach nearly every corner of Kansas State. Whether and how students feel the effects of those cuts is up to division leaders.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
*Taking Classes With Your Grandchild At Grandparents University
7/15/19 Forbes
You don’t even necessarily need to be a grandparent to go to Grandparents University. Almost all the GPU programs allow grandfriends (aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews or other close relatives or friends) to participate, instead of grandparents or grandkids. Some, like Kansas State, let parents attend. It’s usually a one- or two-to one ratio (either grandparents to grandchildren or vice versa).
Great Bend native to perform concert at Sydney Opera House
7/15/19 Great Bend Post
Bryan Pinkall, assistant professor of music, and Amanda Arrington, faculty collaborative pianist, will perform “Voices from the Western Front” at 7 p.m. Friday, July 19, at the Sydney Opera House in Sydney, Australia.
*Veterinary Student Selected for New Research Fellowship
7/15/19 Kansas Ag Connection
Sarah Krueger, Lebo, a second-year veterinary student at Kansas State University, is one of 10 students selected nationally for a Veterinary Student Research Fellowship to Address Global Challenges in Food and Agriculture.
Monday, July 15, 2019
5 health benefits of having succulents in your home
7/14/19 CountryLiving
They aid in quicker recovery – Succulents can contribute to reducing flu-like symptoms, headaches, fever and coughs. According to researchers at Kansas State University, hospital patients with plants in their rooms required less pain medication, had lower blood pressure and heart rate and experienced less fatigue and anxiety.
Gov. Laura Kelly replaces three Board of Regents members appointed by Sam Brownback
7/13/19 Topeka Capital Journal
Before Cherryvale, Kiblinger was superintendent of Hutchinson public schools from 2011 to 2017 and previously was assistant superintendent of Garden City schools. She holds a doctorate in educational administration from Kansas State University and a master’s degree in educational leadership from Pittsburg State University.
Rental electric scooters to hit Wichita streets Monday
7/13/19 Wichita Eagle
It will be VeoRide’s Wichita debut, although the company is active in Kansas, providing rental bike service at three universities: KU, Kansas State and Pittsburg State.
Legend: K-State celebrates Snyder's legendary career
7/13/19 Manhattan Mercury
Bramlage Coliseum hosted a ceremony in honor of Snyder’s prolific Kansas State coaching career Saturday. The event featured speeches from: Mitch Holthus, formerly the voice of the Wildcats and now in the same role for the Kansas City Chiefs; former star wide receiver, Kevin Lockett; donor and friend of Snyder, Jim Colbert; Jon Wefald, former K-State president; former center and current
Friday, July 12, 2019
Will more people read the Mueller Report if it's a comic book?
07/11/19 Salon
He continued: “J. Spencer Clark, an education specialist at Kansas State University, argued that ‘Spiegelman’s work demonstrated that graphic novels could meaningfully depict the ways structural forces and individuals have collided in history,’ while others considered it to be ‘the most affecting and successful narrative ever done about the Holocaust.’”
Why the cattle industry might not use drug that cuts pollution from animal waste
07/11/19 Hays Post
“They’re consuming nitrogen and then the ammonia can be produced” on the ground in a feedlot pen, said Justin Waggoner, a beef systems specialist at Kansas State University.
Thursday, July 11, 2019
JBS Accounts For A Quarter Of Pork Bought By The Federal Government To Offset Trade Losses
7/10/19 KUNC radio
Ted Schroeder, an agriculture economist at Kansas State University, said many of the impacted markets will barely notice these purchases.
*Deere & Company funds precision planting project of K-State research team
7/10/19 Salina Post
Development of a precision planting system, offering producers the ability to plant large areas of acreage rapidly while maximizing yield per acre, will be the goal of a research team at Kansas State University.
K-State turfgrass specialist urges mid-summer checkup on lawns
7/10/19 The Pottawatomie County Times
Kansas State University turfgrass specialist Jared Hoyle says homeowners ought to be thinking about a mid-summer checkup on their lawns, which likely includes applying fertilizer and weed killer.
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
When is fruit ready to pick? Nature offers different clues
7/9/19 Washington Post
“Once a crop is harvested, it is almost impossible to improve its quality,” Kansas State University Cooperative Extension Service horticulturists say in a fact sheet. “Losses of horticultural crops due to improper storage and handling can range from 10 to 40 percent.”
KSU students earn honors
7/9/19 Cowley Courier Traveler
Area students were among the nearly 3,220 who completed degree requirements from Kansas State University in spring 2019. The graduates are from 101 Kansas counties, 48 states and 48 countries.
Sherow to discuss new Chisholm Trail book
7/9/19 Manhattan Mercury
Sherow, a former Manhattan mayor and distinguished professor of history at K-State, will discuss “The Chisholm Trail: Joseph McCoy’s Great Gamble” and sign books at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Riley County Seniors’ Service Center, 301 N. Fourth St., Manhattan.
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Controlling illness in animals is essential to keeping Americans healthy
7/8/19 The Hill
Meanwhile, researchers at Kansas State University are also working on a vaccine against Rift Valley Fever, which has yet to reach the US but which can spread from mosquitos to livestock and from livestock to people.
K-State’s new College of Ag dean discusses goals, challenges
7/8/19 Kansas Farmer
Kansas State University’s new dean of the College of Agriculture and director of Kansas Research and Extension Service is coming into the job knowing exactly what challenges await.
In Focus 7/8/19
7/8/19 1350 KMAN
Dr. Neala Boyer with the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine joined the program to discuss pet travel and needs as well as separation anxiety in pets.
Monday, July 8, 2019
Pricier grills but cheaper meat: how Trump's trade policy plays on July 4
7/3/19 U.K. Daily Mail
"Ongoing trade disputes that constrain market access and/or result in elevated tariffs ultimately reduce the volume and value of U.S. meat exports," said Glynn Tonsor, an agricultural economist at Kansas State University.
JBS a big winner in USDA trade war relief contracts
7/6/19 Washington Times
Ted Schroeder, an agriculture economist at Kansas State University, said many of the impacted markets will barely notice these purchases. “I just don’t see these programs being huge support for farmers,” said Scheoder.
K-State cutting budgets in every department, but it won’t raise tuition for Kansans
7/3/19 Kansas City Star
Every department at Kansas State University is going to have to cut at least 4% out of this coming school year’s budget to make up for lost tuition dollars coupled with rising operation costs.
Progress continues on Hale Library renovation
7/7/19 Salina Post
Renovation of Hale Library at Kansas State University continues to move forward following the May 18, 2018, fire that caused extensive damage to the facility.
MHK woman named assistant secretary of agriculture
7/3/19 Clay Center Dispatch
Olson, a Norton native, earned her bachelor’s degree in international agribusiness and master’s degree in agricultural economics from Kansas State University.
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
*8 foods to avoid if you want to reduce your chances of cancer, diabetes, and early death
7/2/19 Business Insider
But the way that these compounds work in tandem with others inside our bodies is complex and still not fully understood. (One study from Kansas State University found that marinating meats in spices like rosemary, thyme, oregano, and sage may cut down the HCAs in a piece of meat by 87%.)
ne it: Fourth of July celebrations not always safe for pets
7/2/19 Emporia Gazette
The Fourth of July is a time for fun and noisy celebration for many people. But for pets, the summer holiday can be filled with fear and anxiety as well as other dangers, says a Kansas State University veterinarian.
USDA opens temporary office for NBAF at K-State Office Park in Manhattan
7/2/19 WIBW
The USDA has recently opened a new, temporary office in the K-State Office park in support of NBAF in Manhattan.
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
7 Ways to Make Group Workout Classes Feel More Personal
7/1/19 Livestrong.com
4. Bring a Friend
Ever notice that you push harder when you work out with a partner? It's not just in your head. According to a 2012 study from
Kansas State University
, when people exercised with partners they thought were in better shape, they increased their workout time and intensity by a drastic 200 percent! No one wants to be the weakest link.
Updates from Johnson County Community College: Upcoming events
7/1/19 Shawnee Mission Post
THE HOT ZONE: An evening with Nancy and Jerry Jaax
We are partnering with Kansas State University to host THE HOT ZONE: An evening with Nancy and Jerry Jaax. Their response to an Ebola-related outbreak in the United States inspired the National Geographic series, THE HOT ZONE – A six-part series based on Richard Preston’s 1994 bestselling novel by the same name.
Renovations continue at long-standing Derby Dining Center at K-State
7/1/19 KMAN
After 60 years, the Derby Dining Center at Kansas State University is being renovated.
Monday, July 1, 2019
Veterinarian says summer pests, heat and activities pose risks to pets
6/28/19 Phys.org
For your pet to stay healthy and happy this season, Kansas State University veterinarian and clinical professor Susan Nelson offers some recommendations and simple safety tips. Nelson is with the Veterinary Health Center in the College of Veterinary Medicine.
FDA names pet food brands noted in DCM reports
6/28/19 Pet Food Processing
Grain-free dog foods have been a suspected cause of canine DCM since the investigation started in July 2018. At the American Feed Industry Association’s Pet Food Conference in February 2019, Greg Aldrich, Ph.D., research associate professor for the department of grain science and technology at Kansas State University, addressed pet food ingredient implications posed by the spike in DCM reports.
Kansas Board of Regents aggressively trims degree programs to 120 credit hours
6/29/19 Topeka Capital Journal
Exceptions to the 120-hour rule, other than PSU’s music education offering, were granted to Kansas State University, the University of Kansas and Wichita State University. Neither Fort Hays State University nor Emporia State University sought exemptions to the 120-hour framework.
City of Manhattan wants you to vote on its new flag
6/28/19 WIBW
PURPLE: K-State, the figurative and geographical heart of Manhattan as a college town.