K-State in the news today
Read some of today's top stories mentioning Kansas State University. Download an Excel file (xls) with all of the month's news stories.
See more K-State faculty, staff and students in the news in the clip archives.
Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022
Kansas State research: Frequency of dry, hot and windy conditions harming wheat yields
12/20/22 Kansas Reflector
The compounding influence of adverse dry, hot and windy climate patterns slashed wheat yield 4% in Kansas and five other Great Plains states over the past 40 years, Kansas State University researchers reported in the scientific journal Nature Communications.
*K-State Salina students lead Giving Tree project, donate gifts to 4 families
12/22/22 Salina Post
Students, faculty, staff and administration at Kansas State University Salina Aerospace and Technology Campus helped contribute gifts to local families in the campus's first student-led Giving Tree project.
veterinarian offer cold weather tips for pets
12/21/22 KCLY
A Kansas State University veterinarian says now is the time to bring some pets inside.
Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2022
A Kansas program aims to reward good nursing home care, but critics say poor oversight remains
12/20/22 KCUR
A decade later, KDADS turned PEAK into a Medicaid pay-for-performance incentive program. The department contracted Kansas State University to administer it and began awarding nursing homes taxpayer money depending on their progress in certain core areas.
*K-State limits operations Thursday and Friday ahead of 'extreme winter weather forecasts'
12/20/22 The Mercury
Kansas State University campus operations will be limited Thursday and Friday ahead of a winter storm and dangerous wind chill values.
*K-State veterinarian offers cold weather pet care tips
12/20/22 The Mercury
A Kansas State University veterinarian says now is the time to bring some pets inside.
Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2022
U.S. Department of Energy Invests $2.5 Million to Support University Training and Research for Decarbonization and Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions Technologies
12/19/22 American Ag Network
DOE’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), under the purview of FECM, will manage the selected projects: Modular Reactor for Co-Generation of Liquid Chemicals and Electricity from Stranded Natural Gas – Kansas State University (Manhattan, Kansas).
Cattle Chat: Preventing Vitamin A Deficiency
12/20/22 Kentucky Ag Connection
For cattle, vitamin A is one nutrient that producers need to manage to keep the cattle healthy, said the experts at Kansas State University’s Beef Cattle Institute on a recent Cattle Chat podcast.
What We Know About Buller Steer Syndrome in Feedlot Steers
12/19/22 Feed Lot Magazine
However, Epp and others from Kansas State University reported lesser progesterone and greater testosterone concentrations for buller steers compared with non-buller control steers.
City of Manhattan commits to advancement of Black entrepreneurship
12/19/22 WIBW
“The City of Manhattan, along with our economic development partners at the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce and K-State Innovation Partners, is working together with the Black Entrepreneurs of the Flint Hills (BEFH) to provide underrepresented entrepreneurs with more opportunities for economic advancement,” said Mayor Linda Morse.
Monday, Dec. 19, 2022
K-State Crops Team brings home national title again
The Kansas State University crops team completed the 2022 fall season by placing first at the Kansas City American Royal Collegiate Crops Contest and second at the Chicago Collegiate Crops Contest in November. The results earned the team a split with Iowa State University for the national championship.
Understanding Teacher Shortages: Academic Minute
12/16/22 Inside Higher Ed
Today on the Academic Minute: Tuan D. Nguyen, assistant professor of education at Kansas State University, explores the critical problem of teacher shortages.
KOERNER: K-State Extension offers grant writing courses
12/17/22 Hays Post
K-State Research and Extension Community Vitality Specialist, Nancy Daniels, is offering grant writing courses next year. The grant writing course consists of two, 3-hour online live sessions.
Radio spot with President Linton and Connected 'Cats
12/16/22 Salina Post/KINA radio
The Salina Post did a radio story about the recent community visit as part of the Community Profile segment on KINA radio, 107.5 FM and 910 AM. The story included the Connected 'Cats and President Linton.
*Don’t miss out: K-State extends scholarship, awards priority date to Feb. 1 for incoming fall 2023 freshmen
12/18/2022 The Junction City Union
Kansas State University is giving incoming fall 2023 domestic freshmen more time to apply for admission and be considered for general university scholarships and awards.
*Tips for reducing financial stress around the holidays
12/18/22 Salina Post
Megan McCoy, a professor in the Financial Planning Department in the College of Health and Human Sciences at Kansas State University, suggests a few ideas on how to reduce spending, while still enjoying the gift giving aspect of the holiday season.
Friday, Dec. 16, 2022
The 11 Most Dangerous Things In Your Kitchen
12/15/22 MSN
Think the towel hanging in front of your oven is helping you clean up? A 2015 study by researchers at Kansas State University pointed to kitchen towels as one of the most contaminated surfaces in your kitchen. Touching the towel before washing your hands, then again while cooking can lead to cross contamination and, in turn, foodborne illnesses.
State weather official urges Kansans to prepare for winter conditions, travel
12/15/22 The Salina Post
The calendar says the first day of winter is Dec. 21. Chip Redmond is not so sure you ought to get locked in on just that date.
“Winter conditions in Kansas can change rapidly,” said Redmond, a meteorologist and manager of the Kansas Mesonet, a network of weather monitoring stations that has its headquarters at Kansas State University.
State officials are months behind on releasing incentives details for $650M Scorpion deal
12/15/22 The Manhattan Mercury
In April, Scorpion Biological Services president David Halvorsen said the company plans to have a portion of the facility ready to produce an anthrax vaccine by August 2024. Halvorsen said the company selected Manhattan as a new facility location because of access to Kansas State University and Manhattan Area Technical College as well as Fort Riley.
Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022
There’s a Reason There Aren’t Enough Teachers in America. Many Reasons, Actually.
12/14/22 The New York Times
“The current problem of teacher shortages (I would further break this down into vacancy and under-qualification) is higher than normal.” The data, Nguyen continued, “indicate that shortages are worsening over time, particularly over the last few years. We do see that southern states (e.g., Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Florida) have very high vacancies and high vacancy rates", wrote Tuan Nguyen.
NIFA and APLU announce national teaching awards for food and agricultural sciences
12/14/22 HortiDaily
Cassandra Katherine Jones and Chad Thomas Miller were two of six regional recipients of the 2022 Excellence in College and University Teaching Awards for Food and Agricultural Sciences.
Drought double disaster as ranchers struggle to recover year after wildfire
12/15/22 Salina Post
According to K-State research, in a year with average to above-average rainfall, ranchers could expect about 50 percent of the grasses to come back in the first year after a wildfire, said Stacy Campbell, K-State Extension agent.
K-State officials give update on campus department relocations
12/14/22 Manhattan Mercury
Kansas State officials announced more details on how the university will relocate different programs will across campus by fall 2023.
Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022
Light can be used to control molecular handedness
12/13/22 Phys.org
In a recent study, researchers at Freie Universität Berlin, the DESY research center in Hamburg, Kiel University, and Kansas State University have shown how light can turn a planar molecule into a chiral molecule with just one particular handedness, providing a solution to the long-standing problem of absolute asymmetric synthesis.
Understanding Food Dollar Returns
12/14/22 KSAL.com
Anyone associated with agriculture knows there are often many steps involved in getting the commodity from the farm and ranch to the consumer. Dustin Pendell, an agricultural economist at Kansas State University, said each of these transactions cuts into the share of the return on the farm dollar.
*K-State extends admission, scholarship deadline for incoming freshmen
12/14/22 WIBW
K-State has extended its admission and scholarship deadlines for incoming freshmen.
Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022
NHWK: Shifting Focus to Biomanufacturing
12/12/22 Yahoo! Finance
In mid-April, CEO Jeff Wolf announced a partnership with the State of Kansas and Kansas State University to develop a biodefense-focused large molecule and biologics biomanufacturing facility in Manhattan, Kansas.
*K-State veterinarian warns owners of pet food buzzwords and nutritional value
12/12/22 KCTV-5
A veterinarian at Kansas State University has warned owners of pet food buzzwords and their actual nutritional value for their furry friends.
*Hays student named to K-State cancer research program
12/13/22 Hays Post
The Johnson Cancer Research Center has selected 28 students to participate in its undergraduate Cancer Research Award program.
*K-State president visits central Kansas as part of community tour
12/12/22 Salina Post
Citizens of central Kansas, Kansas State University students, alumni, and community leaders discussed K-State Salina’s role in K-State’s overall strategic plan, high school education pathways to encourage students to pursue a college degree or post-secondary training, and the future of land grant schools during a community conversation on Dec. 5.
*K-State announces Outstanding Senior Awards
12/12/22 Great Bend Tribune
Eleven students from the College of Health and Human Sciences are being recognized with 2022 fall Outstanding Senior Awards, and one student has been selected to speak at the college’s commencement ceremony at 2:30 p.m. Dec. 10 in Bramlage Coliseum.
*$75M fundraising blitz could lead to brand new face for K-State's College of Agriculture
12/10/22 Topeka Capital-Journal
Ernie Minton has always known that the facilities at Kansas State University's College of Agriculture could be in better shape, but it still disappointed him to see that the university had somehow become a poster child for rundown spaces and deferred maintenance in agricultural school.
*New graduates should continue to learn, and unlearn, speaker says at K-State fall commencement
12/12/22 The Mercury
New K-State graduates might have finished one phase of their education, but Philip Nel, university distinguished professor of English, encouraged them to never stop learning.
Monday, Dec. 12, 2022
*K-State College of Education announces outstanding student awards
12/9/22 Salina Post
Eleven undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Education are being recognized with awards for excellence, social justice advocacy, potential and promise.
NW Kan. Energy business awarded $7M USDA loan
12/12/22 Hays Post
A $178,607 grant will help provide technical assistance to rural grocery stores transitioning to mutually owned business models, including the cooperative model in rural communities. The Rural Grocery Initiative will work with Kansas State University and partners across Kansas to enhance and deliver cooperative development services.
*K-State hires Marshall Stewart for expanded chief of staff role
12/8/2022 The Mercury
Marshall Stewart will become K-State’s first senior vice president for executive affairs, university engagement and partnerships, and chief of staff.
*In Focus – K-State VP David Rosowsky
12/9/22 KMAN
The latter half of the show featured K-State Vice President for Research David Rosowsky. He discussed the impact of the pandemic on research capacity at KSU as well as the ambitious Economic Prosperity Plan announced by the university just a year ago.
*K-State’s Rural Education Center, Kansas Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom receive grant for pilot education program in Washington County
12/11/22 The Junction City Union
The Rural Education Center in Kansas State University's College of Education and the Kansas Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom received a $150,000 grant from the National Institutes of Food and Agriculture to attract students to degrees in agriculture and food science.
Friday, Dec. 9, 2022
The Best College Towns for Students on a Budget
12/8/22 The New York Times
At the very top: Manhattan, Kan., home to Kansas State University, followed by Lawrence, Kan., home to the University of Kansas. Hattiesburg, Miss., home to the University of Southern Mississippi, was found to be the most affordable college town, but its apparent lack of much “fun and opportunity” dragged it down to 21st place.
How Much More You’ll Pay for Emergencies If You Prepare Too Late
12/8/22 Yahoo! Finance
“It’s not always that they don’t know to save,” said Meghaan Lurtz, an expert on financial planning. “It’s a matter of life circumstances, things holding them back from doing these things.” Lurtz teaches at Kansas State University, Columbia University and the University of Maryland.
*K-State to swear in first senior vice president for executive affairs
12/8/22 WIBW
Kansas State University says that Marshall Stewart, a national leader in higher education and university stakeholder engagement, has been named its first senior vice president for executive affairs, university engagement and partnerships and chief of staff. He will assume the position on Jan. 23.
*K-State’s Johnson Cancer Research Center selects 28 students for research training awards
12/8/22 Junction City Union
The Johnson Cancer Research Center has selected 28 students to participate in its undergraduate Cancer Research Award program.
Thursday, Dec. 8, 2022
HydroGraph Inc. Announces Appointment of Director of Business Development for Resins and Composites
12/7/22 Toronto Sun
HydroGraph Clean Power Inc. was founded in 2017 to fund and commercialize green, cost-effective processes to manufacture graphene, hydrogen and other strategic materials in bulk. Publicly listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange Dec. 2, 2021, the Company acquired the exclusive license from Kansas State University to produce both graphene and hydrogen through their patented detonation process. More information about the Company and its products can be found on the HydroGraph website.
K-State researchers advancing computer circuitry to measure soil properties
12/7/22 The Pratt Tribune
“The United States has constructed an agriculture innovation agenda that in the next 28 crop cycles — which gets us to the year 2050 — we want to grow 40% more food than what is currently grown,” said Khosla, a precision agriculture specialist, professor and head of the Kansas State University agronomy department in the College of Agriculture.
K-State graduation ceremonies to be held in Manhattan, Salina this weekend
12/8/22 KMAN
More than 1,100 students at Kansas State University are candidates for graduation, which will take place at a number of ceremonies in Manhattan and Salina this weekend.
Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2022
The 11 Most Dangerous Things In Your Kitchen
12/6/22 MSN.com
Hand towels
Think the towel hanging in front of your oven is helping you clean up? A 2015 study by researchers at Kansas State University pointed to kitchen towels as one of the most contaminated surfaces in your kitchen.
Actress Kirstie Alley kept her Kansas connections, including owning a house in Wichita
12/6/22 Topeka Capital-Journal
Alley attended college at both the University of Kansas at Lawrence and Kansas State University at Manhattan, according to the website of the Kansas Historical Society.
K-State poli-sci professor talks possible outcomes of GA runoff election
12/6/22 WIBW
”In some states, like Georgia, you have to get over 50% of the vote to win and so in this election Warnock did get more votes than Walker did, but he did not get over that 50% threshold,” Kansas State University Associate Professor and Head of Political Science, Nathaniel Birkhead said. “So, in a runoff election what they do is they take the top two vote getters and they have only those two candidates in the race.”
Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2022
It’s Not Too Late To Submit More College Applications: Late Admission Deadlines For 2022-23
12/6/22 Forbes
Kansas State University – Manhattan, KS – Rolling admissions after February 1.
A Boost for Clean Energy on Brownfields
12/6/22 Green Building Advisor
The Rocky Mountain Institute is partnering with the Kansas State University’s (KSU) Technical Assistance to Brownfields program to launch the first-ever accelerator for brightfields project to create a broader project development pipeline for the market.
Corn Planting and Frost Risk In Central And Eastern Kansas
12/5/22 Farms.com
A recent study was conducted at Kansas State University with the following objectives: Define corn-yield environments based on grain-yield levels and stability over time. Explore different combinations of hybrid maturity by planting date and the effects of these combination on final corn yields. Quantify the season-ending frost-risk effect of delaying planting dates on yield.
*K-State commencement ceremonies Friday, Saturday
12/5/22 Salina Post
More than 1,100 students are candidates for graduation from Kansas State University this fall, with commencement ceremonies set for Friday in Manhattan and Salina and Saturday in Manhattan.
Measuring Gas Fluxes in Cattle
12/5/22 Feed Lot Magazine
The animal breeding and genetics group at K-State is using the pasture system (see picture) to establish a protocol for gas flux data collection in mature grazing beef cattle, which will ultimately be used to develop a prototype genetic evaluation for these traits.
*K-State holding fall commencement ceremonies Friday and Saturday
12/5/22 Manhattan Mercury
Kansas State University will confer degrees upon more than 1,100 graduates during its fall commencement ceremonies this year.
Monday, Dec. 5, 2022
What Best Buy is getting right
12/3/21 Motley Fool/MSN
Motley Fool personal finance expert Robert Brokamp talks with Megan McCoy, professor at Kansas State University, about relationships and money.
The 11 Most Dangerous Things in Your Kitchen
12/4/22 House Beautiful
Hand towels — Think the towel hanging in front of your oven is helping you clean up? A 2015 study by researchers at Kansas State University pointed to kitchen towels as one of the most contaminated surfaces in your kitchen. Touching the towel before washing your hands, then again while cooking can lead to cross contamination and, in turn, foodborne illnesses.
K-State Salina launches Master of Social Work partnership with University of Kansas
12/4/22 Junction City Daily Union
In partnership with the University of Kansas, Kansas State University Salina Aerospace and Technology Campus will offer a Master of Social Work that will be instructed at the K-State Salina campus.
K-State reaches diversity and inclusion milestone
12/2/22 Kansas State Collegian
Kansas State marked itself as the first university in Kansas to partake in the Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation Campus Centers program on Nov. 17. According to the American Association of Colleges and Universities, the program intends to prepare the next generation of leaders to break down systemic racism and dismantle belief in a hierarchy of human value.
In Focus: Greg McClure, Karen Hibbard, Ernie Minton
12/2/22 KMAN
In our final segments, Kansas State University Dean of the College of Agriculture, Dr. Ernie Minton, joined us to discuss a 3:1 fundraising effort underway as the university works toward the eventual overhaul of infrastructure at the College of Agriculture. The university is nearing the deadline for that effort as it looks to raise $75 million as part of the overall $125 million campaign.
Friday, Dec. 2, 2022
Springdale students who walked out over claims of a teacher shortage to be disciplined
12/1/22 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
According to a report compiled by researchers at Kansas State University and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, there are more than 36,500 teacher vacancies across the country. Of those, more than 340 were reported in Pennsylvania.
*Newstalk: Kirsten Zoller
12/1/22 KWCH 12 News
Kirsten Zoller, executive director of strategic initiatives at the K-State Salina Aerospace and Technology Campus, did a live studio TV segment with KWCH 12 News.
KS farmers worried rock quarries will damage water. So they banded together to fight back
12/1/22 The Kansas City Star
Rodney Biesenthal holds up a water sample he collected from runoff near a rock quarry in Pottawatomie County. Some of the samples have been tested at Kansas State University.
*KMUW: Interview with Rebecca McMahon
12/1/22 KMUW radio
Rebecca McMahon, K-State Research and Extension — Sedgwick County horticulture agent, did a radio interview with KMUW and discussed the new $750,000 USDA grant that a K-State team received for an initiative to support local food systems.
Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022
Jones receives USDA excellence award in university teaching
11/30/22 National Hog Farmer
Cassandra Jones, Kansas State University Department of Animal Sciences and Industry teaching coordinator and professor, has been named a recipient of the 2022 USDA Excellence in College and University Teaching Awards for Food and Agricultural Sciences.
K-State College of Agriculture nearing deadline for massive 75 million dollar fundraising effort
11/30/22 KMAN
Nearly a week remains in a massive fundraising effort undertaken by Kansas State University for a planned infrastructure overhaul within the College of Agriculture.
*Note: Asterisks indicate clips that resulted from recent news releases or pitches from Communications and Marketing.