K-State in the news — August 2023

Some of the top stories mentioning Kansas State University are posted below. Download an Excel file (xls) with all of this month's news stories.

Thursday, Aug. 31, 2023


US Food Supply Threatened by Extreme Drought … And Extreme Rain
8/30/23 The Messenger Business
“If you have too much rain or it is not delivered in the time you need it, that’s going to be a problem,” says Jonathan Aguilar, a water resource engineer at Kansas State University.

America is using up its groundwater like there’s no tomorrow
8/30/23 New York Times and Las Vegas Sun
But those types of innovations will only work for so long, said Bill Golden, a professor of agricultural economics at Kansas State University. “The loss of water is going to outpace the gain of technology,” he said. “Eventually, we’re going to lose.”


*In wake of diagnosis, Richard Linton says K-State has given him new definition of family
8/31/23 Topeka Capital-Journal
Richard Linton had long known that Kansas State University could be a special place for his family.


*K-State to launch ‘exceptionally successful’ teacher pathway program statewide
8/30/23 WIBW
Kansas State University’s College of Education is launching a program statewide in pursuit of recruiting more teachers.

USDA gives state more than $300K for agriculture projects
8/30/23 Manhattan Mercury
Kansas State University will establish recommendations for mung bean production and assess the crop’s adaptability to different environments across Kansas to improve its crop production.

Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2023


America is using up its groundwater like there’s no tomorrow
8/29/23 The Seattle Times
But those types of innovations will only work for so long, said Bill Golden, a professor of agricultural economics at Kansas State University. “The loss of water is going to outpace the gain of technology,” he said. “Eventually, we’re going to lose.”


Keeping Kansas history alive, one ghost town at a time
8/29/23 KSN and KSNT
A group of students and staff at Kansas State University, along with historians at the Kansas State Historical Society (KSHS), have made it their mission to ensure the history of Kansas towns and communities isn’t lost to time. Their efforts are wide-ranging, comprehensive and aimed at showcasing the history of places in danger of being forgotten or that aren’t well-documented.

*KSU graduate students participate in first Education Specialist degree program
8/29/23 WIBW
Thirty graduate students are making history this fall as members of the inaugural class of K-State’s first and only Education Specialist, or Ed.S., degree program.

*K-State to analyze county’s energy usage in attempt to boost resiliency
8/29/23 WIBW
One Kansas county’s energy usage will be under the watchful eye of a team of researchers at K-State in an attempt to bolster community resiliency.


*KSU Foundation announces fundraising totals for fiscal year 2023
8/29/23 JC Post
Donations to Kansas State University in fiscal year 2023 reached more than $226.4 million in private gifts through the Kansas State University Foundation, closely mirroring last year's all-time-record fundraising of $235 million.

Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2023


Who are the best employers in Kansas? Forbes ranked them based on worker surveys
8/28/23 Yahoo! News/The Wichita Eagle
No. 3: Kansas State University.

*K-State engineering professor to lead nearly $1M community project on energy resilience
8/28/23 WN/Great Bend Tribune
Bala Natarajan, Kansas State University engineering professor, will lead a nearly $1 million project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy aimed at developing an analysis and planning tool that will enhance community power grid resilience in Ford County.

Kansas State Researchers Land $1.9 Million Grant to Improve Crop Genetics
8/28/23 Seed Today
The National Science Foundation has awarded more than $1.9 million to a team of Kansas State University researchers to identify key genetic elements that enhance scientists’ ability to generate farm crops and other plants from tissues or cells.


*K-State to offer aid program to more students
8/28/23 FOX 4
Kansas State University is expanding a program that helps more students get free or almost tuition.

*School art part of K-State exhibit
8/28/23 Ground/The Cowley CourierTraveler
A new exhibit at the art museum at Kansas State University in Manhattan features paintings of Kansas artists owned by the Winfield school district.

*McCain Performance Series hosts a peaceful transition of comedy from Capitol Steps to Capitol Fools
8/28/23 JC Post
The 2023-2024 McCain Performance Series opens election season with the Capitol Fools at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 15, in Kansas State University’s McCain Auditorium.


Discover Center inspires the next generation at Aerospace Day
8/28/23 The Mercury
Kansas State University held an engineering panel, too, with students providing information about its STEM programs.

Monday, Aug. 28, 2023


New experimental research measures the speed of molecular charge migration for the first time
8/25/2023 Phys.org
As reported in Advanced Photonics, a research team from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), in cooperation with theoretical teams from Kansas State University and University of Connecticut, recently proposed a high harmonic spectroscopy (HHS) method for measuring the CM speed in a carbon-chain molecule, butadiyne (C4H2).


*K-State Salina adding $41M spatial computing studio, learning center
8/25/2023 Derby Informer
On Aug. 22, the state officially announced that Hollywood-based Pure Imagination Studios is partnering with Kansas State University's Salina Campus, Salina Airport Authority, and the State of Kansas to build an advanced spatial computing studio and learning center. The $41 million investment, which will create 101 new jobs, marks the largest investment in K-State’s Salina campus infrastructure.

Spencer Museum exhibition features Kansas artists who investigate nature
8/26/2023 The Emporia Gazette
Erin Wiersma, associate professor of drawing and painting at Kansas State University, created two large-scale works by rubbing, dragging and pushing large pieces of paper on the Konza Prairie after a prescribed burn, resulting in unique portraits of the landscape.


*K-State Criminologist writes book that explores cybercrime prevention
8/25/2023 WIBW
A Kansas State University criminologist wrote a book that explores cybercrime prevention. K-State officials said the most recent FBI cybercrime annual report shows victims lost $10.3 billion from internet scams in 2022, with phishing being the top-reported crime. A K-State criminologist’s new book builds a path for changing these statistics.

K-State local foods program to offer 30+ fellowships for Kansas communities
8/26/2023 WIBW
A Kansas State University program that aims to improve the health of Kansans by increasing access to locally grown foods is giving the effort a big boost this autumn. K-State officials said over the next two years, the K-State Research and Extension Local Food Systems team will offer 34 paid fellowships to Kansas communities interested in helping to build the state's local food network. Program coordinator Amanda Lindahl said the 320-hour paid positions not only provide jobs for local residents but also dedicated time and energy for a local foods system project.

*KSU to launch 'exceptionally successful' teacher pathway program statewide
8/25/2023 JC Post
Kansas State University's College of Education is launching a program statewide that produced more than a 600% increase in the number of students pursuing education degrees at a community college in southwest Kansas.

Friday, Aug. 25, 2023


Tribal Energy Sovereignty Initiative receives $4 million grant
8/24/2023 INFORUM
The Tribal Energy Sovereignty Initiative is an interdisciplinary, community-focused, multi-university project working to find "sustainable reliable and efficient engineering practices infrastructures and solutions to the gaps in tribal energy. ... The Initiative is a partnership between UND, North Dakota State University, Kansas State University, Haskell Indian Nations University, Turtle Mountain Community College, Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College, and the Tribal Research Network Group.

Going back to school is about to be a huge headache thanks to intensifying bus driver and teacher shortages
8/24/2023 Yahoo! Finance
It’s left tens of thousands open teaching roles and greater than 160,000 positions that an under qualified teacher was hired for, per research from Tuan Nguyen, professor at Kansas State University's College of Education, as cited by Axios.

IGP-KSU course covers flour analysis
8/24/2023 WORLD-GRAIN
Students will be introduced to analytical techniques that they may encounter when working with flour mills and bakeries as part of the IGP-KSU Practical Flour and Dough Testing course being offered Nov. 28-Dec. 1 at the IGP Institute on the campus of Kansas State University.


KSU junior from Smithville takes 1st in student design competition
8/24/2023 News-Press NOW
Kansas State University junior and Smithville native Teegan Farrell placed first in the fashion design category in the 19th Annual North American Student Design Competition sponsored by the Alpaca Owners Association.


*100+ students set to become elementary teachers as K-State pilot program ends
8/24/2023 WIBW
More than 100 professionals are set to become elementary school teachers as a K-State pilot program in Southwest Kansas comes to a close. Kansas State University announced on Thursday, Aug. 24, that its College of Education will launch a statewide program that has produced a more than 600% increase in the number of those who pursue education degrees at community colleges in the southwestern portion of the state.

Thursday, Aug. 24, 2023


Teacher shortages have gotten worse. Here’s how schools are coping.
8/23/23 The Washington Post
Tuan Nguyen, a Kansas State University education professor, last year set out with two colleagues to collect statewide data on teacher shortages. They counted more than 36,500 vacancies in 37 states and Washington, D.C., for the 2021-2022 school year. Wednesday, they published updated data and found that teacher shortages had grown 35 percent among that group, to more than 49,000 vacancies.

Academia and the pet food industry with Ernie Minton of Kansas State University
8/23/23 Tending: Pet Food
Dean of Kansas State University’s College of Agriculture and Director of K-State Research and Extension Ernie Minton answers the question, "What role will academia play in the future of the pet food industry?" on the Trending: Pet Food podcast.


*Entertainment Co. to build $41M studio, learning center at K-State Salina
8/23/23 Hays PostGovernor Laura Kelly today announced that Hollywood-based Pure Imagination Studios is partnering with Kansas State University’s Salina Campus, Salina Airport Authority, and the State of Kansas to build an advanced spatial computing studio and learning center, according to a media release.

*Inside look: Infectious disease researchers training with animal models at K-State lab
8/23/23 KSN and KSNT
Kansas researchers are in the next phase of getting ready to study infectious diseases. The National Bio Agro-defense Facility (NBAF) is partnering with Kansas State University, so researchers can get hands-on experience at the university’s clinical skills lab.

*K-State helps lead statewide project to rebuild early child care workforce
8/23/23 WIBW
Kansas State University is helping lead a statewide project to rebuild the early childcare workforce.

Wednesday Aug. 23, 2023


*Here's why K-State and a Hollywood studio are partnering for an advanced tech facility
8/22/23 Topeka Capital-Journal
Officials from across the state were in Salina on Tuesday morning as a $40 million partnership was announced between Kansas State University and an independent Hollywood studio.

Local employers make Forbes list of best places to work in Kansas
8/22/23 WIBW
3. Kansas State University


'Make the most of it' | Convocation kicks off K-State fall semester
8/21/23 The Mercury
The crowd of Kansas State University freshmen chanted “let’s go Cats” repeatedly as they held up the Wildcat hand symbol and the marching band played.

Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2023


America’s teacher shortage continues
8/21/23 Axios
According to research from Kansas State University’s College of Education, there are more than 30,000 teacher vacancies in the U.S., and more than 160,000 jobs are filled by teachers who aren’t qualified.

Informing New Zealand Beef: NZ beef science falling behind US, leaders say
8/21/23 NZ Herald
At Kansas State University, the team learned about efficiency research work.

*K-State to develop vaccines for cattle, swine diseases with new grant
8/21/23 Beef Magazine
Two new grants at Kansas State University will be utilized to help protect global food supplies through the development of vaccines to protect swine and cattle from infectious diseases.


Manhattan hits top spot for highest temps in America over the weekend
8/21/23 KWCH
Meanwhile, on the K-State campus, student Will Baldwin said the heat has been a struggle when trying to get around campus.

*Kansas governor lauds growth of 6,800 child care slots across Kansas since mid-2022
8/21/23 KAKE/Kansas Reflector
Meanwhile, the state awarded $5 million to Kansas State University to increase the early childhood care and education workforce.

*Kansas State Announces Barry Flinchbaugh Center for Ag Policy
8/21/23 Kansas Ag Connection
Kansas State University celebrated a significant move in agricultural growth during the annual Kansas Governor’s Summit.


Manhattan heat shatters 87-year Kansas record to become hottest place in the US
8/21/23 The Mercury
The Manhattan Regional Airport recorded 115 degrees Fahrenheit according to the Kansas Mesonet, a climate center and agronomy weather department at Kansas State University.

Monday, Aug. 21, 2023


It's tick season in Kansas. But there's another tiny, biting pest roaming your yard
8/18/2023 Yahoo! News
"Chiggers are found throughout Kansas. They're small, they're very difficult, almost impossible, to see with the naked eye," Raymond Cloyd, Ph.D. with Kansas State University's entomology department, recently told The Eagle. Young chiggers, called larva, inject saliva into human skin when they bite, which causes a red, itchy reaction. "They tend to get in areas where the clothing is tight against the skin . . . like socks and shoes," Cloyd said.

America's empty classrooms
8/19/2023 AXIOS
By the numbers: There are tens of thousands of teacher vacancies in the U.S. — and more than 160,000 jobs are filled by under-qualified teachers, according to research from Tuan Nguyen, a professor at Kansas State University's College of Education.


Stormont Vail Manhattan Campus officially opens its doors with ribbon cutting ceremony
8/18/2023 WIBW
The new facility started serving patients and opening services throughout the month of July but now it is officially open. The facility provides 18 different services under one roof for the city and surrounding region. Stormont and Kansas State University will partner together to provide better education and services for the future. "We came together in this partnership to create greater service, greater opportunities, greater health and well-being for our communities," said David Rosowsky, vice president for research at K-State.

*Grants to Aid Cattle, Swine Vaccine Research
8/20/2023 KSAL
Two new grants at Kansas State University will be utilized to help protect global food supplies through the development of vaccines to protect swine and cattle from infectious diseases. Combined, the grants exceed $1.2 million and are funded for a three-year period by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture through its Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, or AFRI. They will be used to conduct two research projects in K-State's College of Veterinary Medicine.


*Purple pride: K-State students ranked friendliest in national survey
8/18/2023 JC Post
The latest rankings from The Princeton Review show Kansas State University students are the friendliest in the nation and take pride in the facilities, support and services available to ensure they have successful college experiences.

Friday, Aug. 18, 2023


*Newstalk: Kansas State Admissions
8/17/23 KWCH 12 News
Edyn Weber, K-State regional admissions coordinator for the Wichita area, did a live studio TV segment with KWCH 12 News.

*K-State professor designs app to help identify bee species
8/17/23 Fox 4 News
Un-BEE-lievable — there’s a new app designed to help you identify bee species and help with conservation efforts. A professor at Kansas State University created it.


*K-State announces creation of center for agriculture policy
8/17/23 WIBW
Kansas State University announced the creation of the new Barry Flinchbaugh Center for Ag Policy.

*Next-Gen K-State launches in September
8/17/23 The Manhattan Mercury
K-State prepares to launch its Next-Gen K-State strategic plan at this year’s State of the University address.

Thursday, Aug. 17, 2023


Do Ultrasonic Pest Repellers Work?
8/16/23 Architectural Digest
A 2002 study by researchers at Kansas State University tested three repellent devices on ants and found all three to be ultimately ineffective.


*K-State Salina opens more residential housing for students
8/16/23 KSN
There will be new housing for students this coming year at Kansas State University Salina Aerospace and Technology Campus.

*K-State supports Kansas entrepreneur to design machine to produce custom coins
8/15/23 KCTV5
Kansas State University Technology Development Institute supported a Kansas entrepreneur to design a machine that produces custom coins.


In Focus 8/16/23: USD 383 and Kansas State VP of Student Life and Dean for Students
8/16/23 KMAN
Kansas State University Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students Dr. Thomas Lane discusses the return of students for the fall and an outlook for enrollment and student activities.

Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2023


10 Cheapest College Towns in the US Where Students Can Afford To Live
8/15/23 Yahoo! Finance
Manhattan, Kansas
No, not that Manhattan. The Kansas version is home to about 55,000 residents as well as Kansas State University and several smaller schools. Cost of living-wise, Manhattan, Kansas, is on the opposite end of the spectrum from the spendy New York borough.


*Earhart Hall officially opens at K-State Salina
8/15/23 Salina Post
The third on-campus residence hall facility has officially opened and is ready to house students for this upcoming academic year at Kansas State University Salina Aerospace and Technology Campus.


INSIDE LOOK: Infectious disease researchers training with animal models at K-State lab
Researchers are in the next phase of getting ready to study infectious diseases. The National Bio-Agro Defense Facility is partnering with Kansas State University, so researchers can get hands-on experience.

Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2023


Want To Have A Successful Married Life? Avoid These 5 Mistakes
8/14/23 News 18
According to a 2013 study from Kansas State University, fights over money lead to divorce.

How Will the Veterinary Reference Laboratory Market Transform Itself into a USD 10.02 Billion Powerhouse by 2032?
8/14/23 Yahoo! Finance
One of the major players included in the market report is Kansas State University.

Opinion: And what about research? Unpacking our federal commitment to agriculture research and facilities
8/11/23 Agri-Pulse
In this opinion piece, David Rosowsky at Kansas State University and Peter Dorhout at Iowa State University discuss the need for agriculture research infrastructure.


Get away from it all at this silo vacation rental in Kansas
8/14/23 FOX 4
One of them attends the School of Architecture at Kansas State University.

*K-State leads state to rebuild child care workforce
8/14/23 Butler County Times Gazette
At a time when the number of early childhood care and education professionals does not meet demand, Kansas State University researchers and professional staff are working to rebuild the state’s workforce.

*K-State’s Munir Receives $1M USDA-NIFA Grant
8/14/23 Kansas Ag Connection
Arslan Munir, associate professor of computer science in the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering at Kansas State University, has received a $1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture to develop a fog-assisted framework designated to fill the gaps in contemporary smart agriculture technologies.

Monday, Aug. 14, 2023


Why schools across America are building teacher housing
8/13/2023 AXIOS
There are more than 36,500 teacher vacancies in the U.S., estimates Kansas State University Professor Tuan Nguyen, though he says that is likely to be an undercount because of lags in some state's data reporting.

Vegan Meat and Animal Protein Prices On the Rise? Shoppers Choose Plants, Says Study
8/11/2023 VegNews
In the face of escalating retail costs for specific meat products, consumers are reevaluating their purchasing habits, as unveiled by the latest findings from Kansas State University's Meat Demand Monitor. The study, spanning the months of May to June this year, has illuminated a discernible decrease in consumer willingness to buy animal-based protein sources, such as ground beef, pork chops, and chicken breast, primarily due to the mounting price hikes.


*K-State associate professor receives $1M USDA grant for agriculture technology
8/12/2023 WIBW
A Kansas State University associate professor of computer science received a $1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture to develop a fog-assisted framework designed to fill gaps in contemporary smart agriculture technologies.

Kansas energy expert gives cost saving tips to homeowners
8/11/2023 KSNT
David Carter with the Kansas Energy Program at Kansas State University said in an online article on Aug. 11 that homeowners can start by learning what their costs are and whether they are trending up or down. One thing to keep an eye on is your cost per kilowatt hour (kWh) that appears on your energy bills. This can change independently of other rates like transmission charge, fuel charge and customer charge.

*K-State leading $6M study into soil moisture preservation
8/12/2023 KFDI
A Kansas State University researcher was selected for a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to lead a study for preserving soil moisture in the face of drought and climate change. Melanie Derby is associate professor in the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering K-State. According to the National Science Foundation, Derby will receive a nearly $3 million grant as part of a $6 million cooperative award to study the potential for microbially active soil amendments in order to provide long-term solutions for conserving moisture and increasing nutrient availability for crops stressed by climate change.

Thursday, Aug. 10, 2023


Canola crushing it
8/9/23 World-Grain
Kansas State University (KSU) researchers have compiled an analysis to better quantify the impact of different timings and durations of heat and drought stresses on seed and oil yields and quality. KSU held informational meetings this May in Kansas and Oklahoma about the crop for new and experienced growers, reaching more than 175 people. The meetings were the result of a partnership between KSU and Scoular, which announced plans in April to recommission a canola facility in Kansas.


State entities collaborating on upcoming new infrastructure resilience project
8/9/23 Liberal First
“This is a multi-entity project, it began last June, and it's a collaboration between researchers at the University of Kansas, Kansas State University, and Wichita State University and is funded by the National Science Foundation. It's called ARISE, and ARISE is a major investment in Kansas by the U.S. National Science Foundation Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR RII Track-1),” coordinator Jordan Bergtold said.


'We've got you' | Manhattan community gathers in prayer and support for K-State President Richard Linton
8/9/23 The Mercury
Bells sounded from Anderson Hall on Tuesday evening, bringing hundreds of community members to the building’s lawn. The crowd gathered in support of K-State President Richard Linton, who had announced earlier in the day doctors had diagnosed him with throat and tongue cancer.

Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2023


Kansas State University president announces cancer diagnosis
8/8/23 MSN.com
Kansas State University President Richard Linton announced Tuesday that he has been diagnosed with cancer, just weeks before the start of the fall academic semester.


*K-State Community support Dr. Linton as he recovers from cancer
8/8/23 WIBW
Kansas State University President Dr. Richard Linton has been diagnosed with throat and mouth cancer.

*$3 million sent to K-State to research impact of climate change on soil
8/8/23 WIBW
Around $3 million of a $6 million award is headed to K-State as a team researches the impact of climate change on soil and how to preserve moisture.

KSRE: Tips for Parents: Kindness, compassion are important gifts for teachers
8/8/23 Salina Post
But Kansas State University child development specialist Bradford Wiles said being kind to your children’s teachers is one of the best things parents can do.


K-State hosts community gathering to show support for President Linton
8/8/23 1350 KMAN
A community gathering was held outside Anderson Hall Tuesday evening as state, local and faith leaders came together in support of Kansas State University President Richard Linton, who earlier in the day announced his diagnosis of throat and tongue cancer.

Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023


Heat, humidity kill hundreds of US cattle during world’s hottest month
8/7/23 Daily Mail
To prevent losses, Kansas State University in June updated an online weather tool, Kansas Mesonet, to use National Weather Service forecasts to predict comfort levels for cattle a week ahead of time.

Here’s how to get rid of fruit flies if they infest your Kansas kitchen this summer
8/8/23 Yahoo! News/The Wichita Eagle
Raymond Cloyd, Ph.D. and entomology professor at Kansas State University, said while fruit flies can be seen year-round, they’re most common in the summer, when fruit is more often found in kitchens.

Sept. 1 Deadline Set for Business Aviation Scholarships from IADA
8/7/23 Associated Press
Participating schools include Kansas State University, Salina Aerospace and Technology.


*New K-State project hopes to increase number of childcare providers in Kansas
8/7/23 WIBW
A new project through Kansas State University, with the help of a statewide grant, is set to help increase the number of early childhood educators in the Sunflower State.

Canning Safety Tips: Lemon Juice and Vinegar
8/8/23 The Hays Daily News
Canning produce correctly is essential to safe food preservation, and according to Kansas State University food scientist Karen Blakeslee, two key ingredients to make many canned or pickled foods safe are bottled lemon juice and vinegar.

Monday, Aug. 7, 2023


Industry feedback helps develop new CalfDex recordkeeping app
8/4/2023 BEEF
A new recordkeeping app, CalfDex, is being developed and tested at the Kansas State University, with cost and ease of use in mind. The developers of the tool surveyed cow-calf producers and feedlot operators about their information-recording priorities and willingness to share information in the supply chain downstream. Their findings are reported in a new article just published in Applied Animal Science.

JEV threat to U.S. swine industry prompts continued research
8/4/2023 Feedstuffs
The potential for Japanese encephalitis virus transmission and spread in the United States is the focus of a new investigation led by Natalia Cernicchiaro, Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine, and John Drake, director of the Center for the Ecology of Infectious Diseases at the University of Georgia. With funding from and in collaboration with researchers from the USDA, National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility and the Foreign Arthropod-Borne Animal Diseases Research Unit, the team of researchers commenced the multi-year grant on Aug. 1.


*K-State vet college offers clinical lab to NBAF animal team
8/4/2023 Great Bend Tribune
While students are on summer break, the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine is providing a special training opportunity for scientists and support staff from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s nearby National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility, or NBAF.

KDWP, National Wild Turkey Federation to fund wild turkey research at Kansas State University
8/4/2023 KRSL
Wild turkey populations have seen declines across the Midwestern and Southeastern United States for the last two decades. And in Kansas, turkey abundance indices, harvest and hunter success have declined substantially, as well. To address these declines, the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks is partnering with the National Wild Turkey Federation to fund key wild turkey research at Kansas State University with researchers within the Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and College of Horticulture and Natural Resources.


Researchers Focus on Kansas Water Conservation
8/4/2023 KSAL
As drought continues to impact farms in many parts of Kansas, a Kansas State University official says researchers are working continually to provide solutions to the state's water challenges. Susan Metzger, director of strategic multidisciplinary program development and the director of the Kansas Center for Agricultural Resources and the Environment (KCARE), calls the university's work "extensive," saying it is the product of K-State's "prominent role in irrigation and water use research in Kansas."

Friday, Aug. 4, 2023


Schuh shares glimpse at goals for ag research in Kansas
8/3/23 Farm Progress
Describing herself as “a small-town, rural agriculture type of girl,” Jane Schuh has taken the reins as director of research for Kansas State University’s College of Agriculture.


*K-State gearing up to start 2023 fall semester
8/3/23 KSNT
Kansas State University is getting ready for the upcoming 2023 fall semester that officially starts on August 21.

* K-State Salina names executive director for flight operations
8/3/23 WIBW
The Kansas State University Salina Aerospace and Technology Campus has named the executive director for flight operations.

Thursday, Aug. 3, 2023


Indoctrination in Florida schools? PragerU’s conservative content aims to change minds
8/2/23 The Denver Gazette
Adrienne McCarthy, a Kansas State University researcher who co-authored a case study on PragerU after viewing hundreds of its videos, said in an interview that the content has a “very strong agenda.”

*K-State’s Center for Hazardous Substance Research receives $23 million grant
8/28/23 WIBW
Kansas State University’s Center for Hazardous Substance Research will receive $23 million Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grant.

Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2023


Master Gardener: What is a Master Gardener, and how can I become one? 8/1/23 Tulsa World
The law authorized Congress to allocate over 17 million acres of land to states to sell. However, the states must use that money to establish endowments for the creation of colleges in their state. Iowa was the first state to sign up, however Kansas State University was the first land grant university to be created. Oklahoma State University was founded in 1890 as our primary land grant school.


KSRE: Space weather could impact work on U.S. farms
8/1/23 Salina Post
For farmers using GPS technology – and there are a lot of them – those probabilities are becoming a lot more likely, according to officials at Kansas State University and the University of Minnesota.


*K-State Technology Development Institute helps professor launch new product
8/1/23 WIBW
The Kansas State University Technology Development Institute helped an associate professor launch a new bassoon product.

*K-State trains animal care team from National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility
8/1/23 WIBW
The Kansas State University veterinary college is providing training to the animal care team at the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF).

Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2023


Indoctrination in Florida schools? PragerU’s conservative content aims to change minds
7/31/23 MSN/Miami Herald
Adrienne McCarthy, a Kansas State University researcher who co-authored a case study on PragerU after viewing hundreds of its videos, said in an interview that the content has a “very strong agenda.”

KSU partners with Israeli scientists on wheat research
7/31/23 BakingBusiness.com
Researchers from Kansas State University (KSU) and Israeli scientists are partnering on a project that will use precision agriculture tools to address nitrogen application in wheat, which must account for the grain’s sensitive balance of yield and protein.

Kansas State dairy farm temporarily reduces herd numbers
8/1/23 Farm Progress/Kansas Farmer
The Kansas State University Dairy Teaching and Research Center (DTRC) announced in June it will be restructuring its cow herd and management strategy.


Day 16, Final Kansas Wheat Harvest Report
8/1/23 Salina Post
Hemberger reported the most consistently reported top wheat variety this year was AgriPro’s Bob Dole, which was developed by K-State.

K-State releases wheat variety selection guide
7/31/23 Great Bend Tribune
Kansas State University recently released the Kansas Wheat Variety Guide 2023 to aid producers in making the critical selection of which varieties will best match the needs of their operations.


*K-State unveils new home for marching band at weekend open house
7/31/23 KMAN
The K-State Marching Band is moving into its new space at the northwest corner of the World War I Memorial Stadium.

*Note: Asterisks indicate clips that resulted from recent news releases or pitches from Communications and Marketing.