K-State in the news — November 2023

Some of the top stories mentioning Kansas State University are posted below. Download an Excel file (xls) with all of this month's news stories.

Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023


Governor’s wildfire task force aims to address warning concerns
11/29/23 KWCH
While the National Weather Service provides information for fire weather decision-making such as fire weather watches and red flag warnings, they are limited to weather - mostly humidity and wind information. The Kansas Mesonet, the report said, provides real-time fire weather information for first responders that the report claims is essential for public safety. The Mesonet is a weather station at Kansas State University.

Three B’s for better health
11/29/23 Great Bend Tribune
The “three B’s” coined by Chelsea Reinburg, a fellow K-State Extension Agent, has a great point when she says, “I frame good health this way because it’s easy to remember, but sometimes doing all three is difficult. Doing all three is important and they all affect our health.”


*K-State adopts international charter for health-promoting universities and colleges
11/29/23 WIBW
“This is an international movement and so K-State has a chance with its current commitments that are really a part of the DNA of this place I think to elevate and to be a part of a global dialogue that moves health as an asset for our human well-being, the settings in which we live, and the planet so this is a cool moment,” said Kathleen Hatch, Morrison Family associate vice president for student well-being.

Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2023


Sleep tech designed to combat night sweats moves toward consumer market with KS bedfellows
11/28/23 Startland News
Organizations like TDI help small businesses and entrepreneurs scale their products with a lower barrier to entry by providing support, expertise, and equipment business owners otherwise might not be able to access. TDI is able to offset production costs for the businesses it works with through grants, like the proof-of-concept funding Hansen received, and through the K-State 105 Initiative. Through the latter effort, Kansas State University is supporting all 105 counties in the state of Kansas using their research and extension network to make economic resources available to all Kansans.

Don’t Be Surprised by Bad Bosses: Good Leaders Are a Miracle
11/28/2023 Psychology Today
Co-authored by Thomas Kelemen, assistant professor at Kansas State University. His research focuses on leadership and work-family dynamics.


Mystery Dog Illness Reported in Colorado
11/28/2023 Kansas Public Radio
An unknown respiratory illness is spreading among dogs in the U.S., including reported cases in Colorado. Susan Nelson, a professor at the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine, says although no cases have been reported in Kansas, dog owners should be on the lookout, especially if their dog is having trouble breathing or develops a cough.


*K-State researchers work to enhance prescribed burning safety with NSF grant
11/28/23 Junction City Post
Kansas State University researchers are part of a team that has been awarded a $2 million grant from the National Science Foundation to develop technology to enhance the safety of prescribed burning.

Monday, Nov. 27, 2023


USAID commissions K-State to lead global hunger research on cereal grains
The U.S. Agency for International Development recently announced that it will award a $22 million grant to Kansas State University to lead the Feed the Future Climate Resilient Cereals Innovation Lab. Also known as CRCIL, the research program focuses on wheat, sorghum, millet and rice and studies the improvement and protection of these crops to eliminate world hunger.

Understand options for calves
11/23/2023 AGRI-VIEW
When dining at a new restaurant and the eating utensil is unexpectedly chopsticks instead of a fork, it can make for a challenging experience. Similarly newly weaned calves also have to adjust when they transition from a pasture to a dry lot and are expected to eat from an unfamiliar feedbunk, said the experts at Kansas State University's Beef Cattle Institute on a recent Cattle Chat podcast. "Cattle need to know that there is feed in the bunk and if you just dump the concentrate in there they may not find it, so I recommend producers also put some long-stem hay in with the feed so the cattle see it," said Kansas State University beef cattle nutritionist Phillip Lancaster.


KSU Sweeps Crop Judging Title
11/26/2023 KSAL
In the highly competitive world of collegiate crops judging, one university has flexed its muscle like no other: Kansas State University. The 2023 squad rolled to the national title in mid-November, winning the Kansas City American Royal Collegiate Crops Contest on Nov. 14 and the Chicago Collegiate Crops Contest on Nov. 18. K-State teams have now won the collegiate crops contest championship outright in 18 of the past 25 years. In the 100-year history of crops competition, K-State has won or shared the title 32 times. Texas Tech is second best with 21 titles.

How do you make holiday poinsettias last year-round? K-State expert weighs in
11/24/2023 KSNT
Poinsettias are a fan favorite when it comes to decorating for Christmas, but they don’t have to be confined to just the holiday season. If poinsettias are kept in the right conditions, Kansas State Research and Extension says the colorful, flowering plant can be kept all year long, as mentioned in a recent release posted to the extension office's website. "Poinsettias do best with temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit," K-State horticulture expert Cynthia Domenghini said. "Consistency is key so as to avoid drafts from windows or heat sources, such as the fireplace or space heaters."

Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2023


*Oberlin Schools, and others, struggling to fill open teaching positions
11/22/23 The Chronicle-Telegram
Research conducted in August by Taun Nguyen, a professor at Kansas State University, showed that there are nearly 55,000 vacant positions nationwide and 270,000 positions in which an underqualified educator is leading the classroom.


KSRE: How to safely prepare and cook meats for the holidays
11/21/23 Salina Post
You may have learned from parents or grandparents, or even read in old recipes, to rinse meat before cooking. But Kansas State University food scientist Karen Blakeslee said rinsing meat is an outdated practice that can create food safety problems.


*‘A Christmas Carol’ to take the stage at K-State’s McCain Auditorium
11/21/23 WIBW
“A Christmas Carol” will take the stage at Kansas State University’s McCain Auditorium.

Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2023


Do you talk more like a millennial or a boomer at work? Take this quiz to find out.
11/20/23 MSN/The Washington Post
“They started using nouns as verbs,” Mary Kohn, linguist at Kansas State University, said. “’I can’t adult right now,’ is so Millenial.”

After promise of free college tuition, this Kansas town isn’t just growing. It’s booming.
11/20/23 AOL/USA Today
The Neodesha High School junior has it all planned out: Attend Kansas State University after he graduates high school to study agricultural economics, go to law school either at Washburn University or Notre Dame, return to teach ag econ at K-State for about a decade, then enter the political profession, with the end goal of the governship.

Often overwhelmed on big campuses, rural college students push for support
11/20/23 The Hechinger Report
Educators involved with rural education at Purdue University, Kansas State University and Virginia Tech have said they would like to find more ways to support rural students.


*Kansas State University is launching the Kansas Water Institute
11/20/23 JC Post
Kansas State University is taking the next steps toward a more sustainable future by launching and leading the collaborative, multi-institutional Kansas Water Institute.

Monday, Nov. 20, 2023


*Kansas State Online Course Trains Educators to Teach Online
11/17/2023 Government Technology
While many professors have grown more accustomed to online instruction since COVID-19 first necessitated it in 2020, some are still learning how to teach online courses effectively. Now Kansas State University is offering them an online course about best practices for using learning management systems and keeping remote students engaged.

Unlocking Earth's Geological Secrets: A Journey Through Time and Terrain
11/18/2023 BNN
In the quest to unravel the Earth's geological secrets, institutions like Kansas State University and Bates College offer comprehensive training in geoscience, empowering the next generation of geologists.


*K-State technology institute creates system to improve railway safety
11/18/2023 WIBW
Kansas State University Technology Development Institute is creating a system to improve railway safety. Kansas State University's Technology Development Institute collaborated with engineering researchers and industry professionals to create a special-purpose 3D scanning system for the prestressed concrete industry that will lead to advanced safety in the railroad industry.


*K-State engineers receive grant to develop vehicle cash count predictive tool
11/17/2023 JC Post
A Kansas State University engineering team is developing a crash count predictive tool to help law enforcement agencies better allocate resources and increase safety on public roadways. The team has received a nearly $350,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation to develop a high-resolution geospatial crash count prediction tool to categorize crash data by severity in each region of interest while aiding law enforcement agencies and traffic safety professionals with allocating limited resources.

Friday, Nov. 17, 2023


Corn is king in western Kansas. Should that change to save an invaluable water source?
11/17/23 The Kansas City Star
Corn takes irrigation really well, better than most crops. Researchers at Kansas State University found that if you add an extra inch of water to a corn crop, you can see it result in a higher yield. A higher yield means more money, pushing farmers to use a little more of their water to make a little more money..

Hunter Hartner and Halle Hartner of Belleville, members of the K-State Sales Team, participate in national competition
11/16/23 KNCK-AM
The Kansas State University Sales Team competed in the Great Northwoods Sales Warm-Up, a national sales competition, in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.


*K-State announces second annual McCain Holiday Gala and Auction
11/16/23 WIBW
K-State officials said the event is hosted by the Friends of McCain Auditorium. The Holiday Gala and Auction raise funds for the McCain Performance Series and its educational programs, which are completely funded through donations, ticket sales and event sponsorships. These programs receive no funding through the university or the state of Kansas.

Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023


Governor gives remarks at water conference
11/16/23 KSN
K-State University, where more than 75 faculty members are working on water-related issues, just announced that it is launching the Kansas Water Institute.

*Fighting water woes in Kansas
11/15/23 KSN
“I always say the sky is not falling. But today is our opportunity to keep it from falling,” said Susan Metzger with Kansas State University.


*K-State launches institute to advance sustainability and water research excellence
11/14/23 KMAN
Kansas State University is taking the next steps toward a more sustainable future by launching and leading the collaborative, multi-institutional Kansas Water Institute.

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023


Explaining labor shortages and how to overcome them
11/14/23 TechTarget
Estimates show at least 55,000 vacant positions and 270,000 underqualified positions in schools nationally according to research by Tuan Nguyen, a professor at Kansas State University.

APLU Names Winners of 2023 Innovation & Economic Prosperity University Awards
11/14/23 Association of Public Land-grant Universities
Kansas State Universitywon the IEP Place award, for exemplary initiatives resulting in social, cultural, or community development.


*K-State highlights community engagement
11/15/23 Norton Telegram
Kansas State University brought together more than 100 community members, students, university leaders, alumni and K-State Research and Extension profesionals during its Nov.8-9 visit in Norton County.

To bag or to mulch? What to do with leaves during the fall season
11/15/23 KSHB
While all those approaches get the job done, experts from Kansas State University’s extension office and Johnson County, Kansas, recommend a different method.


*K-State launches institute to advance sustainability and water research excellence
11/14/23 WIBW
Kansas State University is launching the Kansas Water Institute to advance sustainability and water research.

Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023


The Goldilocks effect: Researchers establish framework for protein regulation
11/13/23 Phys.org
After further design-work by Sarasi Galagedera, a former postdoctoral researcher in Castaneda’s lab; Thuy Dao, a lab manager in the Department of Chemistry; and Jeremy Schmit, a professor of physics at Kansas State University, the team found there was a “sweet spot”” – or specific spacing between Ub units – where condensate formation was optimized.

K-State Studies Methods to Protect Feed From Foreign Animal Disease
11/13/23 Morning Ag Clips
Kansas State University swine researchers are reporting positive results on three processes that aim to lessen the risk of a foreign animal disease entering the United States in plant-based feed or feed ingredients.

Dale Presnell earns American Feed Industry Assn/K-State’s Lifetime Achievement Award
11/13/23 AgriMarketing
The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) recognized Dave Presnell, formerly the owner and president of Hayes & Stolz Industrial Manufacturing Co., with the AFIA-Kansas State University (KSU) Feed Manufacturing Lifetime Achievement Award for his lifelong contributions to the feed industry through business.


Wanted: Farmers willing to grow canola in Kansas and Oklahoma
11/13/23 KSN
The company quotes a Kansas State University study that says growing canola can increase overall revenue, with wheat-canola rotations increasing profitability up to 20% more than a continuous wheat rotation.

Investing in Rural Cooperatives
11/14/23 KSAL
A $198,399 grant will provide technical assistance to Kansas State University for their project “Building a Rural Cooperative Landscape in Kansas.”

Monday, Nov. 13, 2023


K-State research aims to protect feed from foreign animal disease
11/10/2023 National Hog Farmer
Kansas State University swine researchers are reporting positive results on three processes that aim to lessen the risk of a foreign animal disease entering the United States in plant-based feed or feed ingredients.


*K-State 105 tour stops in Great Bend
11/10/2023 Great Bend Tribune
A comprehensive economic growth and advancement solution for the next generation is in the works to connect with the next generation, spearheaded by the university's president. Entitled K-State 105, the program began its tour in the eastern Kansas corridor. This week, university program officials and a cadre of current KSU students joined supportive local residents from Barton and Ellis counties for the second phase of what is being billed as a comprehensive listening program.

*Genereux Named 2023 Recipient of K-State Salina's McArthur Family Faculty Award
11/10/2023 Salina311
Kansas State University Salina Aerospace and Technology Campus has announced Bill Genereux, professor in the department of integrated studies, as this year's recipient of the Rex McArthur Family Faculty Award for excellence in teaching and research.


St. Marys Police Department raises money to provide gifts to children in need
11/11/2023 WIBW
St. Marys Police Department shared on their social media that for several years, they have partnered with the Pottawatomie County Sheriff’s Office, Wamego Police Department, St. George Police Department, Kansas State University Police Department and Riley County Police Department to raise money through the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) program Cops and Kids. The program provides a Christmas for children who might not normally get one.

Friday, Nov. 10, 2023


Career Mosaic forges partnerships with 20 US based universities
11/10/23 Financial Express
“Partnering with Career Mosaic has been beneficial to the University in expanding to the South Asia Market and has provided us access to qualified applicants, generated meaningful contacts in the region and helped us unlock the potential that this part of the world has to offer,” Rafael Alvarado, assistant director, international recruitment and admissions, Kansas State University, Manhattan, said.

Biden-Harris Administration Convenes Higher Education Leaders to Improve Student Transfer to Increase Completion of College Degrees
11/9/23 U.S. Department of Education
Kansas State University has the highest transfers' bachelor's completion rate for Title IV students among four-year institutions in Kansas with a 54% completion rate.

K-State research aims to protect feed from foreign animal disease
11/10/23 National Hog Farmer
Kansas State University swine researchers are reporting positive results on three processes that aim to lessen the risk of a foreign animal disease entering the United States in plant-based feed or feed ingredients.


*K-State’s Technology Development Institute produces 300th Seat Belt Convincer for Kansas Highway Patrol
11/9/23 WIBW
Kansas State University’s Technology Development Institute in the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering has been helping the Kansas Highway Patrol keep drivers safe.

Kansas projects receive millions in federal dollars
11/9/23 KSNT
The $6.6 million will be dispersed among several projects, including Kansas State University’s “Building a Rural Cooperative Landscape in Kansas” project with a $198,399 grant.

*Genereux named 2023 recipient of K-State Salina’s McArthur Family Faculty Award
11/9/23 Salina Post
Kansas State University Salina Aerospace and Technology Campus has announced Bill Genereux, professor in the department of integrated studies, as this year’s recipient of the Rex McArthur Family Faculty Award for excellence in teaching and research.


*K-State leads international project to address food security
11/9/23 The Kansas State Collegian
A project led by Kansas State seeks to support farmers in Kansas and across the world, Climate Resilient Cereals Innovation Lab director Jagger Harvey said.

Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023


Winter Prep? Think Safety First, Says K-State Climatologist
9/8/2023 MorningAgClips
If there’s a buzzword for winter that Chip Redmond subscribes to, it would certainly be safety. As a climatologist and manager of the Kansas Mesonet at Kansas State University, Redmond understands the many risks of winter weather. "The most obvious may be the cold," Redmond said. "It's definitely a time to start pulling out the warmer stuff; the thermals, the overalls…we really need to become conscious about how many layers we put on in anticipation that the weather can change pretty rapidly this time of year."

Researchers to improve test
9/8/2023 AGRI-VIEW
Kansas State University researchers are developing a better diagnostic test for a disease that is sometimes confused for a pathogen regulated by some countries that import U.S. wheat. Kansas State University wheat disease specialist Kelsey Andersen Onofre and a team of university scientists recently were awarded a grant for $1 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture to develop a more accurate test to differentiate common bunt of wheat from Tilletia controversa, better known as "TCK."


*K-State researcher receives more than $1 million grant for cancer research
9/8/2023 WIBW
A Kansas State University researcher received a $1.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to explore cancer cells. Kansas State University officials said Katsura Asano, professor in the Division of Biology, leads a team of researchers to study how cells determine which proteins to make. They recently discovered that cells can produce more versions of the same protein than previously thought, and some versions of these proteins can make a normal cell shift into a cancer cell.

Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023


Fire can bring life to land. This group helps homeowners safely control the burn
11/8/23 Yahoo! News and Kansas City Star
Burning off unwanted vegetation on your land takes a lot more planning than just lighting a match. That’s why Johnson County K-State Research and Extension recently held a class outlining all the basics of prescribed burning.


*Two K-State graduate students honored for excellence in teaching
11/7/23 WIBW
Kansas State University officials said the recipients have been recognized with the Graduate Student Council Award for Graduate Student Teaching Excellence.

*Two K-State students receive prestigious equine medicine scholarships
11/7/23 WIBW
Two Kansas State University veterinary medicine students received prestigious equine medicine scholarships.

Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023


KibbleCon Lite 2023 provides 'bite-sized' insights on pet nutrition
11/7/23 Pet Food Processing
More than 130 pet food industry professionals hailing from 18 different states gathered at Kansas State University (K-State) on Nov. 2 for KibbleCon Lite 2023. Organized by K-State Innovation Partners, the event offered “bite-sized” insights on pet food and health, from the latest trends to the newest nutritional research, as well as several networking opportunities.


K-State Salina to host free, online information sessions for Great Plains Scholars
11/7/23 Salina Post
After a successful first year, Kansas State University Salina Aerospace and Technology Campus is extending its relationship with Great Plains Manufacturing and continuing the Great Plains Scholars Program. The campus will host two no-cost virtual information nights for interested students on Tuesday, Nov. 13, and Monday, Jan. 22, 2024.

Monday, Nov. 6, 2023


Controversial PragerU videos gain educational foothold in a handful of states
11/5/23 KTBS
Adrienne McCarthy, an academic researcher within the Kansas State University College of Education and co-author of a study on PragerU, said in a phone interview that while she agrees financial literacy should be taught, “why use a non-credentialed organization with a clear agenda to be in part of your curriculum?”

Effect of high interest rates tempering ag investments
11/3/23 Brownfield
While the Federal Reserve left interest rates unchanged for the second month in a row, an ag economist says a year’s worth of increases has already made an impact. Brian Briggeman is with Kansas State University. “We’ve seen in some of the farmer data on loans where they have begun to pull back,” he shares. “I’m hearing reports from cooperatives where they’re starting to feel the crunch on an added interest expense.”


NE Kansas honors loved ones on Dia de los Muertos
11/3/23 KSNT
“Remembering their loved ones, their memories, the way they impacted them and just how their memory still lives on,” Kansas State University director of diversity and multicultural student life, Kevin Santos Flores said. “And they can continue those practices and share those experiences with others.”

Friday, Nov. 3, 2023


Here's what to do with your old pumpkins
11/3/23 FOX 4 KDFW
Putting them into the trash and hauling them off to the landfill creates more waste in the stream , plus an added expense of trucking, said horticulture agent Dennis Patton with the Johnson County K-State Research and Extension .


*Organizations help western Kansas businesses thrive
10/16/23 KSN
Organizations in Kansas have started a partnership to help businesses and economic development in western Kansas. They work together to provide the right resources for small businesses at the right time.

*Why everyone should be applying for a FAFSA
11/2/23 KSNT
Most people think you only need to fill out a FAFSA application if you need financial aid. However, after sitting down with Holly Gerke from Kansas State University, people will find that this isn’t the case.

Boosting piglet health - K-State targets improved weaning diets
11/3/23 Kansas Ag Connection
At Kansas State University, research on swine nutrition is taking a significant leap forward. Ethan Stas, a graduate research assistant, focuses on the well-being of weaned piglets by examining innovative feeding strategies.


*$1.2 million grant set to recruit, prepare math teachers for high-needs districts
11/3/23 WIBW
K-State said the researchers will investigate and identify the knowledge, skills, tools and resources that enable teachers to address change with more resilient attitudes, become more adaptive in their practices and promote adaptability in their classrooms.

Thursday, Nov. 2, 2023


When temps drop in Kansas, so does bug activity. Which ones will you see this winter?
11/1/23 Yahoo News
“If you’re restricting to the outdoor environment, [insect activity is] going to be minimal because they’re going to be overwintering or be in their overwintering stage,” Raymond Cloyd, Ph.D. and entomology professor at Kansas State University, recently told The Eagle.

$22M boost for climate-smart cereal research at Kansas State
11/1/23 Farms.com
With a recent $22M infusion from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Kansas State University (KSU) is at the forefront of a vital agricultural movement. The project, named the Feed the Future Climate Resilient Cereals Innovational Lab (CRCIL), is centered on the fortified breeding of four crucial cereal crops: millet, rice, wheat, and sorghum.


K-State travels to five counties for series of regional community visits from Nov. 7-9
11/1/23 Great Bend Tribune
Kansas State University will spend Nov. 7-9 visiting several county regions: Barton County, Ellis County, Norton County, Phillips County and Smith County.


Washington Elementary Teacher Honored By K-State
11/1/23 Junction City Union
It was a memorable afternoon in USD 475 on Thursday as Washington Elementary first grade teacher Zayra Espinoza was recognized by the College of Education at Kansas State University for her exceptional work in the classroom.

Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2023


How Much Does Radiant Floor Heating Cost?
10/31/23 Yahoo! Lifestyle
A study by Kansas State University in conjunction with the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) revealed that a radiant system could operate 25 percent more efficiently than a forced-air system.


*Kansas State University to lead climate change food-strengthening initiative
10/31/23 Kansas Reflector
The U.S. Agency for International Development awarded Kansas State University $22 million to research how best to promote the growth of crops as climate change and global instability continues to derail the agricultural industry.


* Collaboration between K-State, Stormont Vail expands to make strides in research
10/31/23 WIBW
An expanded collaboration between K-State and Stormont Vail will give physicians, patients, faculty and students a greater ability to make strides in medical research.

*Note: Asterisks indicate clips that resulted from recent news releases or pitches from Communications and Marketing.