K-State in the news — February 2024

Some of the top stories mentioning Kansas State University are posted below. Download an Excel file (xls) with all of this month's news stories.

Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024


*UNL launches new program to hire and retain teachers of color
2/28/24 Nebraska Public Radio
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has launched a new program in partnership with Kansas State University. Re-envisioning Action and Innovation through Community Collaborations for Equity across Systems, or Project RAÍCES, aims to attract and retain teachers from diverse backgrounds. Amanda Morales, an associate ;professor in the College of Education and Human Sciences, is leading the program. She said she was inspired and mentored by the Kansas State University Center for Intercultural and Multilingual Advocacy Executive Director Socorro Herrera, who established the model for Project RAÍCES in the neighboring state.

*K-State Travels to Reno, Seward Counties for March 5-7 Community Visits
2/28/24 KSCB
Kansas State University will spend March 5-7 visiting Reno County and Seward County as part of the second year of regional community visits across the state.


*K-State business students demonstrate sales skills in competition
2/28/24 WIBW
Kansas State University officials said their business students had the opportunity to demonstrate their sales skills at the Spring 2024 Huhtamaki Sales Competition hosted by K-State’s National Strategic Selling Institute in early February.

Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024


Kansas Sorghum picks fifth Collegiate Policy Fellow
02/27/24 Ground News and Great Bend Tribune
Caroline Wingert, a junior studying agricultural economics with a pre-veterinary specialty at Kansas State University, has been selected as Kansas Grain Sorghum’s 2024 Collegiate Food and Ag Policy Fellow.


*K-State coming to Reno County
02/27/24 Hutch Post
Kansas State University will spend March 5-7 visiting Reno County and Seward County as part of the second year of regional community visits across the state.


K-State asks for deferred maintenance proposals following Kelly's call for more funding
02/27/24 Manhattan Mercury
K-State officials are asking university staff members to help prioritize deferred maintenance projects following the governor’s call for more funding in that area.

Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2024


Navigating the Turbulent Waters of Farming Costs: Fertilizer Prices in Focus
02/27/24 BNN Breaking
Gregg Ibendahl, a Kansas State University farm management extension specialist, sheds light on the intricate dance between oil prices, inflation rates, and fertilizer demand, and how these factors converge to shape the financial landscape of farming.

Unlocking the Potential of Poultry Litter: A Sustainable Fertilizer Solution for Kansas Farmers
02/27/24 BNN Breaking
Imagine a world where waste transforms into wealth, where the remnants of one process fuel the growth of another. In the sprawling fields of southeast Kansas, this concept is not just a dream but a burgeoning reality, thanks to an often-overlooked byproduct of the poultry industry: poultry litter. The insights of Kansas State University specialists, Peter Tomlinson and Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, shed light on the economic and environmental benefits that beckon farmers to rethink waste.

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Learning and Assessment in Agricultural and Applied Economics
02/27/24 PRWeb
In the new article "Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Learning and Assessment in Agricultural and Applied Economics" published in the Journal of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, Hannah Shear, K. Aleks Schaefer, and Bhawna Thapa from Oklahoma State University along with Logan Britton and Jason Bergtold from Kansas State University, find out how AI performs compared to students in introductory level agricultural economics course paper.


*Kansas State University celebra su impacto de $2.3 billones, lanza panel en línea de All Things Kansas
02/26/24 Planeta Venus
Kansas State University made a significant contribution of $2.3 billion in economic impact to the state of Kansas in fiscal year 2023, according to the university's latest Economic and Community Impact report.

K-State's Call Hall has new flavor of ice cream. Here's the romantic backstory
02/26/24 yahoo! news
When Kansas State University president Richard Linton visited Topeka to talk to lawmakers about K-State's economic impact, he brought with him Call Hall ice cream. Among the individually portioned tubs of ice cream was a new flavor: cherry choco crunch.

Monday, Feb. 26, 2024


The Psychological Trick Scammers Rely on and How to Protect Yourself
2/25/2024 TIME
The data may show that Americans are losing billions of dollars to fraud each year, yet many consumers still believe they'd never fall for a scam. But scammers rely on certain psychological tactics that mean anyone could become a victim, experts say. "Everybody says, 'Oh, this would never happen to me,'" says Megan McCoy, assistant professor of personal financial planning at Kansas State University. "But that's actually a well known cognitive bias that makes us more vulnerable."

*Cooperative Research to Aid Those With Disabilities
2/24/2024 Philanthropy News Digest
Siny Joseph, professor and graduate faculty at Kansas State University Salina Aerospace and Technology Campus, is collaborating with colleagues around the country to develop innovative solutions for people with disabilities in unfamiliar indoor environments. According to K-State, Joseph is the co-principal investigator on the National Science Foundation-funded collaborative research project "Mapping for Accessibility in Built Environments," or MABLE. Joseph is the lead on the project for K-State.

"None of us expected this" — scientists have discovered 2D waveguides
2/23/2024 Elite News — Science
The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), working together with Kansas State University, has announced the discovery of slab waveguides made from the two-dimensional material hexagonal boron nitride. This milestone has been documented in the journal "Advanced Materials."


Filling the Talent Pipeline
2/2024 Ingram's
Not far away, at Kansas State's Olathe campus, plans are in motion for a physical expansion to accommodate more bioanalytical testing, advanced manufacturing, and lab work. Last fall, it announced new programming in advanced manufacturing and supply chain, as well as efforts to elevate existing research activities, partnering with university and regional researchers to become a leader in community health and uses of food as medicine. By Spring 2025, it will offer bachelor's degree completion programs in engineering technology with an emphasis on robotics and automation, electrical and computer, and mechanical applications.


Annual Kansas Crop Report Available
2/23/2024 KSAL
An annual report that summarizes the success of Kansas’ crop harvest indicates that drought and water management were still underlying issues for many Kansas farmers in 2023. The 2023 Kansas Crop Performance Tests are available online from the K-State Research and Extension bookstore, or at local extension offices in Kansas.

Friday, Feb. 23, 2024


America's Best Midsize Employers
2/22/24 Forbes
Kansas State University is ranked in the top 100 midsize employers by Forbes magazine.

A New Startup Wants to Turn the Sugar You Eat Into Fiber
2/23/24 Wired
Mark Haub, a professor of food, nutrition, dietetics, and health at Kansas State University, agrees. “This could be a viable means of helping people with their food choices,” he says. “If there’s a way to let people consume what they normally do but make it healthier, that would be great.”

*Sioux Falls Roosevelt student named 2024 Ice Scholar
2/22/24 Dakota News Now
A high school senior in Sioux Falls was selected as one of eight students to receive an engineering scholarship from The Carl R. Ice College of Engineering at Kansas State University.


Got Good Genes? Researchers reverse engineer nature to improve wheat breeding lines
2/22/24 Rural Radio Network
For researchers at K-State’s Wheat Genetics Resource Center, it’s all about the genes. Using powerful new tools like gene editing, these scientists are taking a molecular look at how to reverse engineer nature’s “survival of the fittest” in the laboratory to improve disease resistance, increase yield and protein quality and even reduce gluten toxicity for individuals with celiac disease.

Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024


*K-State president says university is 'smart investment' for Kansas. A new report shows why
02/21/24 The Capital-Journal/Gannett Kansas
K-State President Richard Linton said the investment in K-State from the state general fund is approximately $235 million in operational support, and the return is $2.3 billion in economic impact. "The most important message is that higher education, especially at a land grant institution, is a really good return on investment back into our state," he said.

*K-State Celebrates $2.3 Billion Economic Impact In Kansas, Launches All Things Kansas Dashboard
02/21/24 Sunflower State Radio
“The findings of this report clearly highlight the substantial impact and contributions made by K-State in enhancing economic growth and development throughout the state, and they prove that together, we can do great things,” said Marshall Stewart, senior vice president for executive affairs, university engagement and partnerships, and chief of staff.

*'A great day to be a Wildcat': KSU’s $2.3 billion economic impact
02/21/24 KSN
“What gives me energy is what we can do for the citizens of the state,” K-State President Richard Linton said. “So, I’m incredibly proud of what we’re doing throughout the entirety of this state, making a real difference. At the end of the day, that’s all a president can ever wish for.”


*K-State holds Impact Day at the Capitol
02/21/24 WIBW
“We take that investment to make an overall economic impact of $2.3 billion in the state and also creating $35,000 jobs in the process,” said K-State President Richard Linton. “So about every $1 that’s invested into Kansas State University translates almost to $10 back to the economy and I think people need to recognize that higher education is more than just providing a workforce and providing the talent — but we do have true economic impacts.”

K-State president shares he is cancer-free and back to work
02/21/24 WIBW
“No one’s ever given a challenge that they can’t overcome, “ said K-State President Richard Linton. “I am a strong believer in that. My challenge just happened to be this year — cancer. It’s difficult, but I think it’s made much better with an incredible K-State family that has supported me the entire way and I had amazing caregivers."

Kansas agriculture experts hopeful farmers, crops can overcome drought conditions
02/21/24 WIBW
Experts like Kansas State University Professor Chuck Rice are working to make strides in ‘on-farm’ approaches to their research in areas like the university’s Soil Microbial Agroecology Lab. “It’s set up to look at how you can improve soil health and that’s important because it then makes that cropping system more resilient to climate variability," Rice said.

Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024



*K-State engineer receives $245K grant to explore methods of drug development
02/20/24 WIBW
A Kansas State University engineer has received a $245,000 grant to explore methods of drug development.

Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024


Global Scientists Rally for Climate-Resilient Wheat: A Leap Towards Food Security
02/20/24 BNN BreakingExperts from esteemed institutions such as the US Kansas State University and many others have gathered at the UAF conference to create climate-resilient, high-yielding, and nutritious wheat varieties. The event highlights the importance of collaboration, CSATs, and improved farming practices to bridge productivity gaps and ensure global food security.


*Cattle Chat: K-State vets discuss hoof growth
02/20/24 Salina Post
Just as people cut their toenails when they get too long, some beef cattle also need to have their hooves trimmed on occasion to help keep them from going lame, say Kansas State University veterinarians at the Beef Cattle Institute.

*New K-State Scholarship Supports Rural and Underrepresented Veterinary Medicine Students
02/20/24 KNCK-AM
A new scholarship program in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University will help address shortages of rural veterinarians while increasing overall access to veterinary education.

Monday, Feb. 19, 2024


Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly warns polarization is 'crushing' the ability to govern the state
2/16/2024 The Kansas City Star and Yahoo! News
Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly on Friday bemoaned the polarization that she says has fundamentally upended the state’s politics since she first entered elected office nearly 20 years ago as a state senator. Kelly aired her frustrations while delivering the Landon Lecture at Kansas State University – a prominent lecture series that has hosted presidents, U.S. Supreme Court justices and foreign leaders.

Crop improvement: Experts underscore need for using emerging technologies
2/18/2024 Business Recorder
World-renowned wheat genetics and genomics scientists, and founding Director of Wheat Genetics Resources center, Kansas State University Prof Bikram S Gill urged the young breeders to work with great burst of energy for introducing high yielding climate and insect resilient crops by using emerging technologies in order to ensure food security and feed the ever increasing population of the world.

Puerto Rico DVM Program Opens in August
2/18/2024 Today's Veterinary Business
Puerto Rico's first veterinary college is accepting student applications to join the inaugural class beginning in August 2024. The Puerto Rico program has agreements with Kansas State University, Michigan State University, Oregon State University, Purdue University, the University of Florida and the University of Missouri.


*Newstalk K-State Research and Extension office
2/15/2024 KWCH 12 News
K-State is hosting several community open forums across the state to discuss topics like economic development, rural healthcare, childcare.

Take steps for fire safety
2/16/2024 Great Bend Tribune
Chip Redmond, a K-State meteorologist and director of a network of 86 weather stations known as the Kansas Mesonet, said all landowners can help reduce the potential of wildfires by paying attention to forecasts available online via a fire danger tool.

K-State Horticulture Expert Advises Spring Fungicide for Peach Leaf Curl
2/16/2024 Kansas Ag Connection
A Kansas State University horticulture expert says prevention is the best cure for peach leaf curl, a fungus that was common in peach, nectarine and apricot trees last year. Cynthia Domenghini said the fungus causes leaves to appear swollen and curled, reddish or purplish colors and leads to premature leaf and fruit drop.


'BUILDING COMMUNITY' | K-State Drat Show appreciates history, looks toward future in 20th year
2/17/2024 The Mercury
The annual drag show "quickly grew beyond our wildest dreams," according to Moree in an interview with the Mercury. Over the past 20 years, she said its impact has been to help K-State and Manhattan become safer places for LGBTQ+ students today than when she was a student.

Wheat Scoop: Get your prescription for next year's wheat crop
A prescription for producing high-yielding and high-quality wheat is just what the doctor ordered for Kansas wheat producers — referring to expertise from Kansas State University like Drs. Romulo Lollato, Carlos Bonini Pires, Kelsey Andersen Onofre, Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, Dan O’Brien and others.

Friday, Feb. 16, 2024


Shifting Tides Evidence Points to a Climate-Based Cattle Cycle, Spelling Optimism for Coming Year
2/16/24 Feedlot Magazine
The size of the proverbial “slices of pie” continues to wax and wane in each sector, and the gross value of the end product determines how big the pie is to split among all. It’s well documented that as quality grade has rapidly elevated, so has consumer satisfaction. However, high retail prices coupled with inflation were headwinds in 2022 and 2023, according to Glynn Tonsor, ag enconomist at Kansas State University


*Does your garden have fruit-bearing trees or bushes? It’s time for this winter task
2/15/24 The Kansas City Star
Aside from adding general structure to a plant, pruning allows for weight control on stressed branches, provides adequate light to fruit for proper development, and reallocates nutrients within plants, writes Anthony Reardon, K-State Research and Extension horticulture agent in Johnson County.


Student body presidential candidates hope to increase voter turnout for 2024-25 cycle
2/15/24 The K-State Collegian
Voter turnout for student body presidential elections at K-State has a history of being low. This year’s candidates participated in a formal debate Monday and discussed their goals to increase awareness and participation in campus elections.

*Note: Asterisks indicate clips that resulted from recent news releases or pitches from Communications and Marketing.

Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024


Study Explores Long-Term Crop, Soil and Water Influences to Help Farmers Adapt Corn Belt Cropping Systems
2/15/24 Farms.com
Archontoulis’ partners include Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, professor of soil fertility and nutrient management at Kansas State University, the project lead. Others involved are The Ohio State University, Mississippi State University, The University of Kansas, Landscan: Information Infrastructure for Agriculture and LiCOR Environmental .


KSU Salina Reviving Civic Lecture Series
2/14/24 KSAL
K-State Salina is bringing back its Civic Lecture Series event in an effort to strengthen community conversation. According to the school, the lecture series returns on Thursday, Feb. 22, with the topic, “Can Dialogue Revive Democracy?”

KidWind Challenge results from Tuesday's regional
2/14/24 HutchPost
Kansas KidWind is an energy-related STEM education event from the Kansas Corporation Commission and K-State Engineering Extension.

Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2024

Beef prices could hit record highs in 2024, experts warn: Here’s why
2/13/24 News Nation
Higher prices may not slow consumers much though, according to Kansas State University’s Meat Demand Monitor.


KSRE: It's Feb., are you thinking about tomatoes yet?
2/13/24 Salina Post
It’s still nearly three months before Kansas gardeners begin to put tomato plants into the ground. Kansas State University horticulture expert Cynthia Domenghini says that’s an opportunity for gardeners to set themselves up for a bountiful season.

Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024


With artificial intelligence they will combat resistance to antibiotics – Health
02/13/24 News es euro
Antibiotic resistance has become one of the greatest threats to public health worldwide, as it compromises the effectiveness of essential treatments and increases mortality associated with common infections and medical procedures. Juan Carlos Cruz, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Kansas State University, speaks on some of the work being done.


Mid America Farm Expo Returns in March
02/13/24 KSAL-AM
Glynn Tonsor, Professor of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University, will be a featured program speaker at the Agriculture Market Outlook at the Saline County Livestock & Expo Center March 2—22, 2024 at the Mid America Farm Expo.

Third Business Plan Competition Coming
2/13/24 KSAL-AM
Opportunities to win some startup cash and hone business skills are coming to Salina in March. Applications are now open for the 3rd Annual Charlie Walker Pitch Challenge will be held Friday, March 22nd, at K-State University-Salina.

Monday, Feb. 12, 2024


There's apparently just so much bacon Americans care to eat, leaving pork producers scrambling
2/11/2024 Business Insider and Yahoo! News
Demand for pork in the United States is down 9% from 20 years ago, researchers from Kansas State University estimate, according to The Wall Street Journal. Production, meanwhile, is up 25%. That means producers now have more pork than they can sell, the report says.

*K-State Veterinary Researcher Brings Next-Generation Approach to Livestock Disease Research
2/9/2024 MorningAgClips
It's all in the genes for Jayme Souza-Neto, assistant professor in Kansas State University's College of Veterinary Medicine. His expertise in next-generation sequencing and functional genomics is part of a collaborative research project with researchers at the Agricultural Research Service, or ARS, in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Souza-Neto is working with William Wilson, Dana Mitzel and other USDA researchers through a non-assistance co-operative agreement to look at the transmission of arboviruses that cause diseases in livestock.

USDA rallies partners to help with outreach to beginning, veteran and socially disadvantaged producers on the Conservation Reserve Program-Transition Incentives Program
2/9/2024 Farms.com
Kansas State University – This project will increase the use of the Conservation Reserve Program-Transition Incentives Program within the state of Kansas to provide land access opportunities to eligible Conservation Reserve Program-Transition Incentives Program producers. The project will provide six educational conferences in areas where Conservation Reserve Program acres will be eligible for the Conservation Reserve Program-Transition Incentives Program. In addition, a Land-Link program will be specifically marketed to Conservation Reserve Program-Transition Incentives Program eligible landowners to provide a network for potential matches with land-seekers. The project will also offer technical assistance to landowners/operators and beginning, socially disadvantaged, and veteran farmers to facilitate transition discussions and evaluate financially feasible options of transition.


Kansas State to host final rodeo in Weber Arena
2/9/2024 KansasFarmer
Every February, for 50 years, collegiate rodeo cowboys and cowgirls from around the nation gathered in Manhattan, Kan., to compete in the K-State Rodeo in Weber Arena. But the 2024 rodeo will mark the last time rodeo stock will see action on the dirt in Weber Arena. Next spring, Kansas State University is scheduled to break ground on the Global Center for Grain and Food Innovation, which will connect Weber and Call halls, where the current arena sits. The new center will also require renovations in Weber Hall, which houses much of the university's animal sciences program.


*Media company ranks K-State up to No. 3 in online schooling programs
2/10/2024 The Mercury
A digital media company that consistently ranks schools' success rated Kansas State University's online programs among the best in the country. The U.S. News & World Report's 2024 best online programs list recognized K-State in the top 32 for 10 categories. The university's highest ranking is in the online master's program for education. The report graded K-State No. 12 nationally and No. 3 among U.S. veterans.

Friday, Feb. 9, 2024


What It Takes to Fill a Food Desert
2/8/24 Bloomberg
Many nonprofit or municipal stores are too small to tap these economies of scale. Some are even too small to deal with suppliers, who often impose minimum purchase orders, said Rial Carver, a program leader at Kansas State University’s Rural Grocery Initiative.

Is Joint Banking the Key to a Happy Marriage?
2/5/24 MarketWatch
Megan McCoy, assistant professor of personal financial planning at Kansas State University, told MarketWatch that choices around money are often substantial issues among couples.


*Hiawatha High School math teacher receives Spirit of K-State Award
2/9/24 Hiawatha World
K-State Associate Director Courtney Hallenbeck gave more info as the award giving is part of K-State touring around Kansas. She said this type of visit to HHS is one of the Regional Community Visits, which also include the Spirit Award and Community Open Forums being hosted.

*K-State releases newest ‘Finances and the Farm’ online course
2/8/24 Great Bend Tribune
K-State farm analyst LaVell Winsor said the course, Finances and the Farm, allows agricultural producers to complete each lesson on their own schedule.


USDA Partners With K-State
2/9/24 KSAL
At Kansas State University, the project will increase the use of the Conservation Reserve Program-Transition Incentives Program within the state of Kansas to provide land access opportunities to eligible Conservation Reserve Program-Transition Incentives Program producers.

Everything to know about Taylor Swift's new album 'The Tortured Poets Department'
2/9/24 The K-State Collegian (print)
Traci Brimhall, Poet Laureate of Kansas and director of creative writing at Kansas State, offered some insight into the name of Taylor Swift's upcoming album. "I think people see the words 'tortured' and 'poets' together, but normally they aren't seen as a department; they're seen as people in black turtlenecks writing sad poems in coffee shops. I like the idea of a department of poets doing a 9-5 where the torture is not their heartbreak but their never-ending email."

Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024


Project exploring elevated cancer cases in Lincoln, Russell counties
2/7/24 KWCH
Two counties in northern Kansas have a prevalence of cancer cases that is among the highest in the state, specifically colorectal and lung cancer. This leads to a K-State research project to explore possible links and provide insights to the communities.


Rising temperatures in Kansas causing income loss for farmers
2/7/24 WIBW
Kansas State University has discovered research affecting Kansas farmers due to climate change.

*Latest report shows K-State graduates excel in employment, continuing education after graduation
2/7/24 WIBW
The latest report shows that Kansas State University graduates excel in employment and continuing education after graduation.

Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2024


Snow, mud creating challenges for beef producers
02/07/24 AgUpdate
K-State beef specialist explains how to keep cattle performing in less-than-ideal winter climates


K-State Rodeo returns to Weber Arena for the last time
02/06/24 High Plains Journal
The 77th Annual K-State Rodeo will be Feb. 15 to 18 in Weber Arena on the Kansas State University campus.


*Patrick Burt chosen as K-State's new vice president for communications and marketing
02/06/24 The Mercury
K-State has selected Patrick Burt as its next vice president for communications and marketing, the university announced Tuesday morning.

Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024


Financial sentiment still weighing heavy on protein purchases
02/06/24 National Hog Farmer
U.S. consumers were willing to pay more at food service for ribeye steak, ground beef, pork chops, bacon and chicken breast in January compared to December. “It appears there was an uptick in away-from-home demand, likely reflecting fewer at-home meals around holiday celebrations,” says Glynn Tonsor, professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University and author of the monthly MDM.


*Gov. Laura Kelly to deliver Landon Lecture on Feb. 16
02/06/24 Salina Post
Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly will visit Kansas State University to be the featured speaker for the Landon Lecture Series, according to a media release from the university. The lecture will take place at 11:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. 16, in Forum Hall at the K-State Student Union to help celebrate the 161st anniversary of the founding of the first land-grant university in the nation.

Caring For Dehydrated Calves
02/06/24 KSAL-FM
Anyone who has experienced a gastrointestinal virus knows the key to getting back to good health is to keep drinking fluids. That is true for beef cattle as well, say the experts at the Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute. In some cases, young calves who become severely dehydrated from scours may not survive without an intervention.

River Valley District to Offer "Welcome A-Board: Board Leadership Basics," a Four-Part Program
02/06/24 KNCK-AM
K-State Research and Extension – River Valley District is holding a Welcome A-Board: Board Leadership Basics series. The Welcome-A-Board Leadership Series is a four-part series offered once a week for four weeks.

K-state launches Agri-science summer camp for teens
02/06/24 Kansas Ag Connection
Kansas State University's College of Agriculture is set to welcome high school students to the "Feeding Your Future 2024" summer youth camp. Scheduled for July 16-20, this innovative camp is designed to spark interest in agronomy, grain science, and food production careers among teenagers.


*Burt selected as K-State VP of Marketing and Communications
02/06/24 News Radio KMAN
Kansas State University has selected a new person to lead its marketing and communications efforts. Patrick Burt will become K-State’s new vice president for communications and marketing on April 1, coming over from the University of Central Florida, where he held a similar role.

Monday, Feb. 5, 2024


K-state Ag college welcomes 33 new ambassadors
02/05/24 Kansas Ag Connection
Kansas State University's College of Agriculture has announced the selection of 33 students to serve as ambassadors for the upcoming academic year. These ambassadors, chosen for their academic excellence and leadership capabilities, are set to play a crucial role in welcoming prospective students and their families, offering campus tours, and fostering a sense of community within the college.


Nobel Peace Prize winner highlights Feb. 7 K-State Garden Hour
02/03/24 Salina Post
Nobel Peace Prize winner Charles Rice will highlight Kansas State University’s popular Garden Hour series on Feb. 7 when he gives a talk on factors related to gardening in a changing climate.

EYESTONE | K-State to host two gardening sessions for the upcoming spring weather
02/03/24 Manhattan Mercury
K-State is hosting a pruning program at 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 10 at Blueville Nursery located at 4539 Anderson Ave. The lessons are free to attend with no registration required.

K-State plans farm transition conference in Manhattan
02/03/24 Manhattan Mercury
The Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics is hosting the Kansas Farm and Ranch Transition conference in Manhattan. This is taking place on March 8 at the Manhattan Conference Center, 410 S. 3rd St. The conference begins at 9 a.m. and adjourns by 3 p.m. Lunch and materials will be provided.

College of Veterinary Medicine researchers at K-State receive patent for new canine drug
02/02/24 Kansas State Collegian
K-State veterinary researchers received a patent for a new canine medicine that targets pain. This medicine was created by researchers Butch KuKanich and Kate KuKanich and David Rankin and Charles Locuson.

Friday, Feb. 2, 2024


*Researchers study impact of bison
2/1/24 Agri-View
For more than 30 years Kansas State University researchers have conducted fire and grazer experiments on the Konza Prairie to study the functions of the ecosystem. Specifically, said biology assistant professor Zak Ratacjczak, they have been assessing the role bison play in encouraging biodiversity and resiliency in grassland plants.

*KSU Creates Rural School “Digital Twin”
2/1/24 KSAL
In support of the rural housing initiative being championed in northwest Kansas by the Innovation Center, K-State's Technology Development Institute deployed its NavVis VLX digital scanning system to create a ‘digital twin’ of the shuttered school building.

Teacher starts snack pantry at Hutch elementary school
2/1/24 KSN
Libby Schultz, a first-year teacher at Lincoln-McCandless Elementary School, was inspired by the opportunity to do a service learning project funded by a scholarship from her alma mater Kansas State University, which offered a stipend to help her create the project.

*Were fruit trees damaged by freezing weather? Learn bud stages to discover the answer
2/2/24 The Kansas City Star
Knowing the bloom stage of your fruit tree is the key to knowing when freeze damage will occur, said Anthony Reardon, a horticulture agent with Kansas State University Research and Extension.


*Six selected for K-State Vet Med scholarship program
2/1/24 KMAN
“The VTPRK continues to serve a critical role by supporting access to quality veterinary care in the rural parts of Kansas,” said Hodes Family Dean Bonnie Rush. “This year’s scholars follow in the footsteps of a dedicated group of professionals who have built lasting, meaningful careers across the state."

*Live appearance: K-State 105
2/1/24 KSNT
Jessica Gnad, K-State 105 director, appeared live in studio with Stepahnie Moran from Go Topeka to promote K-State 105 and the partnership with Go Topeka.

Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024


Efforts are underway to improve genetics in cattle herds to better sustainability
1/31/24 RFD TV
It is an effort to help ranchers be more sustainable in their day-to-day operations. A professor of Animal Science at Kansas State University shares what is ahead in the field of genomics.

Twelve Teams Selected to Advance to 2024 Collegiate Wind Competition Final Event
1/31/24 Energy.gov
Kansas State University is one of 12 teams selected for the finals of the 2024 Collegiate Wind Competition.


K-State to host conference on farm transition
1/31/24 KMAN
The Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics will be hosting the Kansas Farm and Ranch Transition conference in Manhattan on Mar. 8.