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April news releases

Monday, April 30, 2012

A commitment to education: Four faculty members named newest University Distinguished Professors

Kansas State University has chosen four faculty members as the newest university distinguished professors, a lifetime title that is the highest honor the university bestows on its faculty.

Making a difference: Outstanding educators receive Commerce Bank Teaching Award

A good teacher can make a big difference to a student and that's why Kansas State University is honoring four faculty members with the Commerce Bank Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award.

Advancement in rank: Faculty earn promotions, tenure

Seventy Kansas State University faculty members are receiving promotions in rank, while 47 faculty members are earning tenure.


Friday, April 27, 2012

A salute to excellence: University's pershing rifles Company G-7 best in nation for second year in a row

Kansas State University's chapter of the National Society of Pershing Rifles is once again being recognized as the best in the nation.

It's a blast: Student's game gives everyone a chance to be a HeroRAT

In many African countries landmines are a threat to daily life. HeroRAT and the Kansas State University Salina chapter of Students in Free Enterprise are working to change that.

Inclusion by design: Ornelas appointed to co-chair position of national architecture diversity council 

A Kansas State University professor is helping design strategies to increase the number of licensed female and multicultural architects throughout the U.S.

Leading the way: Student Foundation selects officers and K-State Proud co-chairs

A student group that promotes philanthropy at Kansas State University has selected eight students to serve as its officers and two students to be co-chairs of the K-State Proud Campaign.

Connections for success: New executive mentoring program celebrates first year, honors top mentee and mentor

The College of Business Administration at Kansas State University is recognizing one of its students and the president of a Leawood company with inaugural awards from its new Executive Mentor Program.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

K-State Olathe announces first five advanced degree programs to be offered

One year after opening its doors, the third campus in Kansas State University's three-campus system, K-State Olathe, is marking its anniversary with the announcement of its first five degree programs. The programs, all graduate-level, have a focus on animal health and food safety.

Ready for his close-up: Veterinary professor making house calls as host of national cable program

A Kansas State University veterinarian is taking his expertise to a national television audience as host of his own weekly show.

Commitment to leadership, learning earns engineering student Culbertson Steel Ring scholarship

A Kansas State University senior in biological and agricultural engineering is being honored for her leadership in student organizations and activities.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Scholastic showcase: Developing Scholars Program Research Poster Symposium highlights undergraduate projects

The work of undergraduate researchers at Kansas State University was in the spotlight at the Developing Scholars Program Research Poster Symposium on April 22.

Laboratory worker extinguishes small flame in Ward Hall

A Kansas State University laboratory technician extinguished a small flame that sprang from an experiment in a controlled environment. No one was injured.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Positive diagnosis: Impact of university's diagnostic laboratory continues to broaden with new testing, partnership

For decades, Kansas State University's Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory has been the go-to regional source for animal testing and diagnoses, and a national center for rabies serological testing. With recent developments it's likely to remain so for decades more.

Horsepower: Veterinary medicine student advances to global scholarship competition for her work on laminitis in horses

A Kansas State University student is not horsin' around about developing a product that could prevent laminitis, an inflammation of the hooves in horses.

A master in clay: Beach Museum exhibition features university's internationally acclaimed ceramic artist Yoshiro Ikeda

The newest exhibition at Kansas State University's Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art features the work of one of the university's own: Yoshiro Ikeda, the award-winning, internationally recognized ceramic artist and educator.

Fermi lab scientist discusses importance, mysteries of neutrinos for presentation in Peterson Public Lecture series in physics

The topic of Kansas State University's 2012 Peterson Public Lecture in Physics may get under people's skin -- or teach them about the tiny but abundant particles under their skin.

Save the date: Student homecoming committee starts planning for Homecoming Week, Oct. 21-27

Twenty-five students are joining the committee in charge of planning Kansas State University's 2012 Homecoming Week. The new members join seven returning members and four appointed members who will organize events for the week, Oct. 21-27, which ends with the football game against Texas Tech on Oct. 27.

Closing the deal: Three business students win Victaulic sales competition

Three students from the College of Business Administration at Kansas State University are winners of the Victaulic Sales Invitational.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Whether the weather is cold or hot, rainy or not, research is ensuring stormwater systems are designed for the future

In a world of changing weather and rainfall patterns, engineers face challenges when designing stormwater management systems.

Science of sustenance: Foods laboratory helps Kansas companies prosper

The nation's breadbasket is home to some of the major food-related companies, and this presence can be overwhelming to a small food producer looking to enter the market. But a Kansas State University laboratory offers Kansas companies the resources to be successful — and at an especially low cost.

Certified excellence: University youth mentoring program earns gold star status from Kansas mentors

When it comes to academic mentoring of area youth, a program offered by Kansas State University's School of Leadership Studies is proving it's a golden opportunity.

Problem solvers: Four students earn honors in S. Thomas Parker Mathematics Competition

Four Kansas State University students are being recognized for their outstanding performance in the 14th annual S. Thomas Parker Mathematics Competition.

Global connection: Four international students receive scholarships from local Rotary clubs

Four Kansas State University graduate students have been awarded $500 International Graduate Student scholarships from the Konza and Manhattan Rotary clubs. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Big ideas, big success: Students' business proposals earn title of The Next Big Thing

A bag to fund an education project, a feed bunk business using recycled tires and a catering company: These three business ideas are the first-place division winners in Kansas State University's The Next Big Thing.

Fulfilling a dream: Rotary scholarship taking student from Ashland to Oxford

From the time she was a little girl, Kansas State University's Bethany Spare, senior in history and political science, Ashland, has envisioned what it would be like to walk the streets where English history was made.

They've got spirit: New, continuing and graduating ConocoPhillips spirit scholars recognized

Twelve students are Kansas State University's newest ConocoPhillips SPIRIT Scholars. The program provides scholarships, educational opportunities and professional development for qualified students.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Degree of distinction: Former defense secretary Robert Gates receiving university's honorary doctorate

A native Kansan who served as secretary of defense under two U.S. presidents will be the first individual to receive an honorary doctorate from Kansas State University since the Kansas Board of Regents changed its policy on institutions bestowing such honors.

A better way: Professor earns fellowship award from distance education alliance for excellence in teaching online gerontology courses

Kansas State University's Gayle Doll took a fresh approach to teaching gerontology online, and her peers rewarded her with a Faculty Fellowship Award from the Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

Cuban connection: Havana professor, architect visiting campus to discuss Cuban architecture and society

A collaboration between two Kansas State University faculty members, with help from several university offices and units, is working to establish research connections in Cuba.

Gift for discovery: Outstanding research earns doctoral students fellowship, travel awards from Wichita couple

Three Kansas State University doctoral candidates with exceptional research accomplishments will benefit from a gift made by a Wichita alumnus and his wife.

Advancing to the top: Students in Free Enterprise chapter on Salina campus lands spot at nationals

Kansas State University Salina's Students In Free Enterprise team is headed to the 2012 SIFE USA National Exhibition after being named a champion at the regional competition in Dallas, April 12-13.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Making a comeback: Family and consumer sciences teachers in demand, shortages predicted

On his way to becoming a high school family and consumer sciences teacher, Nolan Henderson was a stand-up comedian.

Sustaining excellence: Green guidebook again recognizes university for sustainability efforts

Kansas State University is being recognized for being among the greenest colleges in the U.S. and Canada for the third year in a row.

Educating the future: Doctoral student teaching middle school students about science, technology

Scott Bell has always been passionate about science and technology.

Going global: Instructor's worldwide expertise brings global health class on campus, online for May intersession

Deborah Briggs travels all over the world. But for a few weeks this summer, her location will be certain: on campus at Kansas State University in Manhattan, teaching a course for May intersession.

Graduate student's cattle research rounds up top honor

Research on a bacteria that helps fights metabolic disorders in cattle on high-energy diets has earned a Kansas State University graduate student first-place honors from the Plains Nutrition Council.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It's a dog's life: To make it better, university veterinarian says add exercise to canine's daily routine

Humans aren't the only ones who can benefit from daily exercise. A Kansas State University veterinarian says dogs need it, too.

Tips from the top: Former Marion laboratories executives to discuss Ewing Kauffman's business leadership lessons

Business leaders from the Kansas City area will share what they learned about entrepreneurial success from a Kansas City icon in a free, public lecture at Kansas State University.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Cultural curtain call: May brings final cultural events of the 2012 spring semester

Cultural events are in bloom during May at Kansas State University. The month's various performances wrap up the 2012 spring semester.


Friday, April 13, 2012

Global classroom: Business students spend nine days in Europe learning about marketing-mix strategies

At Kansas State University, learning business in the College of Business Administration means not only working in the classroom, but also visiting companies across the world.

A timeless tale: Moscow Festival Ballet to perform 'The Sleeping Beauty' April 29 at McCain

A classic fairy tale will come to life in the Moscow Festival Ballet's performance of "The Sleeping Beauty" at Kansas State University's McCain Auditorium.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Stolen property recovered on campus, student arrested

A Kansas State University student was arrested after university police recovered more than $2,000 in stolen property after a search warrant was served in the student housing area on campus.

To be or not to be: No question about it, Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' wraps up season for K-State theatre

For their final production of the semester, Kansas State University theater students will perform a tale of greed, revenge, insanity, self-reflection and rage.

St. Marys High School grad recognized for career achievement

A former St. Marys resident has earned special recognition from Kansas State University for career achievement.

Scholarship and service: Junior honorary Chimes chooses new members

Kansas State's junior honorary society, Chimes, has chosen its new members for the 2012-2013 school year. The group promotes scholarship, leadership and service, and students must have at least a 3.0 grade point average to be eligible.

Media advisory: Water investigation lab day at K-State Olathe's pond and labs is Urban Water Institute's first outreach program

More than 100 fourth- through sixth-grade students from the Shawnee Mission School District will be participating in a lab/field experience to learn more about the quality of water on the Kansas State University Olathe campus from 9:15-11:15 a.m. April 23 and 24. The campus is at 22201 W. Innovation Drive.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Update: Aircraft involved in emergency landing planned to return to Salina April 11

A Kansas State University Salina aircraft that made an emergency landing Tuesday, April 10, is planned to be flown back to Salina on Wednesday, April 11.

Aircraft being retrieved and investigated after emergency landing

A K-State crew is at the emergency landing site. The student was not injured, and the aircraft does not appear to be seriously damaged.

Restocking rural communities: University initiative using funding to help reopen grocery stores, increase benefits to towns

A Kansas State University initiative is helping rural communities across the nation restock their town with a disappearing business: grocery stores.

New head of architecture a familiar face as Matthew Knox gets permanent nod after international search

Sometimes the grass isn't greener on the other side of the fence. After conducting an international search for its department head opening, current interim department head Matthew Knox, associate professor and a member of the American Institute of Architects, was selected to lead the Kansas State University architecture department into the future.

Goldwater Scholar deciphers molecular communication to aid anti-cancer drug delivery

Like playing a blindfolded game of "3-D Tetris" with molecules, Kansas State University's 68th Barry M. Goldwater Scholar is feeling her way through supramolecular chemistry.

Successful service: Junior from Olathe named 2012 Newman Civic Fellow by Campus Compact

Kansas State University's Courtney Weerts is receiving national recognition as an inspiring college student leader for her exemplary involvement in civic engagement.

Coming up with The Next Big Thing: Finalists set to present ideas April 12 in university's entrepreneurship competition

The projects are in, and the finalists are ready to demonstrate that their business idea is one worth investing in.


Monday, April 9, 2012

Research finds bright future for alternative energy with greener solar cells

Even alternative energy technologies can sometimes be a little greener, according to a Kansas State University graduate student's research.

A salute to warriors: Students earn high finish at Bataan Memorial Death March

Two Kansas State University Army ROTC cadets have placed highly in a race to honor servicemen who defended the Philippine Islands during World War II.

Astounding acrobatics: Pilobolus Dance Theatre coming to McCain April 24

Pilobolus Dance Theatre, a dance company that combines athleticism with artistic grace, is ready to perform its acrobatic feats as part of Kansas State University's 2011-2012 McCain Performance Series.


Friday, April 6, 2012

Leading the way: Wichita student is university's 68th Goldwater scholar; K-State remains leader among public universities in earning prestigious scholarship

Cancer research is a common factor for both Kansas State University students recognized by the 2012 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship competition.

Art education: Internationally recognized art critic selects award winners in faculty art exhibition, presents lecture

An internationally celebrated artist, curator and art critic has selected award winners in a recent department of art faculty exhibition at Kansas State University. Robert Storr's visit to the university also included a public lecture.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Engaging educators: Speaker to address social justice initiatives for students

A social justice expert will use his upcoming lecture at Kansas State University to provide motivation for promoting social justice on campus.

Going global: Professor's new book earns honors for promoting diversity in design education

An award-winning book by a Kansas State University faculty member is being lauded for its emphasis on the benefits of exposing interior architecture students to non-Western design styles.

Ruling the airwaves: University takes home most undergraduate, graduate honors in Kansas Association of Broadcasters' student competition

Radio work by Kansas State University students earned the most honors -- including the most first-place honors -- in the 2012 Kansas Association of Broadcasters' 2012 Student Broadcast Awards competition at the collegiate level.

A day with the boss: Student Finance Association members get time with business magnate Buffett

When Warren Buffett talks, people listen -- especially if they are members of Kansas State University's Student Finance Association.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spitting image: Saliva could make two K-State Salina students heroes

It was no big deal to swab a cheek and give some spit a few months ago. After all, the odds of one's spit matching someone else's are less than 1 percent. But now, two Kansas State University Salina students have been asked to give a lot more than saliva.

Improving equine health: research studies vaccinations to protect newborn foals

A Kansas State University veterinary medicine student is investigating ways to improve horse vaccinations and defend them against pathogen challenges at an early age.

Head of the class: Landscape architecture professor recognized for outstanding studio teaching

A Kansas State University landscape architect is being recognized for his outstanding teaching.

Doctoral student in physics gets opportunity to learn from Nobel Laureates at summer conference in Germany

If, as it is said, that great minds think alike, Kansas State University's Nora Johnson should be in good company this summer as a participant at the 62nd Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany. The meeting is dedicated to physics.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Money matters: Student financial counseling remains priority for university

Beginning as a student idea, Powercat Financial Counseling has grown into an essential component of learning at Kansas State University.

K-State showcases diversity with annual International Week

Kansas State University will celebrate its more than 1,800 international students and the diversity they bring to campus during International Week, April 7-15.

K-State Salina instructor is Smoky Hill region social worker of the year

Margaret Presley, instructor of social work at Kansas State University Salina, has been named the 2012 Social Worker of the Year by the Smoky Hill Association of Social Workers.

Mastering Mandarin: Student receives scholarship to study in Beijing

Half a world away in Beijing, a Kansas State University student will experience a new meaning to summer school in order to fine-tune his international language skills and better understand the culture.

Media advisory for Landon Lecture with Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack

The Landon Lecture by U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 10.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Public safety team cleans up chemical vapor in Weber Hall

Kansas State University's public safety team and the Manhattan Fire Department cleaned up an acid vapor in Weber Hall around 8:30 a.m. this morning. 

Leading through lending a hand: Students devote spring break to community service across the nation

Communities across the nation got a helping hand from more than 50 Kansas State University students participating in the alternative spring break program coordinated by the university's School of Leadership Studies.

Bidders welcome: 16th annual travel and dining auction April 13 supports scholarships, conference travel for students

Kansas State University's annual Travel and Dining Auction, presented by the hotel and restaurant management program in the College of Human Ecology, has outgrown another venue.

Purple Masque presents family drama 'A Nervous Smile' April 12-14

"A Nervous Smile," a play about the challenges of raising a child with cerebral palsy, will be the next production by Kansas State University theater students in the Purple Masque Theater.

Media advisory: Kansas Board of Regents visiting campus; available to media April 6

The Kansas Board of Regents is making a special visit to Kansas State University. Media are invited to ask questions of the regents from 10-10:15 a.m. Friday, April 6, in the Tadtman Boardroom on the second floor of the K-State Alumni Center. The center is on the northwest corner of Anderson and Denison avenues.