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K-State Today

Beta Alpha Psi teams up with KPMG to provide books for Woodrow Wilson Elementary School students

Friday, April 10, 2015

Keaton Dugan

Keaton Dugan, vice president of Kansas State University's chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, reads a book to students at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School in Manhattan. | Download this photo.

MANHATTAN — The Kansas State University chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, an accounting honorary organization, partnered with accounting firm KPMG to provide more than $850 in books for students at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School in Manhattan on April 8.

Representatives from both Beta Alpha Psi and KPMG spent the morning at the school, reading books to the different classes of children. After the reading time, students were allowed to pick out a book of their own to take home with them.

"It's such a phenomenal gift to our students," said Trish Ott, reading specialist at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School. "I can't believe that Beta Alpha Psi and a company as large as KPMG would take the time and the money to think about children and giving back to the community."

The donation was made possible through KPMG's Family for Literacy program, which brings thousands of new books and the joy of reading to children in need. Beta Alpha Psi members and KPMG also came together on Tuesday night to make stuffed animals to donate to the school and to the Riley County Police Department, which will be given to children going through traumatic experiences.

"We were really excited to be able to partner with KPMG to provide this service to the community," said Keaton Dugan, master's student in accounting from Goddard and vice president of Beta Alpha Psi. "It's just been a really great event for everyone involved."

News tip

Goddard and Manhattan

Written by

Brent Fritzemeier

At a glance

The Beta Alpha Psi business honorary chapter at Kansas State University and KPMG have donated $850 in books for students at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School in Manhattan.