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K-State Today

Media advisory: Media arrangements for April 15 Landon Lecture by John Avlon and Margaret Hoover

Friday, April 8, 2016


Margaret Hoover and John Avlon will present a Landon Lecture at 7 p.m. Friday, April 15, in Kansas State University's McCain Auditorium. | Download this photo.


LECTURER: Political pundits John Avlon and Margaret Hoover will present a Landon Lecture at 7 p.m. Friday, April 15, in McCain Auditorium. Avlon is editor-in-chief of the popular political website The Daily Beast and a CNN contributor. Hoover, Avlon's wife, is a CNN political contributor and author.

NEWS MEDIA SEATING: Media can find reserved seats in the front row on the right side of the auditorium and in the back row on the right side near the audio distribution box. News media photographers and videographers must remain in place during the entirety of the lecture. If you plan to attend the lecture you must email media@k-state.edu or call 785-532-2535 by noon Thursday, April 14, to reserve a seat.

NEWS MEDIA PARKING: If you have a parking pass from K-State News and Communications Services, you may park in any nonreserved or nonhandicap student or faculty/staff parking space. Other parking options include the K-State parking garage, south of the K-State Student Union, where parking is $1.50 an hour on a space-available basis. Please allow ample time for parking. An interactive map of campus with McCain Auditorium is available at http://www.k-state.edu/maps/?show=M.

MEDIA AVAILABILITY: A brief media availability with Avlon and Hoover will be in 204 McCain, Kirmser Hall, shortly after the lecture. K-State News and Communications Services staff will guide media to the location.

CREDENTIALS: Although credentials are not required for the lecture, please bring your media identification with you in case it becomes necessary.

SECURITY: Media should be prepared to have camera bags, computer bags, etc., searched when entering McCain Auditorium.

LECTURE TEXT: No prepared text of the speakers' presentation will be available.

SATELLITE FEED: NO satellite feed of video and sound bites from the lecture will be available.

NEWS MEDIA HELP: Staff with K-State News and Communications Services can answer additional questions at the lecture.

At a glance

Kansas State University's Landon Lecture Series continues with a presentation by political pundits John Avlon and Margaret Hoover.