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K-State Today

Princeton Review features Kansas State University as one of the best colleges in the nation

Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2013

MANHATTAN -- Life is good for Kansas State University students, who were once again named among the happiest students in the nation, according to the 2014 edition of the Princeton Review's "The Best 378 Colleges." 

The book only recognizes 15 percent of the nation's 2,500 four-year colleges and four international colleges as being the best in higher education. The list includes detailed profiles of the colleges with rating scores for all schools in eight categories. It also includes rankings of the top 20 schools in 62 categories based on The Princeton Review's survey of students attending the colleges. 

The student surveys rank Kansas State University No. 2 for great campus and community relations; No. 5 for student satisfaction; No. 6 for the happiest students; No. 7 for best quality of life; No. 11 in the best-run colleges category; and No. 12 for student intramural sports participation. In quality of life, the university was given the highest possible rating of 99 by Princeton Review staff opinion.

"Wow, it is nice to be once again singled out as one of the best college experiences in America," said Pat Bosco, vice president for student life and dean of students. "These rankings are a direct result of the kind of campus learning environment that is created by K-State faculty and student life staff every single day." 

"Kansas State University offers outstanding academics, which is the primary criteria for our choice of schools for the book," said Robert Franek, Princeton Review's senior vice president, publisher and author of "The Best 378 Colleges." 

The list of schools in the publication is based on institutional data, visits to the university, feedback from current students, and the opinions of staff and a 30-person National College Counselor Advisory Board. The rankings are based on an 80-question student survey


Pat Bosco


Princeton Review seal

The Princeton Review "378 Best Colleges" 2014 edition

Written by

Stephanie Jacques

At a glance

The Princeton Review's "The Best 378 Colleges" 2014 edition student surveys rank Kansas State University No. 2 for great campus and community relations; No. 5 for student satisfaction; No. 6 for the happiest students; and No. 7 for best quality of life.


Notable quote

"These rankings are direct result of the kind of campus learning environment that is created by K-State faculty and student life staff every single day."

— Pat Bosco, vice president for student life and dean of students