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K-State Today

Timely warning about sexual assault

Thursday, Aug. 15, 2013


The K-State Police Department is cautioning the Kansas State University community about walking alone at night after a reported sexual assault in the early morning hours of Aug. 11, 2013.
It was reported that there was a rape which occurred on the campus by an unknown suspect. This specific case is being investigated by the Riley County Police Department with assistance from the K-State Police Department. 
Those who walk at night are reminded to walk in pairs or use the Wildcat Walk, a free service to our students, faculty, staff and guests at Kansas State University. Those who observe suspicious persons or have information about this case are encouraged to contact the K-State Police Department at 785-532-6412. Anonymous reports can be submitted online using the Silent Witness Program or Manhattan-Riley County Crime Stoppers, 785-539-7777.