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K-State Today

Source: Cara Richardson, 785-532-3360, cmr@k-state.edu
Hometown connection/news tip: Hutchinson, Norton, Overland Park, Salina, WaKeeney and Wichita, Kan.;
Phoenix, Ariz.; Byron, Minn.; and Whitehall, Wis.
News release prepared by: Jane P. Marshall, 785-532-1519, jpm2@k-state.edu

Monday, Dec. 10, 2012

Ending on a high note: Human Ecology names outstanding seniors

MANHATTAN -- The College of Human Ecology is presenting Outstanding Senior Awards to 12 students in its fall 2012 graduating class.

The recipients are: Emilee Morris and Sarah Mullins, both from Hutchinson; Katharine Roy, Norton; Carolina Holden, Overland Park; Aubrey Riedel, WaKeeney; Jessica Alexander, Kari Christensen, Rachel Kubik and Gabrielle Sims, all from Wichita; Juliana Ramage, Phoenix, Ariz.; Rachel Breneman, Byron, Minn.; and Ryan Gardner, Whitehall, Wis.

* Morris has been named the College of Human Ecology's outstanding senior in early childhood education. She is a university honors list student and has received a variety of academic and athletic scholarships. At the college's Hoeflin Stone House, she served as an assistant teacher. In the community she was a coach for the Manhattan Cross Country Club for 3- to 12-year-olds. She belongs to Phi Kappa Phi and the National Association for the Education of Young Children. The daughter of Jeff and Kristin Morris, she plans to attend graduate school in early childhood education and specialize in infant/toddler services or parent education.

* Mullins is one of college's outstanding seniors in family studies and human services. She was a member of the Kansas State University cheerleading squad for four years and earned a varsity letter. She interned at Manhattan High School with the drug and alcohol prevention coordinator, working in the areas of school safety, understanding addiction and bully prevention. She also was a Court Appointed Special Advocate volunteer. The daughter of Steve and Debbie Mullins, she wants to work with at-risk adolescents and children.

* Roy is the College of Human Ecology's outstanding senior in communication sciences and disorders. She is an honors list student who was inducted into the National Society of College Scholars Honor and received numerous scholarships. Her volunteer work includes the Autism Awareness Walk and Telefund. She is active in the Kansas State Speech-Language Hearing Association. The daughter of Corey and Gail Roy, she plans to obtain a master's degree in speech-language pathology at Kansas State University.

* Holden has been named the college's outstanding senior in apparel design. An active member of the Apparel Marketing and Design Alliance, she placed third in the K-State Project Runway competition and was a delegate to the Johannesburg Model United Nations program. Her volunteer activities include the Historic Costume and Textile Museum, Telefund and Habitat for Humanity. After graduation, she will be a merchandising specialist with Lee Jeans in Merriam, where she interned in textile development. She is the daughter of William Holden and Maria Dominguez-Holden.

* Riedel is the college's outstanding senior in the dietetics coordinated program. She also will graduate with secondary major in gerontology. She interned with Van Zile and Smurthwaite dining centers, the Kansas Department of Education's Division of Child Nutrition and Wellness, and Hays Medical Center. She also worked as a certified nurse assistant at Mercy Regional Health Center and Trego County Lemke Memorial Hospital's long-term care facility. She plans to be a registered dietitian in food service management or a clinical setting. She is the daughter of Don Riedel and Anjie Gideon.

* Alexander is the college's outstanding senior in hotel and restaurant management. She has volunteered with Telefund, Promenade on Poyntz, Numana and the Travel and Dining Auction. A member of Phi Kappa Phi, she was active with the Club Managers Association of America student chapter and interned at Indian Hills Country Club. The daughter of David and Charlene Alexander, she plans a career in event planning or the food and beverage industry in the Manhattan area.

* Christensen has been named the college's outstanding senior in personal financial planning. She is president of the campus Financial Planning Association and was on the 2011 challenge team that tied for second place in a national competition. She has completed two internships, one with Waddell & Reed in Mission and another as a peer counselor with the university's Powercat Financial Counseling. The daughter of Scott Christensen and Kelly Christensen, she plans a career in financial planning.

* Kubik is the College of Human Ecology's outstanding senior in apparel marketing. She interned this summer at the Lands' End headquarters in Wisconsin. She is classified ad supervisor in the business office of the university's Student Publications -- now Collegian Media Group -- and was named outstanding business office staffer of the year for 2011-2012. She received honors for outstanding costumes for the "Les Miserables" and "Children of Eden" productions at Music Theatre of Wichita. After graduation she will study toward a Master of Business Administration degree from Wichita State University. She is the daughter of Richard and Elaine Kubik.

* Sims has earned the college's outstanding senior award in nutrition and kinesiology and will graduate with bachelor's degrees in human nutrition and in kinesiology. She will continue to study toward a Master of Science in kinesiology and plans to attend medical school. She has received several scholarships, is in the university's McNair Scholars Program and is a member of Kappa Omicron Nu and Phi Upsilon Omicron honor societies. She has received an American Heart Association fellowship research grant to study drug treatment effects on heart failure. She is the daughter of Glenn and Elisabeth Sims.

* Ramage is the college's outstanding senior in family studies and human services at Kansas State University Salina. A professional nurse and university honors list student, she wants to work in the human services field in central Kansas. Her volunteer work includes the hospital visitation committee at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Salina. She is a member of Phi Kappa Phi honor society and was recipient of the Peine Scholarship.

* Breneman has been named the college's outstanding senior in the dietetics didactic program. She has worked in food production and service at Van Zile Dining Center, as a nutrition assistant at Mercy Regional Medical Center in Manhattan and as a research technician in human nutrition. She is a member of Kappa Omicron Nu and Alpha Sigma Lambda honor societies. After graduation, she plans to pursue a dietetic internship to complete the requirements for the Registered Dietitian credential. Breneman is the daughter of Mark and Alyce Breneman.

* Gardner is one of the college's outstanding seniors in family studies and human services. He came to the university after five years of active service with the U.S. Army. He joined the Army ROTC program where he was public affairs officer and a member of the 10-miler team that ran in Washington, D.C., in 2011. He is a member of Phi Kappa Phi and Golden Key honor societies. This year he accumulated more than 150 hours of community service. He received the American Legion Scholastic Excellence Award and the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Award. After graduation, he plans to return to active duty as a second lieutenant and work with flying medical or scout missions.