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K-State Today

December 2014  

Tuesday, Dec. 23, 2014

Food safety expert shares tips on how a home kitchen can pass a restaurant inspection
Holiday cooking is in full swing, but could your kitchen make your guests sick? A Kansas Sate University food safety expert explains key violations home chefs may be committing.

January brings music, art, dancing and more to Kansas State University

January bring a variety of cultural attractions and events to Kansas State University.

Friday, Dec. 19, 2014

Kansas State University Marching Band among best in the land
The Kansas State University Marching Band has won the Sudler Trophy from the John Philip Sousa Foundation as the best marching band in the nation.

Thursday, Dec. 18, 2014

Researchers hope patent can pave way to future treatments of heart, lung disease
A Kansas State University research team has received a patent for its use of a peptide that has been shown to prevent or reduce damage to intestinal tissue. Their ongoing work may have far-reaching implications, including new ways to treat tissue damaged during a heart attack or stroke, and even a possible cure for cancer.

Australia's Circus Oz brings brand-new show to McCain Auditorium in February
Circus Oz will perform its new show, "But Wait...There's More," at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015, at Kansas State University's McCain Auditorium.

Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2014

Study finds that employees who are open about religion are happier
Sooyeol Kim, doctoral student in psychological sciences, was involved in a collaborative study that found that employees who openly discuss their religious beliefs at work are often happier and have higher job satisfaction than those employees who do not.

Valley Center student earns College of Business Administration's Outstanding Senior Award
A new Kansas State University finance graduate from Valley Center is the College of Business Administration's Outstanding Senior in Business.

Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2014

Child development expert says parents must set the tone when it comes to children's Christmas lists
The best gift parents can give their children for Christmas may be helping them understand less can be more, according to a Kansas State University child development expert who has advice on what gifts are best to give young children for Christmas.

Seven College of Business Administration graduates first to earn Professional Advantage certification
Seven fall graduates from the Kansas State University College of Business Administration will leave Manhattan with more than a diploma this week. They are members of the first group of graduates to receive Professional Advantage certification.

Monday, Dec. 15, 2014

Excellence awarded: College of Education recognizes seven graduates for outstanding work
Five new College of Education graduates of Kansas State University have earned special honors from the college.

University, K-State Alumni Association receive CASE awards for writing, design and creativity
Kansas State University's Division of Communications and Marketing and the K-State Alumni Association are receiving 24 awards from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, or CASE, Mid-America District VI.

Nutrient protecting 'peanut brittle' for cattle receives patent
A U.S. patent has been issued for a Kansas State University-developed "peanut brittle" that ensures cows and other livestock eating it get their vitamins.

Friday, Dec. 12, 2014

Phi Kappa Phi selects new members at Kansas State University
More than 80 students at Kansas State University are new members of Phi Kappa Phi, a prestigious honor society for academic excellence.

Fall 2014 Kansas State University distance graduate shares passion for helping all generations
Rebecca Sambatchareun is among the fall graduates of Kansas State University. Sambatchareun is a distance education student earning a bachelor's degree in family studies and human services.

Thursday, Dec. 11, 2014

University's College of Architecture, Planning & Design one of the top 10 in the nation
Professional design firms value Kansas State University graduates, according to rankings in the America's Best Architecture & Design Schools issue of DesignIntelligence, a bimonthly magazine.

46 undergraduate students selected to join Kansas State University cancer research teams
The Johnson Cancer Research Center at Kansas State University has selected 46 undergraduate students to participate in its research mentoring and award program.

Kansas State University student receives Gilman International Scholarship to study horticulture in Prague 
A Kansas State University student has received a Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship to study horticultural sciences in the Czech Republic for the spring 2015 semester.

Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014

Human Ecology names 10 outstanding senior awardees
Ten soon-to-be graduates of Kansas State University's College of Human Ecology are being named outstanding seniors based on academic achievements and contributions to their college program, the university and the community.

A cappella group the King's Singers brings Christmas to McCain
"Christmas with the King's Singers" will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 19, at Kansas State University's McCain Auditorium.

Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2014

Kansas State University epidemiologist publishes model on the impact of a regional foot-and-mouth disease outbreak
A research project in the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine presents the largest model to date for evaluating the impact and control of a potential outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in livestock.

Monday, Dec. 8, 2014

Kansas State University part of international effort to end global hunger
Kansas State University is one of more than 50 international universities and more than a dozen organizations partnering to end global hunger and malnutrition at home and abroad through the initiative Presidents United to Solve Hunger, or PUSH.

Country star LeAnn Rimes brings Christmas show to McCain Auditorium
Singer, actress and author LeAnn Rimes will bring holiday tidings to Kansas State University's McCain Performance Series with her show "LeAnn Rimes: One Christmas" at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 16, in McCain Auditorium.

Friday, Dec. 5, 2014 

Leawood student takes home top prize at RBI National Sales Challenge
A Kansas State University junior in marketing has won a national collegiate sales competition.

Thursday, Dec. 4, 2014 

K-State students participate in fall commencement with talents, speeches
Several students will speak, sing or play musical instruments for their classmates, families and administrators as part of Kansas State University's commencement ceremonies Friday, Dec. 12, and Saturday, Dec. 13.

Program helps students become state-approved mediators, develop conflict resolution skills
As part of a new conflict resolution program, Kansas State University students are becoming eligible for state approval as mediators and are helping families and Kansas communities.

More than 1,800 students to graduate Dec. 12-13
Kansas State University commencement ceremonies will be Friday, Dec. 13, on the Salina and Manhattan campuses, and Saturday, Dec. 14, on the Manhattan campus.

Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2014 

Cancer prevalent in pets but treatable, says veterinarian
Common cancers in humans are also common cancers in pets. A Kansas State University veterinarian lays out the warning signs that could indicate your dog or cat has cancer.

Big send-off: Students urged to send ACT scores to preferred universities
Kansas State University officials urge students to take advantage of sending their test scores to universities in which they're interested.

Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2014 

University's Stephen Higgs named tropical medicine society president-elect, honored for vaccine research
One of Kansas State University's leading figures in research was recently recognized for his contributions to the field of insect virology.

College of Architecture, Planning & Design honors four 2004 alumni
The College of Architecture, Planning & Design, or APDesign, at Kansas State University is recognizing four alumni for their success 10 years after their graduation from the university and APDesign programs.

Monday, Dec. 1, 2014 

Patent awarded for synthetic compounds with medical applications 
A patent has been issued for a series of synthetic compounds developed at Kansas State University that have applications for treating cancer and other diseases that affect cell communication.