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  6. »Feb. 8, 2012

K-State Today

Source: Kiley Moody, 785-532-6318, kmoody@k-state.edu
Hometown connection: Atchison, Basehor, Bremen, Delphos, Hiawatha, Hutchinson, Sabetha, Sharon Springs and Wichita, Kan.; Campton Hills, Ill.; Kansas City, Mo.; Sparta, N.J.; and Middletown, Pa.
Photo available: http://www.k-state.edu/media/images/feb12/civic.jpg
Photo cutline: Back row, from left: Former Gov. John Carlin, Joe Srna of Farm Bureau Financial Services, Elizabeth Stone, Emily Whitty, Caroline Patteli, Marshall Pickarts, Shelby Bargmann, Larisa Sica, Elise Suhr and Dan Yunk of Kansas Farm Bureau. From row, from left: Jayne Klinge, Sara Joyce, McKayla Brubaker, Jay Brintnall and Karis Dolenz. Not pictured: Jenna-Marie Tracy.

Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2012

Engaged in good works: Civic leadership earns 13 high school seniors scholarships

MANHATTAN -- Kansas State University has selected recipients of the university's 2012 Civic Leadership Scholarships, which are sponsored by Kansas Farm Bureau and Farm Bureau Financial Services.

The 13 finalists for the scholarship, all high school seniors, competed in a recent on-campus interview and recognition day. The competition rewards students who are making a difference and demonstrating creativity by developing projects and programs with a lasting impact on those they serve. The finalists were selected for demonstrating a commitment to serving others in their community, school or place of worship. Read the winners summaries of their civic engagement at: http://www.k-state.edu/admissions/finaid/civicrecipients.html.

John Carlin, the former Kansas governor who is a professor at the K-State School of Leadership Studies, served as honorary chair of the K-State Civic Leadership Scholarship competition. Carlin provided a supportive voice to all the finalists, said Kiley Moody, coordinator of the university's new student services.

Kansas Farm Bureau and Farm Bureau Financial Services contribute funding for the three top scholarship awards. Scholarship recipients may renew the scholarship with a 3.33 cumulative grade point average for up to three additional years as Wicks Civic Leadership Scholars. Finalists who were not awarded one of the top three scholarships received $500 scholarships, supported by Kansas Farm Bureau and Farm Bureau Financial Services and through combined gifts from Steve and Patricia Baccus, Jim and Diane Hohmann, and Dan and Cheryl Yunk.

"Kansas Farm Bureau and Farm Bureau Financial Services are committed to giving back to our communities and are proud to be a part of the Civic Leadership Scholarship program, which honors young people who are making a difference in their respective communities," said Dan Yunk, CEO, Kansas Farm Bureau.

Recipients of scholarships from Kansas State University for civic leadership include:

Karis Dolenz, Atchison, Atchison High School, $500 scholarship; Caroline Pattelli, Basehor, Leavenworth High School, $4,000 scholarship; Shelby Bargmann, Bremen, Marysville High School, $500 scholarship; McKayla Brubaker, Delphos, Minneapolis High School, $500 scholarship; Jay Brintnall, Hiawatha, Hiawatha High School, $500 scholarship; Sara Joyce, Hutchinson, Buhler High School, $500 scholarship; Elsie Suhr, Sabetha, Sabetha High School and Kansas Academy of Mathematics, $500 scholarship; Jayne Klinge, Sharon Springs, Wallace County High School, $500 scholarship; and Marshall Pickarts, Wichita, Kapaun Mount Carmel High School, $500 scholarship.

From out of state: Larisa Sica, Campton Hills, Ill., Elgin Academy, $500 scholarship; Emily Whitty, Kansas City, Mo., Staley High School $2,000 scholarship; Jenna-Marie Tracy, Sparta, N.J., Pope John XXIII Regional High School, $500 scholarship; and Elizabeth Stone, Middletown, Pa., Lancaster Country Day School, $2,500 scholarship.