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  6. »Feb. 23, 2012

K-State Today

Source: Lori Levin, 785-565-8336, llevin@k-state.edu
Hometown connection: Belle Plaine
News release prepared by: Tim Lindemuth, 785-532-5061, tlindemuth@k-state.com

Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012

Guitars to gardens: Original Dixie Chick to open University Gardens Luncheon Series

MANHATTAN -- A founding member of the original 1980s' country group the Dixie Chicks will mix garden talk and music in the first presentation of the 2012 Friends of the Kansas State University Gardens Luncheon Series.

Robin Macy, a singer, guitarist and gardener, will discuss how she acquired and restored the Bartlett Arboretum at the first of three programs in the luncheon series, said Lori Levin, series coordinator. Macy also will perform some of her music at the Wednesday, March 28, luncheon at the Manhattan Country Club, 1531 N. 10th St.

The Bartlett Arboretum was founded in 1910 at Belle Plaine, 20 miles south of Wichita. Macy acquired the overgrown and disrepaired arboretum in 1997 and has restored the gardens to their glory days. Levin said that the arboretum and plants have inspired some of Macy's musical compositions, including her 2008 release of "Songs from the Garden." Paid reservations to the Macy luncheon are due by March 23.

The three public seminars featured in this year's luncheon series all start at 11:45 a.m. and conclude at 1 p.m. Admission is $30 per person, which includes lunch and beverage. Net proceeds benefit the Kansas State University Gardens.

Other seminars in the series include:

* June 21, "Big Pond, Little Pond, Patio Pot: Water Gardening 101," presented by Deb Spencer from Water's Edge, a water gardening retailer in Lawrence, at the home of Steve and Lori Levin, 11720 Landscape Lane, St. George. RSVP by June 19.

Nov. 8, "Fresh Holiday Ideas for the Home," presented by Lori Able of Ann a Lee's in Manhattan, at the Colbert Hills Clubhouse. RSVP by Nov. 6.

Advance paid registration is required by calling Anne Springer at 785-532-1442 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; or email spr@k-state.edu. Please make payment in advance to Friends of the KSU Gardens, 2021 Throckmorton Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506.