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  6. »Feb. 29, 2012

K-State Today

Source: Kiley Moody, 785-532-6318, kmoody@k-state.edu
Hometown connection: Arma, Hutchinson, Junction City, Kansas City, Lansing, Olathe, Overland Park and Wichita, Kan.; Lawrenceburg, Ind.; Jennings, Mo.; and Austin, Texas.
Photo available: http://www.k-state.edu/media/images/feb12/edgerleyfranklin.jpg
Photo cutline: Finalists and recipients of the Edgerley-Franklin Urban Leadership Scholarship. Back row, from left: Bernard Franklin, Tanisha Crump, Amelia Gordon, Rebecca Renteria, Alex Vo, Steve Edgerley and Marisa Sotelo; front row from left: Sonjay Baker, Lucas Gorentz, Kristen Graham and Zachary Hendrickson. Not pictured are Kelly Harold and Lauren Poindexter.

Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2012

Making a difference: Four high school seniors earn Edgerley-Franklin scholarships for urban community service

MANHATTAN -- Outstanding contributions to the urban communities in which they live have earned four high school seniors the Edgerley-Franklin Urban Leadership Scholarship from Kansas State University.

Recipients of the $3,000 scholarship are: Zachary Hendrickson, Hutchinson, a senior at Buhler High School; Sonjay Baker, Lansing, a senior at Lansing High School; Rebecca Renteria, Olathe, a senior at Olathe North High School; and Lauren Poindexter, Lawrenceburg, Ind., a senior at Indiana Science, Math and Humanities Academy.

This year's recipients were among 11 finalists selected from nearly 75 applicants for the scholarship. Finalists participated in an on-campus interview and recognition day Feb. 13 to determine the recipients. The scholarships are renewable for up to three years by maintaining at least a 3.0 GPA at the university.

The Edgerley-Franklin Urban Leadership Scholarship is made possible by the Edgerley and Franklin families and is in recognition of their continuous demonstration of leadership and support of service to individuals from urban areas. The scholarship was created in memory of Bernard Franklin's wife, Elsia, who was committed to helping better the lives of young girls in urban Alabama.

The Edgerley family has been a longtime supporter of Kansas State University, contributing to a number of scholarships, funds and faculty chairs in the past 10 years. These include: the Paul B. and Sandra M. Edgerley Business Administration Scholarship; the Paul B. Edgerley chair in business administration; the Robert M. Edgerley chair in international business, named in honor of Paul Edgerley's father; the Edgerley family chair in the College of Business Administration; and the President Wefald leadership chair in business administration.

Students also selected as finalists for the scholarship include:

Lucas Gorentz, Arma, a senior at Girard High School; Kristen Graham, Junction City, a senior at Junction City High School; Marisa Sotelo, Kansas City, Kan., a senior at Kansas City Christian School; Amelia Gordon, Overland Park, a senior at Macon County R-IV High School; and Alex Vo, Wichita, a senior at Wichita Northwest High School.

From out of state: Tanisha Crump, Jennings, Mo., a senior at Jennings High School; and Kelly Rose Harold, Austin, Texas, a home-schooled student.