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K-State Today

Source: Dave Soldan, 785-532-5534, soldan@k-state.edu
Hometown connection: Manhattan
Website: http://www.eece.ksu.edu/~hkn/
News release prepared by: Beth Bohn, 785-532-1544, bbohn@k-state.edu

Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2012

No shock here: University's chapter of electrical and computer engineering society rates again among the best

MANHATTAN -- For the second year in a row, a Kansas State University electrical and computer engineering honor society is among the nation's best.

The university's Beta Kappa chapter of Eta Kappa Nu has received the Outstanding Chapter Award for activities and services during the 2010-2011 school year. Only 24 of Eta Kappa Nu's more than 200 active chapters received the honor this year. The chapter earned the honor for the first time in 2009-2010.

"What makes this chapter so excellent is the outstanding leadership of its officers and the enthusiastic participation of it members in all activities," said David Soldan, professor of electrical engineering and the chapter's faculty adviser. "Much of the credit for this honor goes to Tanner Reynolds, the 2010-2011 president, for writing the report required for the award, as well as officers from previous years who helped raise the level of chapter activities."

Reynolds is a senior in electrical engineering from Manhattan.

The chapter's activities include tutoring, developing a curriculum display about the department of electrical and computer engineering for the All-University Open House, annually awarding the Eta Kappa Nu Distinguished Faculty Award and more.

Eta Kappa Nu is for juniors in electrical and computer engineering who are in the top quarter of their class or seniors in the top third of their class. Members also must have successfully passed the course Circuit Theory 1.

The award will be presented at a special dinner March 26 in Austin, Texas, as part of the Electrical and Computing Engineering Department Heads Association annual meeting. Chapter officers from 2010-2011 will be invited to attend, as well as Soldan.