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K-State Today

Source: Yasche Glass, 785-532-6088, glassy@k-state.edu

Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012

Plan for success: EXCITE! workshop all about getting college scholarships

MANHATTAN -- Success in attaining scholarships is the focus of a Kansas State University EXCITE! -- EXploring sCIence, Technology and Engineering -- workshop for ninth- and 10th-grade girls, Friday, March 2, at Kansas State University.

"Show Me the Scholarships!" will feature workshop on budgeting for the undergraduate, successful balancing of school and work life, and understanding the financial aid/scholarship process. Each interactive session will be 30 minutes and led by university staff and students who have been successful in receiving scholarships.

Registration will begin at 8:20 a.m., the first session at 9 a.m., with the final session ending at 2 p.m. The workshop costs $20, which includes a small group lunch setting led by a female mentor who is a science, technology, engineering or mathematics major at K-State. Campus tours are optional following conclusion of the workshop.

Parents and teachers are welcome to attend along with their daughters or students. There will be one session specifically for parents and teachers, with the rest of the sessions open to their discretion.

To register, contact Yasche Glass at 785-532-6088 or glassy@k-state.edu no later than Wednesday, Feb. 29. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, but there will be a waiting list after the event is full, and substitutions will be made if cancellations occur. Need-based scholarships are also available for students unable to pay the registration fee.

EXCITE! is designed for young women to explore careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields and prepare for college through a year-round program that offers ninth- to 12th-graders opportunities on and off the K-State campus. EXCITE! is sponsored by the K-State office for the advancement of women in science and engineering.