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K-State Today

Sources: Nicole Allen and Justin Scott, mgn@k-state.edu

Friday, Feb. 24, 2012

Move it in or move it out: Furniture Amnesty Day March 6 in City Park

MANHATTAN -- It's all about furniture, it's free and it's for everyone.

Kansas State University's Manhattan Good Neighbors and Acacia fraternity have teamed up for Furniture Amnesty Day, a free furniture exchange and disposal event Tuesday, March 6, in the south parking lot by the swimming pools in Manhattan's City Park.

Drop off your used furniture for exchange or disposal with no charge, or take home free, donated furniture from 3 to 7 p.m.

In addition, furniture pick up is available at no cost to the first 30 sites by calling 913-620-8144. Furniture will be picked up from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Furniture Amnesty Day is part of Civic Leadership Week, March 5-11. Created by Manhattan Good Neighbors and Acacia, each day of the week highlights a different type of service focused on the theme of "Can I Be Your Neighbor." Other events during the week include Community Awareness and a Fake St. Patty's Day cleanup. To register for any event, go to http://www.handson.k-state.edu or contact Manhattan Good Neighbors at mgn@k-state.edu or 785-532-3670.