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K-State Today

Source: Tim Lindemuth, 785-532-5061, tlindemuth@k-state.com
Hometown connection: Horton and Lenexa
Website: http://www.k-state.edu/orderofomega/
News release prepared by: Beth Bohn, 785-532-1544, bbohn@k-state.edu

Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2012

Reward for excellence: Two Greek members receive Order of Omega scholarships

MANHATTAN -- A Kansas State University sorority member and fraternity member have received scholarships for their leadership, academic excellence and a commitment to the Greek community from a national Greek organization.

The scholarships were awarded by the Order of Omega, a Greek honor society, to recognize outstanding members. Members of Order of Omega represent the top 3 percent of Greek leaders. The society was founded on principles of scholarship, leadership and service.

Whitney Davis, senior in secondary education-English, Lenexa, received a $500 scholarship. Davis, a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, is immediate past president of the university's Order of Omega chapter.

Matt Kiehl, senior in finance and accounting, Horton, received a $300 scholarship. Kiehl, a member of FarmHouse fraternity, served as immediate past treasurer of the Order of Omega chapter.

The national Order of Omega office has awarded at least one scholarship to members of the K-State chapter annually for the past 10 years. In 2010, the chapter also was named national chapter of the year, said chapter adviser Tim Lindemuth, editor of the K-Stater magazine.

More information about the Order of Omega at Kansas State University is available at http://www.k-state.edu/orderofomega/.