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K-State Today

Media advisory: Alumni fellow who is brigadier general to visit campus, available for interviews on Feb. 22

Monday, Feb. 11, 2013

MANHATTAN -- Brig. Gen. Mark R. Stammer, the first adult education master's degree graduate from Kansas State University's Fort Leavenworth program to become a general officer in the U.S. Army, will visit campus Feb. 20-22 and be available for media interviews.

Stammer, a 1999 Kansas State University graduate, is the Division of Continuing Education's 2012-2013 alumni fellow. He will be available for interviews from 2 to 3 p.m. on Feb. 22.

During his visit, Stammer will visit ROTC and security studies classes and talk to cybersecurity and adult education faculty. He also will meet with veterans attending Kansas State University.

Since September 2011, Stammer has been the commanding general of the Joint Task Force North at Fort Bliss, Texas. The Joint Task Force North is part of the U.S. Northern Command and provides military support to the nation's drug law enforcement agencies.

Stammer was a member of the first graduate cohort program offered at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., specifically targeted toward military students attending the U.S. Command and General Staff College. He has served in numerous student, command and staff assignments at Fort Benning, Ga; Fort Carson, Colo.; Fort Bragg, N.C.; Hohenfels, Germany; Washington, D.C.; Afghanistan; Vicenza, Italy; Newport, R.I.; Iraq and Fort Polk, La.

Sue Maes, dean of continuing education, and Cheryl Polson, K-State-Fort Leavenworth graduate programs and outreach director and associate dean of the Graduate School, are also available for additional media interviews.

To arrange a media interview with Stammer, Maes or Polson, contact Rosanna Vail at 785-532-2720 or rvail@k-state.edu.


Rosanna Vail, 785-532-2720, 

Hometown connection/news tip
Fort Leavenworth, Kan.

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Brig. Gen. Mark R. Stammer

The first adult education master's degree graduate from Kansas State University's Fort Leavenworth program to become a general officer in the U.S. Army will visit campus. 

Brig. Gen. Stammer will be available for interviews from 2 to 3 p.m. on Feb. 22. To arrange an interview, contact Rosanna Vail at 785-532-2720 or rvail@k-state.edu.

Written by

Jennifer Tidball, 785-532-0847, 