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K-State Today

Ebony Theatre's 'The Story' unfolds Feb. 20-23 at Purple Masque Theatre

Friday, Feb. 14, 2014



MANHATTAN -- Kansas State University's Ebony Theatre presents "The Story," a drama by playwright Tracey Scott Wilson, at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 20-22 and at 2:30 p.m. Feb. 23 in the Purple Masque Theatre.

"The Story," directed by recent Kansas State University theatre graduate Nahshon Ruffin, is a drama inspired by true events. Yvonne Robinson, a black newspaper reporter, goes against her editor to investigate the murder of a white teacher in a bad neighborhood. She finds her story — but at what cost?

Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for students, plus tax and applicable fees. They can be purchased in person at the McCain Auditorium box office from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, or by phone at 785-532-6428. Tickets may also be purchased online at http://www.k-state.edu/theatre. Fees apply to phone and online orders.

The Purple Masque Theatre is in East Stadium, which is just west of the K-State Student Union and parking garage.

The cast and crew for "The Story" include:

From Greater Kansas City: DaJa Bresette, junior in journalism and mass communications, ensemble member and reporter, and Ellyn Calvert, junior in theatre, lighting design, all from Kansas City, Kan.; Darrington Clark, junior in mass communications, Kansas City, Mo., as Neil; and Cory Jennett, senior in secondary education, Prairie Village, as Jeff and Tim Dunn.

From Manhattan: Audrey Artis, junior in theatre, ensemble member; Angelica McKinnis, senior in fine arts, as Pat; and Terrance Newman, senior in theatre, assistant stage manager.

Eugenia Frey, senior in theatre, Riley, as Jessica Dunn; Erika Williams, senior in theatre, Topeka, as Yvonne; and Taylor Leetch, freshman in sociology, Wichita, stage manager.

From out of state: Egypt Edwards, junior in agronomy, Dallas, Texas, as Latisha; and Nicole Casonhua, sophomore in theatre, Southlake, Texas, ensemble member and a detective.


Marci Maullar

Angelica McKinnis


K-State Theatre

News tip

Kansas City, Manhattan, Prairie Village, Riley, Topeka and Wichita Kan.; Kansas City, Mo.; and Dallas and Southlake, Texas.

Written by

Darrah Tinkler

At a glance

Tickets for the drama "The Story," presented by Kansas State University's Ebony Theatre, are available now at http://www.k-state.edu/theatre. The play will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 20-22 and at 2:30 p.m. Feb. 23 in the Purple Masque Theatre.