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February 2015    

Friday, Feb. 27, 2015

Center for Rural Enterprise Engagement established at Kansas State University
The Center for Rural Enterprise Engagement has been established at Kansas State University to help small businesses succeed through new media marketing research. This interdepartmental effort represents a collaboration of previous federal grant funding and support from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Irish band The Chieftains, opera 'Hansel and Gretel,' art exhibitions, musical performances and more coming to university in March

March brings a well-known Irish band, opera, art, music and more to Kansas State University.

The Chieftains performing March 10 at McCain Auditorium
The Chieftains, called the best-known Irish band, will perform at 7:30 p.m. March 10 at Kansas State University's McCain Auditorium as part of the McCain Performance Series.

Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015

Media advisory for March 9 Landon Lecture by Steve Forbes

Zoetis gives $250,000 for newly established Center for Outcomes Research and Education in College of Veterinary Medicine

Animal health company Zoetis has donated $250,000 for Kansas State University's new Center for Outcomes Research and Education, which is in the College of Veterinary Medicine.

Kansas State University host to Kansas American Planning Association Symposium
Kansas State University's landscape architecture and regional & community planning department will be host to, in association with the Kansas chapter of the American Planning Association, or APA-KS, a regional symposium from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, March 6, in Manhattan.

Human trafficking in Kansas topic of first Jurich Lecture on Social Justice
Dorthy Stucky Halley, an authority on domestic violence dynamics and batterers, will present the first Tony Jurich Lecture on Social Justice at Kansas State University. Halley's presentation will be at 3 p.m. Thursday, March 12, in the Little Theatre at the K-State Student Union.

Kansas State University to host First Folio exhibition in 2016
Kansas State University has been selected as a host site for "First Folio! The Book that Gave Us Shakespeare," a national traveling exhibition of the Shakespeare First Folio, one of the world's most treasured books. The Folger Shakespeare Library, in partnership with the Cincinnati Museum Center and the American Library Association, is touring a First Folio of Shakespeare in 2016 to all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.

Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015

Exhibition by Beach Museum's 2015 gift print artist, Dean Mitchell, opens March 3
The similarities between a small town in Florida and a large reservation in metropolitan Phoenix are the inspiration for an exhibition at Kansas State University's Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art by Dean Mitchell, the Friends of the Beach Museum's 2015 gift print artist.

China names chemistry professor accredited international expert, cancer research adviser
Stefan H. Bossmann, professor of chemistry in the College of Arts & Sciences, has been awarded the title of Highest Honored International Expert by a panel of scientific advisers to the Chinese State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.

Opera 'Hansel and Gretel' being presented March 6-8
Kansas State University's School of Music, Theatre, and Dance will present the opera "Hansel and Gretel," by Engelbert Humperdinck, at 7:30 p.m. March 6-7 and at 2:30 p.m. March 8 in McCain Auditorium.

Kansas State University police announce action for Feb. 23 incident
Following the Feb. 23 Kansas State University basketball game in Bramlage Coliseum, a K-State student ran on the court and made contact with a University of Kansas player.


Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2015

K-State Salina receives statewide access for flight operations of small UAS
Kansas State University Salina has received FAA authorization allowing its unmanned aircraft systems, or UAS, program to conduct research anywhere in the state on public property, or on private property with landowner permission.

Kansas State University hosts two Fulbright scholars
This year Kansas State University will host two Fulbright scholars from Australia. The 2015 Fulbright distinguished chair in agriculture and life science is from the University of Western Sydney and the 2015 Fulbright senior scholar is from the University of Queensland.

President and CEO of BNSF Railway to speak on leadership development in rail industry
Carl Ice, president and chief executive officer for BNSF Railway and a Kansas State University alumnus, will present the College of Engineering's Eyestone Lecture at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 10, in Fiedler Hall Auditorium.

Union invites local, national restaurants to bid for space in renovated dining area
The K-State Student Union is taking a local approach and is encouraging nearby restaurants to bid for space in the Union as it moves forward with renovations.

Monday, Feb. 23, 2015

Michelle Toews named associate dean in College of Human Ecology
Michelle Toews, professor at Texas State University, has been named associate dean for research for the College of Human Ecology at Kansas State University by John Buckwalter, dean of the college. 

Kansas State University's Manhattan campus enrollment hits spring record
Spring enrollment at Kansas State University's Manhattan campus is at an all-time high, and the diversity of the campus's student body continues to grow.

Two graduate students recognized for research that benefits Kansas
Two Kansas State University graduate students have been named winners for their Kansas-related research presentations at the 12th Capitol Graduate Research Summit.

Thursday, Feb. 19, 2015

Study finds invasive weed kochia's resistance to well-known herbicide stems from increase in gene copies
A recent study by a Kansas State University weed scientist finds why the invasive weed kochia is like a cockroach of the plant world. 

Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2015

Study finds climate change may dramatically reduce wheat production
A recent study involving Kansas State University researchers finds that in the coming decades at least one-quarter of the world's wheat production will be lost to extreme weather from climate change if no adaptive measures are taken.

Retired Bain Capital executive Michael F. Goss to speak at College of Business Administration's Distinguished Lecture Series
Michael F. Goss, former managing director and head of global investor relations for Bain Capital, will be the spring 2015 speaker for the Kansas State University College of Business Administration's Distinguished Lecture Series.

National award honors university's contributions to military education
Kansas State University is receiving the Council of College and Military Educators Institution Award for its comprehensive approach to serving military students.

Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015

University's Global Campus scholarships provide financial assistance to distance students for spring semester
Distance education students at Kansas State University have received more than $35,000 in K-State Global Campus scholarships.


Monday, Feb. 16, 2015

Criminologist 'hacks' the hacker, explores meaning of hacking
We often view hackers as evil geniuses, but perhaps a more accurate depiction would be a talented — though sometimes mischievous — craft worker, according to a Kansas State University researcher.

University alumna to discuss state's role in women's suffrage movement
The first campaign for women's suffrage in Kansas will be the topic of two presentations by Kansas State University alumna Janice Parks Dreiling for the university's observance of Women's History Month in March.

Personal financial planning team takes second at national event
A team of three personal financial planning students from Kansas State University earned second place at the recent national Industry Issues competition.

Media company chairman, best-selling author Steve Forbes to present Landon Lecture
Kansas State University's first Landon Lecture of 2015 will be given by Steve Forbes, chairman and editor in chief of Forbes Media. Forbes will present his lecture at 7 p.m. Monday, March 9, in McCain Auditorium.

Friday, Feb. 13, 2015

University floriculture expert has tips for keeping the bloom in your Valentine's Day blossoms
Want your Valentine's Day flowers from your sweetheart to stay fresher longer? A Kansas State University floriculture expert has some tips.

APDesign architecture student from China wins student design competition
Lanting Su, a fourth-year architecture student at Kansas State University, is receiving a $5,000 scholarship as the winner of a College of Architecture, Planning & Design, or APDesign, competition sponsored by Manko Window Systems in Manhattan.

Make pet's heart your focus on Valentine's Day
It's estimated that this Valentine's Day pet owners will spend about $703 million on gifts for their beloved dogs and cats, according to a survey by the National Retail Federation. But a Kansas State University veterinarian says rather than giving your dog a heart-shaped chew toy, consider using the holiday to take care of your dog's heart — literally.

Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015

McCain Performance Series features Japanese taiko drummers Kodó on Feb. 22
Kodó, Japanese taiko drummers, will present a show for the McCain Performance Series at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 22, in McCain Auditorium at Kansas State University.


Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2015

University physicist receives Humboldt award for lifetime research achievements
Uwe Thumm, professor of physics, has received the international Humboldt Research Award for his lifetime achievements in research.

National study finds Kansas State University's endowment growth among best in nation for 2014
Kansas State University's endowment grew 30 percent in fiscal year 2014, placing it in the top 5 percent of the nation for growth.

Monday, Feb. 9, 2015

Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol features six students from Kansas State University
Work by undergraduate researchers at Kansas State University will be part of Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol, which will be Wednesday, Feb. 11, at the State Capitol in Topeka.

College of Veterinary Medicine establishes Center for Outcomes Research and Education
The Center for Outcomes Research and Education, or CORE, will be publicly launched Feb. 25 at Kansas State University's College of Veterinary Medicine.

K-State Salina Civic Luncheon to focus on the transparency of sexual assault, campus safety
The next Civic Luncheon Lecture Series presentation at Kansas State University Salina will look at sexual assault and campus safety. The lecture will be at noon Thursday, Feb. 12, in the College Center conference room.

Kansas State University awards Kassebaum Scholarships to six high school seniors
Kansas State University's Kassebaum Scholarship is being awarded to six high school seniors.

Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015

University police determined suspicious package not a threat
The Kansas State University Police Department determined that a suspicious bag found at 2:15 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 7, on the northeast entrance ramp to Bramlage Coliseum was not a threat.

Friday, Feb. 6, 2015

Research finds women less financially capable, gender gap increases with age
Kansas State University study finds significant gender gap in financial capability, increasing with age.

Kansas State University selects Presidential Scholarship finalists from high schools across Kansas, region
High school seniors from Basehor-Linwood, Shawnee Mission South and Olathe North high schools are recipients of Kansas State University's Presidential Scholarship, the largest award in the state.

Circus Oz and 'But Wait...There's More' comes to McCain Feb. 17
The McCain Performance Series presents the Circus Oz show "But Wait...There's More" at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 17, in McCain Auditorium.

Old Hollywood sets scene for Ebony Theatre comedy 'By The Way, Meet Vera Stark'
"By The Way, Meet Vera Stark," a comedy about race relations in the glamorous days of old Hollywood, will be presented by Kansas State University's Ebony Theatre at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 19-21 and 2:30 p.m. Feb. 22 in the Purple Masque Theatre.

Thursday, Feb. 5, 2015

Job placement rates rise again for Kansas State University students
Kansas State University job placement rates increase, with 94 percent of graduates in 2013-2014 employed or pursuing advanced degrees. That's up one percent from the previous year's report.

Institute for Health and Security of Military Families to evaluate Marine couples program
Evaluating an education workshop designed to help Marine couples with reintegration following deployment will be the job of Kansas State University's Institute for the Health and Security of Military Families, which as received a $271,000 grant for the project.

Ten graduate students to share Kansas-related research at statewide summit
Ten Kansas State University graduate students will share their Kansas-related research at the Kansas State Capitol Building on Thursday, Feb. 12.

Professor emeritus Margo Kren to discuss her work Feb. 19 at Beach Museum
Kansas State University professor emeritus of art Margo Kren will give the talk "Observing and Artist: Margo Kren" at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 19, at the Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art.

Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2015

Time-based training can decrease impulsivity, research finds
Kansas State University researchers conduct first study demonstrating increases in both self-control and timing precision as a result of a time-based intervention.

Alumni gift supports Powercat Financial Counseling
A $50,000 gift from Kansas State University alumni Jim and Marsha Reed will support Powercat Financial Counseling, the peer-to-peer financial education program at the university.

Undergraduate researchers earn inaugural research, travel grants from Office of Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry
Kansas State University's Office of Research & Creative Inquiry has presented its inaugural Undergraduate Research and Travel award grants to 20 undergraduate researchers.

Tuesday, Feb. 3, 2015

Kansas State University's first free online course reaches students on six continents
Kansas State University's first massive open online course, or MOOC, had a global impact.

University's Greek community selects board of directors
The Greek community at Kansas State University has elected a new board of directors for the Office of Greek Affairs. The members of the board serve on either the Interfraternity Council or the PanHellenic Council, which are the student governing councils that overlook both the fraternities and sororities at the university.


Monday, Feb. 2, 2015

Renowned education pioneer highlights university's Black History Month observance
International education advocate and change agent Geoffrey Canada will be Kansas State University's keynote speaker for Black History Month.

Construction accident at Vanier Complex
Shortly after 10:30 a.m. Monday, Kansas State University Police and emergency personnel from the Manhattan Fire Department and Riley County EMS responded to the Vanier Football Complex construction site for a workplace accident.