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News Releases

Monday, Feb. 29, 2016

Psychological sciences professor develops scale to measure masculine honor beliefs
Donald Saucier, associate professor of psychological sciences and 2015-2016 Coffman chair for distinguished teaching scholars, has developed a scale to help measure masculine honor beliefs. 

Center for the Advancement of Digital Scholarship Launches Open Access Lecture Series
Open access is more than an academic buzzword: It's a movement driven by scholars, universities and taxpayers intent on the free, online availability of research articles and texts.


Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016

Kansas State University art professor finds originality in a 20,000-year-old medium
Andrew Casto, a Kansas State University assistant professor of art, is gaining international attention for his ceramics.

Award-winning opera 'The Consul' at Mark A. Chapman Theatre March 3-6
Kansas State University's School of Music, Theatre, and Dance will present the award-winning opera "The Consul" at 7:30 p.m. March 3-5 and at 2:30 p.m. March 6 in the Mark A. Chapman Theatre at Nichols Hall.

K-State Global Campus increases scholarship offerings for spring semester
Kansas State University Global Campus has awarded 42 scholarships totaling $36,150 to degree-seeking distance students from across the U.S. and Canada for the spring 2016 semester.


Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016

A good night's sleep: Engineers develop technology for special needs children
A Kansas State University engineering team is using a National Science Foundation grant to help special needs children through technology that connects sleep data with daytime learning.

Award-winning Celtic group Cherish the Ladies coming to McCain March 4
Cherish the Ladies, an all-female supergroup that blends instrumental and vocal talents, will perform traditional Irish music just in time for St. Patrick's Day at 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 4, in McCain Auditorium as part of the McCain Performance Series.


Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2016

Graduate students earn honors for making research understandable, enjoyable in 3 minutes or less
Communicating an 80,000 word thesis in three minutes sounds like a challenge, but Kansas State University graduate students proved they were up to the task in the university's first Three Minute Thesis competition.



Monday, Feb. 22, 2016

Researcher contributes to discovery of gravitational waves, black holes
A Kansas State University physicist was part of the research team that made a major physics discovery: the detection of gravitational waves and black hole collision.

Friday, Feb. 19, 2016

Feed the Future lab at Kansas State University awards $6M for work in six countries
Kansas State University has awarded nearly $6 million to projects that will help to improve food security in six countries.

CEO of Aspera Inc. to speak on birth and growth of high-speed transport platform for Eyestone Lecture
Kansas State University alumna Michelle Munson, chief executive officer for Aspera Inc., will present the College of Engineering's Eyestone Lecture at 3 p.m. Thursday, March 3, in 1109 Engineering Hall.

Gen. Richard Myers co-teaching American Foreign Policy class at Kansas State University
Retired Air Force Gen. Richard Myers is co-teaching Kansas State University's American Foreign Policy class with Michael Flynn, assistant professor in political science.


Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016

Understanding Einstein: Cosmologist explains discovery of gravitational waves
Lado Samushia, assistant professor of physics and cosmology researcher, explains the importance of the discovery of gravitational waves and what it means for the field of physics.

Nearly 150 students receive graduation honors
Nearly 150 Kansas State University students are earning graduation honors with their degrees awarded at fall 2015 commencement. 

Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2016

Kansas State University student creates real change in Des Moines through design residency program
Kelsey McDonough, doctoral student in biological and agricultural engineering, was part of the fifth annual RDG Design Residence.

Ebony Theatre presenting powerful one-act drama 'Dutchman'
Kansas State University's Ebony Theatre will present "Dutchman" at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 25-27 at the Purple Masque Theatre in West Stadium.


Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2016

President of Costa Rica presenting Landon Lecture at Kansas State University
The president of Costa Rica, Luis Guillermo Solís, will deliver the spring semester's fourth Landon Lecture when he speaks Thursday, May 19. The lecture will be in Forum Hall at the K-State Student Union. A time will be announced later.

Russian National Orchestra and pianist Yuja Wang bring Russian masterpieces to McCain
International superstar pianist Yuja Wang joins the Russian National Orchestra for a McCain Performance Series presentation at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 26, at Kansas State University's McCain Auditorium.


Monday, Feb. 15, 2016

Study: Freezing steak improves tenderness of some cuts
Kansas State University researchers have found that freezing strip loin and inside round steaks makes those cuts as much as 10 percent more tender when it comes time to eat them.


Friday, Feb. 12, 2016

Food availability a problem in smaller urban cities, despite dense populations, a Kansas State University study finds
Average neighborhood income may play a role in creating food deserts in cities of all sizes, according to a Kansas State University study.

Noted scientist selected to lead international project on postharvest food losses
Noted international scientist Jagger Harvey has been named the new director of a Kansas State University project to reduce postharvest loss and food waste across the world.


Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016

Second Kansas State University student diagnosed with mumps
Kansas State University has confirmed a second student with the mumps.The university is directly notifying anyone who may have been in close contact with the students.

Safeguarding U.S. wheat: Kansas State University researchers staying ahead of wheat blast disease
Kansas State University researchers have received $6.5 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture since 2009 to keep a devastating wheat fungus out of the country's farm fields.

Five high school seniors selected for Kansas State University's Kassebaum Scholarship
The Kassebaum Scholarship recognizes students whose academic and extracurricular achievements reflect the potential for and desire to make a difference through energetic leadership in the public service arena.

Engage with graduate student research in Graduate School's first Three Minute Thesis Competition
Kansas State University's first Three Minute Thesis competition will be Feb. 16-17. Participating graduate students will have just three minutes and one slide to convey their often highly-technical research to a lay audience.


Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016

Genetics help fish thrive in toxic environments, study finds
A 10-year collaborative project led by biologists from Kansas State University and Washington State University has discovered how the Atlantic molly is able to live in toxic hydrogen sulfide water. 

Kansas State University Bulk Solids Innovation Center welcomes experts from DuPont, Dow Chemical as part of inaugural short course
The first short course offered by Kansas State University's Bulk Innovation Center in Salina was a success, attracting participants from such companies as DuPont, Dow Chemical, Nestle and more.

Ana Gasteyer brings comedy, song, fun to McCain Performance Series shows
Enjoy an evening with actress and comedienne Ana Gasteyer at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 19, at the Wareham Opera House, 410 Poyntz Ave., Manhattan. The shows are part of Kansas State University's McCain Performance Series.

Five Kansas high school seniors earn Kansas State University's Presidential Scholarship, state's largest scholarship award
Five Kansas high school seniors are recipients of the state's largest scholarship award. Kansas State University's Presidential Scholarship provides $20,000 a year for a total $80,000 over four years.


Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016

Amit Chakrabarti to serve as interim dean of College of Arts & Sciences
The head of Kansas State University's physics department, Amit Chakrabarti, has been named interim dean of the College of Arts & Sciences.

Study: Medium chain fatty acids protect pigs from deadly disease
Kansas State University researchers have proven that when swine feed contains medium chain fatty acids, those pigs will be able to fend off the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, or PEDV, which claimed an estimated 8 million pigs in 2014.

Rice named first recipient of the Mary Vanier Endowed Professorship
The Mary L. Vanier University Professorship has its first recipient: Charles W. Rice, university distinguished professor of agronomy.

Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol features six students from Kansas State University
Six Kansas State University undergraduate researchers will take part in Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 18, at the State Capitol in Topeka.


Monday, Feb. 8, 2016

Millennials say one thing but do another when choosing chocolate, Kansas State University finds
Despite strong preferences for ethical chocolate in focus groups, only 14 percent of millennials in individual choice studies selected candy with ethical or social factors labeling, according to a Kansas State University study. In addition, a majority of millennials also prefer chocolate with clean labeling.

Los Lobos with Ballet Folklorico Mexicano coming to McCain for Feb.18 show
Celebrate the Mexican-American experience of Los Lobos with Ballet Folklorico Mexicano at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 18, in Kansas State University's McCain Auditorium.

Ambassadors named for College of Engineering
The Kansas State University College of Engineering has announced the selection of 22 students for membership in the Engineering Ambassadors organization.

Three graduate students named winners at statewide research summit
Three Kansas State University graduate students earned $500 scholarships for their research presentations at the Capitol Graduate Research Summit in Topeka.


Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016

National Science Foundation to feature Kansas State University student-made videos
Science 360 News will showcase Kansas State University student-made videos about National Science Foundation-funded research projects at the university.


Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2016

Newest stars in opera showcased in Metropolitan Opera Rising Stars concert at McCain
Treat your ears to the sound of opera's newest and most promising performers at The Metropolitan Opera Rising Stars concert at 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 14, in McCain Auditorium. 


Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2016

Kansas State University research offers new hope for saving runt pigs
Kansas State University researchers are looking more closely at how piglets grow during their mother's pregnancy, and recent findings indicate greater hope for survival of the smallest in the litter.

Kansas State University selects Civic Leadership Scholarship winners and finalists 
Kansas State University recently awarded three high school seniors the K-State Civic Leadership Scholarship from a group of 10 finalists. The scholarship rewards students who are making a difference and demonstrating creativity by developing projects and programs with a lasting impact on those they serve.

Monday, Feb. 1, 2016

Carnegie Classification recognizes university's research activity, undergraduate enrollment
Kansas State University has received the "highest research activity" classification from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.

Tribute to legendary band the Bee Gees comes to Kansas State University

Get ready to rock to the Bee Gees when the McCain Performance Series presents the "Australian Bee Gees Show: A Tribute to the Bee Gees" at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 12, in Kansas State University's McCain Auditorium. 


Feature by Topic:

Lists - graduates, honors, scholarships

Landon Lecturers