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Research by design: APDesign students participate in research symposium

Monday, Jan. 13, 2014



MANHATTAN -- Graduate students from Kansas State University's College of Architecture, Planning & Design, or APDesign, got the chance to show off their research skills at the recent 2013 APDesign Research Symposium.

A first-time event for the college, the symposium gave the participating students the opportunity to learn how to develop an abstract, make a research presentation and to understand the amount of work it takes to put together a strong presentation.

"We wanted this to be a learning opportunity," said Wendy Ornelas, associate dean of the college. "Not something that was stressful or overwhelming, but an event that could give the students quality feedback on their research."

Students had their choice of making oral presentations in two categories, ecology and use and narratives and impact, or they could choose one of three categories for a poster presentation, technology, ecology and use, or narratives and impact. Students covered a wide range of topics within the categories.

"The students did extremely well," Ornelas said. "Next year we hope to get more students and faculty involved not only with presenting, but with coming and listening to what research is being developed in our college."

Howard Hahn, assistant professor of landscape architecture and regional and community planning, also gave a presentation on his research, "Photo-based Terrain Data Acquisition and 3-D Modeling."

The symposium’s keynote speaker was Linda Sorrento, executive director of the Academy of Environmental Design, a nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C. During her visit she gave two talks. The first was "The Actionable Research Revolution." The second was "Integrative Research Frontiers in Environmental Design."

College of Architecture, Planning & Design students -- all master's students unless otherwise indicated -- who made poster or oral presentations at the 2013 Research Symposium and their presentations include:

Karissa Pankratz, landscape architecture, Argonia, poster presentation, "Experiential Learning Through the Affordances of the Playground Environment"; Dana Williamson, architecture, Bennington, poster presentation, "Sustainable Inter-Generational Living: Well-Being for All Ages Using Color and Light"; Casey Gorrell, landscape architecture, Brookville, poster presentation, "Correlation Between Street Width and Pedestrian Safety," and oral presentation, "Effect of Fountains on Piazza Usage";Rachael Mayhill, interior architecture and product design, Council Grove, poster presentation, "Indoor Air Quality in Office Design"; Hannah Polys, interior architecture and product design, Edwardsville, poster presentation, "Changing Times, Changing Needs: Privacy and Hierarchy in the Workplace."

From Greater Kansas City: Elizabeth Decker, landscape architecture, Leawood, poster presentation, "Urban Design Approach to Planning for Adults with Autism"; Katelyn Nigus, interior architecture and product design, Olathe, poster presentation, "How Ergonomics Contributes to the Health and Well-being of Corporate Employees"; and Lauren Patterson, landscape architecture, oral presentation, "Walkability in Suburbia -- A Feasibility Study for Multiuse Trail Systems in Kansas City," andMatthew Spaniol, interior architecture and product design, poster presentation, "The Benefits of Implementing Technology within Museum Interactives," both from Overland Park.

Jordan Albers, architecture, Oakley, poster presentation, "Enhancing Intergenerational Living Through the Design of Outdoor Spaces"; Sarah Swaim, interior architecture and product design, Tonganoxie, poster presentation, "Changing Times, Changing Needs: The Future of Effective Wayfinding in the Workplace"; Gretchen Gravenstein, landscape architecture, Topeka, oral presentation, "Discovering Spatial Relationships of Fountains in Roman Piazzas"; and Katie Burke, doctoral student in environmental design, Wamego, oral presentation, "Measuring Gully Erosion in Two Disturbed Kanas Landscapes."

From out of state:

From Missouri: Sarah Hartman, architecture, California, poster presentation, "Interstitial Spaces to Promote Social Health in Intergenerational Communities"; Kevin Rooney, doctoral student in environmental design, Kansas City, oral presentation, "Categorical Emotional Responses for Central and Peripheral Vision: Peripheral Architecture as Mood"; Leah Edwards, landscape architecture, poster presentation, "Identity for Nicodemus, Kan.: Exposing History Through Experience of Public Art," and Caleb Melchior, landscape architecture, oral presentation, "Planted Narratives in the Now and Future Botanic Garden: A Critical Enquiry into the Role of the Botanic Garden in the 21st Century," both from Perryville; Aaron Bisch, interior architecture and product design, poster presentation, "Changing Workplace: Designing Success for the Corporate Environment," andDeanne Petersen, regional and community planning, poster presentation, "Food Truck Fever: A Spatial-Political Analysis of Food Truck Locations in Kansas,"both from St. Louis; and Abigail Zohner, interior architecture and product design, Wildwood, oral presentation, "The Impact of Lighting on Employees in a Changing Workplace."

Jeremy Merril, doctoral student in environmental design, Pendleton, Ore., oral presentation, "Creativity in Design Students: The Results of a Semester-long Intervention"; Lauren Garrott, regional and community planning, Lorton, Va., poster presentation, "Opportunities for Physical Activity in Parks: A Study for African-American Women."

From out of country:

Yuankun Yu, architecture, China, poster presentation, "Intergenerational Gardening Creates Better Community for Living"; Nadav Bittan, architecture, Israel, poster presentation, "Venetian Canal System-Typologies of Edge Conditions; Philip Omunga, doctoral student in environmental design, Kenya, oral presentation, "Tool for Evaluating Adaption to Changing Climate and Extreme Events in the Urban Context"; and Calayde Davey, doctoral student in environmental design and planning, South Africa, poster presentation, "The Relationship Between Urban Agriculture to Property Values in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn."

In addition, students in the studio of Michael Gibson, assistant professor of architecture, gave the oral presentation "Cool Skins: Evaluating the Performative Qualities of Ventilated Rain Claddings."


Wendy Ornelas


College of Architecture, Planning & Design

News tips

Argonia, Bennington, Brookville, Council Grove, Edwardsville, Leawood, Oakley, Olathe, Overland Park, Tonganoxie, Topeka and Wamego, Kan.; California, Kansas City, Perryville, St. Louis and Wildwood, Mo.; Pendelton, Ore.; and Lorton, Va.

Written by

Thom Jackson

At a glance

A first-time event for the College of Architecture, Planning & Design, the Research Symposium gave the participating students from the college the opportunity to learn how to develop an abstract, make a research presentation and to understand the amount of work it takes to put together a strong presentation.