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K-State Today

Kansas State University donors set record with $211 million in philanthropic gifts

Monday, July 14, 2014



MANHATTAN — Alumni, friends, parents, faculty, students and corporate partners of Kansas State University made philanthropic gifts and commitments totaling $211 million in the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2014.

This figure sets a record in charitable giving in the 70-year history of the Kansas State University Foundation, surpassing the $200 million mark for the first time. The previous record of $152 million was set last year.

"The generosity of K-State's alumni and friends is phenomenal," said retired Gen. Richard Myers, Arlington, Virginia, chairman of the KSU Foundation board of directors. "This achievement is a clear statement of support for the leadership of Kansas State University and its strategic direction. K-State is thriving and the future is very bright."

"The level of philanthropy we have seen this year will have a huge positive impact on Kansas State University as it strives to become a Top 50 public research university by 2025," said Fred Cholick, president and CEO of the KSU Foundation. "As the fundraising arm of the university, the KSU Foundation staff is privileged to work with alumni, friends and corporations who want to make a difference through philanthropy. Their loyalty and dedication is inspirational."

One of the most important aspects of this year's results was the $89 million in endowed funds, which is also a record. Endowed funds established this year were primarily for student scholarships, faculty chairs and professorships. Endowed funds provide long-term funding for the purpose they support, and create a legacy for the donor.

"Endowed funds are making a difference today and will continue to advance the university far into the future," said Kirk Schulz, Kansas State University president. "Because the size of the endowment is directly correlated to the university's capacity to serve future generations of K-Staters, the endowment is a benchmark toward the goal to become a Top 50 public research university by 2025."

Of the $211 million total, 63 percent is available for the university's use immediately, while donors committed 37 percent through pledges and deferred gifts, which will be realized by the university at some point in the future.

"It is an honor to thank the alumni, friends, corporate partners, faculty, staff and students who expressed their support of K-State so generously," Schulz said.

"Less than 20 percent of the university's operating budget now comes from the state," he said. "The remainder of the budget comes from three sources: tuition, grants and contracts, and private philanthropic support given through the KSU Foundation. Charitable gifts have a great impact on students, faculty and facilities at K-State, both immediately and in the future. There is no question that this level of support from the K-State family will advance the university in our quest to be recognized among the nation's top 50 public research universities."

Philanthropic contributions to Kansas State University are coordinated by the KSU Foundation. The foundation staff works with university partners to build lifelong relationships with alumni, friends, faculty, staff and students through involvement and investment in the university.

Giving totals for Kansas counties

Kansas county

Number of donors

Total gifts to K-State


Anderson                                52$19,934
Atchison                                101$67,306
Barber                                  57$83,975
Barton                                  339$820,146
Bourbon                                 45$10,567
Brown                                   176$1,494,057
Butler                                  460$494,691
Chase                                   46$6,807
Chautauqua                              15$2,330
Cherokee                                28$19,005
Cheyenne                                34$7,990
Clark                                   41$309,656
Clay                                    271$207,181
Cloud                                   159$174,683
Coffey                                  104$117,864
Comanche                                18$3,762
Cowley                                  194$133,920
Crawford                                105$32,232
Decatur                                 46$36,922
Dickinson                               412$173,870
Doniphan                                80$56,112
Douglas                                 575$413,414
Edwards                                 60$31,220
Elk                                     15$3,785
Ellis                                   230$262,698
Ellsworth                               102$1,729,995
Finney                                  370$912,464
Ford                                    218$424,659
Franklin                                157$44,338
Geary                                   385$342,324
Gove                                    41$32,267
Graham                                  17$20,136
Grant                                   42$6,580
Gray                                    95$108,375
Greeley                                 15$8,577
Greenwood                               75$34,973
Hamilton                                18$31,245
Harper                                  83$515,260
Harvey                                  356$341,029
Haskell                                 49$28,785
Hodgeman                                30$11,246
Jackson                                 187$141,861
Jefferson                               132$811,259
Jewell                                  57$26,152
Johnson                                 6,036$12,487,511
Kearny                                  25$880,839
Kingman                                 87$118,360
Kiowa                                   31$26,815
Labette                                 69$82,191
Lane                                    31$26,150
Leavenworth                             327$223,941
Lincoln                                 66$14,920
Linn                                    39$5,718
Logan                                   45$67,787
Lyon                                    195$322,605
Marion                                  135$280,761
Marshall                                296$180,587
McPherson                              446$220,794
Meade                                   39$8,165
Miami                                   207$178,064
Mitchell                                194$165,822
Montgomery                              153$51,892
Morris                                  144$95,760
Morton                                  13$925
Nemaha                                  242$731,636
Neosho                                  101$188,357
Ness                                    72$143,477
Norton                                  59$23,240
Osage                                   165$71,386
Osborne                                 78$26,717
Ottawa                                  122$46,746
Pawnee                                  114$94,750
Phillips                                192$770,762
Pottawatomie                            951$713,780
Pratt                                   143$1,343,054
Rawlins                                 45$7,134
Reno                                    575$1,154,938
Republic                                134$189,568
Rice                                    112$252,990
Riley                                   7,969$29,678,477
Rooks                                   56$34,553
Rush                                    34$5,623
Russell                                 91$64,749
Saline                                  1,124$40,966,499
Scott                                   149$385,144
Sedgwick                                2,918$4,012,127
Seward                                  72$51,031
Shawnee                                 2,182$3,883,027
Sheridan                                37$247,957
Sherman                                 56$17,501
Smith                                   53$12,572
Stafford                                72$65,767
Stanton                                 23$31,973
Stevens                                 33$6,630
Sumner                                  142$79,736
Thomas                                  111$462,557
Trego                                   38$8,756
Wabaunsee                               187$53,745
Wallace                                 25$2,745
Washington                              146$94,677
Wichita                                 41$19,825
Wilson                                  59$23,053
Woodson                                 33$6,642
Wyandotte                               318$566,221


Fred Cholick
or 785-410-1866


Cholick is CHAH-lick


Kansas State University Foundation

Written by

Julie Lea

At a glance

Kansas State University donors gave a record $211 million in philanthropic gifts and commitments in the last fiscal year.

Notable quote

"The generosity of K-State's alumni and friends is phenomenal. "This achievement is a clear statement of support for the leadership of Kansas State University and its strategic direction. K-State is thriving and the future is very bright."

— Retired Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the KSU Foundation board of directors