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News Releases

Thursday, July 28, 2016

McCain Performance Series offers Super Saver Sunday on July 31
Kansas State University's McCain Performance Series is making it easy to save while catching some of the biggest names in entertainment. 

Tuesday, July, 26, 2016

Kansas State Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory now processing samples for Gold Standard Labs
The Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at Kansas State University is known for providing bovine testing services to veterinarians and cattle producers nationwide, and is now the new service provider for samples previously submitted to Gold Standard Labs. 

Monday, July 25, 2016

Kansas State University veterinary researcher's work featured in science as art exhibition
A cancerous storm is among the nine artistic images in a new exhibition of work by regional scientists on display in Kansas City, Missouri.

Friday, July 22, 2016

University's Pinkall again part of arranging opening ceremony for Olympics
Bryan Pinkall, assistant professor of music at Kansas State University, is part of the performance operations team in charge of the opening ceremony for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. 

Study by Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory researchers finds climate, landscape changes may lead to more rabid skunks
Researchers in the Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory recently evaluated the spatial and spatio-temporal patterns of infection status among striped skunk cases submitted for rabies testing in the north central Plains of the U.S.


Thursday, July 21, 2016

National study finds Kansas State University fit to be among the best
A national study by the American College of Sports Medicine, the National Academy of Kinesiology and the American Kinesiology Association ranks Kansas State University second in the nation for physical activity and healthy lifestyles.


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Accident at Seaton Hall construction site
Shortly before 11 a.m. Wednesday, July 20, Kansas State University Police and emergency personnel from the Manhattan Fire Department and Riley County EMS responded to the Seaton Hall construction site on the Manhattan campus for a workplace accident. 


Monday, July 18, 2016

'Bearcam' study focuses on human emotional connection with wildlife, parks
Two Kansas State University researchers are using a "bearcam" at Katmai National Park to study if people form emotional connections with animals by watching live webcams. 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Study by Kansas State University veterinary team looks at wild amphibians as possible zoonotic disease hosts
A study by a collaborative research team led by Kansas State University's Yongming Sang that probes if wild amphibians could be hosts for infectious diseases was recently published in Nature's Scientific Reports.

Kansas State University veterinarian offers prevention tips following recent rabies case in area
With the recent diagnosis by the Kansas State University Rabies Laboratory of a rabies positive cat from Wabaunsee County, a university veterinarian recommends several steps to limit exposure of the disease to humans and animals.


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Kansas State University tops ranking of state's best universities
The top university in Kansas is Kansas State University, according to rankings by Money magazine.

Project looks at how temperature affects food safety of school lunches
Researchers at Kansas State University and K-State Olathe are collaborating on a project that is using temperature to improve the safety of leftover food in schools and child care centers. The project looks at how temperature and cooling techniques used by schools when preparing and storing food affects the growth of foodborne pathogens. 


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Veterinary researcher receives NIH grant for vaccine development against E. coli
Weiping Zhang, professor of microbiology in Kansas State University's College of Veterinary Medicine, has received his third grant in three years for development of a vaccine for E. coli-related diarrhea in humans and animals.

Kansas State University researcher receives national award for early career plant breeding work
Kansas State University's Jesse Poland, assistant professor of plant pathology, is the winner of the National Association of Plant Breeders' 2016 Early Career Scientist Award, which recognizes a young scientist who is active in the field of plant breeding.


Monday, July 11, 2016

Kansas State Polytechnic and Kansas Wesleyan University jointly offer unmanned aircraft systems, emergency management minors to students
Through a joint agreement signed July 11, Kansas Wesleyan University emergency management majors are able to cross-register and earn a minor in unmanned aircraft systems at Kansas State Polytechnic, while unmanned aircraft systems students at Kansas State Polytechnic now can cross-register and earn a minor in emergency management at Kansas Wesleyan. 

Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Tanzanian university partner for World Organisation for Animal Health-supported twinning project
A veterinary education twinning partnership between Kansas State University and Sokoine University of Agriculture Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will strengthen the curriculum and educational resources at the Tanzanian university and provide opportunities for faculty and students from both universities to be exposed to global health challenges and veterinary production systems in a different cultural and socio-economic setting.

Summer scholarships help Kansas State University Global Campus students
Kansas State University Global Campus has awarded 15 scholarships totaling $14,200 to degree-seeking distance students from across the U.S. for the summer 2016 semester.

National Strategic Selling Institute, Pi Sigma Epsilon team up to donate more than $8,000 to Big Brothers Big Sisters serving Riley County
The Kansas State University National Strategic Selling Institute, along with the local chapter of national sales and marketing business fraternity Pi Sigma Epsilon, recently teamed up to donate more than $8,000 to Big Brothers Big Sisters serving Riley County.

Kansas State University Master of Architecture graduates awarded Heintzelman, Kremer prizes for outstanding work
Outstanding design work by fifth-year students in the architecture program at Kansas State University's College of Architecture, Planning & Design, or APDesign, has been recognized with the Heintzelman and Kremer prizes.

Friday, July 8, 2016

CEEZAD transboundary animal disease summer program provides special opportunity for future veterinary professionals
Ten future veterinary professionals with an interest in transboundary disease research recently took part in a two-week training program conducted by the Center of Excellence for Emerging Zoonotic and Animal Diseases at Kansas State University in coordination with the university's Biosecurity Research Institute.


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Kansas' first-ever UAS director to have part-time residency at Kansas State University's Polytechnic Campus
Officials at Kansas State University's Polytechnic Campus are looking forward to working with the state's first-ever unmanned aircrafts systems director, who will have a part-time office on the campus.

Kansas State University researchers study immigration from Central America to rural Kansas
Alisa Garni, associate professor of sociology at Kansas State University, and her student team are conducting long-term, in-depth ethnographic research on Central American immigrants in Kansas. 

Kansas State University Launch a Business Program provides much-needed resources for four Kansas startups
Four Kansas startups recently go some help getting their businesses off the ground through Kansas State University's Launch a Business program.


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

College access mission of new Kansas State University program launching this fall in Johnson, Wyandotte counties
Meaghan Higgins will serve as director of a new program offered through Kansas State University that will helplow-income, first-generation college and underrepresented high school students from Wyandotte and Johnson counties enter and complete higher education.

Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine names Hans Coetzee department head of anatomy and physiology
A former faculty member is returning to Kansas State University to lead the anatomy and physiology department in the College of Veterinary Medicine.


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Police investigate student death
The Kansas State University Police Department is currently investigating the July 5 suicide of a K-State student at the Jardine Apartment Complex on the Manhattan campus. 

Tenth annual Tough Enough to Wear Pink Rodeo, dinner support Kansas State University cancer research
The Kaw Valley Rodeo Association's 10th annual Tough Enough to Wear Pink Rodeo will be at 8 p.m. Friday, July 22, at Wells Arena in Manhattan's CiCo Park. The event honors cancer survivors and raises awareness and funds for Kansas State University's Johnson Cancer Research Center.

Kansas State University undergraduates receive special grants for research projects in College of Veterinary Medicine
The Histochemical Society has awarded its first three awards under its new Capstone Grant research program, and two of the recipients are from Kansas State University.



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